Hillary's Clown Car Busting Up

Clown car is an asinine insult flagrantly used by the left.
Don't stoop to their lever with the childish names

By all means the right should continue using the term Clown Car. That term is so firmly pinned to the right's lapel till any use of it by anybody draws attention to the huge number of crazies joining the race for GOP nomination. Using short bus, or any other mode of transportation for a large amount of the mentally challenged will have the same effect. It's kinda like trying to say Bernie Sanders has road kill on his head. You can try, but Bernie won't be the one laughed at. Not the effect you had hoped for.

let us not forget Vince Foster !! :up:

If the DNC had any brains, they would dump HRC and get behind Webb. But, its her turn, and they let the black guy take her turn last time. So they will run the tired, old, shrill, incompetent, lying, corrupt bitch------------------------------------and she will lose. She is the dems Dole and McCain in a fat legged pant suit.
Val Jarrett isn't finished- hasn't even started, fucking Hillary over. Val leaked that Hillary had a secret email account, I think she's waiting to finish off Hillary. Probably going to drop something a week before the first primary, so Hillary won't be able to mount a defense in time

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