Hillary’s Email Provider Hacked; Data Sent To Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Hillary’s Email Provider Hacked; Data Sent To Ukraine

As was previously reported here, there is real concern for the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Ari Fleischer, former Presidential Press Secretary, believes that her emails were likely in the hands of foreign powers.

Now, that belief seems to have been confirmed. Western Journalism reports:

The “consumer grade” company that hosted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email domain was hacked in 2010. Furthermore, its data was rerouted to Ukraine, according to a report.

This could spell disaster for Clinton as well as American security. Are her emails in the hands of Vladimir Putin? Did some hacker in Ukraine sell them to the highest bidder – like China, North Korea, or Iran? Time may tell the whole tale. Western Journalism continues their report:

Clinton’s problems have been compounded by the fact that Network Solutions was hacked in 2010, when Clinton was using its services. “We have received reports that Network Solutions customers are seeing malicious code added to their websites, and we are really sorry for this experience,” a company spokesperson said at the time.

As I have already said, if Putin would give us Hillary's e-mails, then the FBI could investigate this fully, but this would keep Hillary out of the White House, and Putin wants another simpleton for President here.
probably, could have been, might have been, likely, may have been......etc etc etc....

PLEASE! It's all garbage reporting, with no proven facts, it's not reporting at all...simply political posturing articles completely devoid of facts and filled with never ending speculations of would have been, could have been, should have been, may have been, might have been, article after article.

I don't see how any inquiring minds can not see this clear as day?
Hillary’s Email Provider Hacked; Data Sent To Ukraine

As was previously reported here, there is real concern for the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Ari Fleischer, former Presidential Press Secretary, believes that her emails were likely in the hands of foreign powers.

Now, that belief seems to have been confirmed. Western Journalism reports:

The “consumer grade” company that hosted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email domain was hacked in 2010. Furthermore, its data was rerouted to Ukraine, according to a report.

This could spell disaster for Clinton as well as American security. Are her emails in the hands of Vladimir Putin? Did some hacker in Ukraine sell them to the highest bidder – like China, North Korea, or Iran? Time may tell the whole tale. Western Journalism continues their report:

Clinton’s problems have been compounded by the fact that Network Solutions was hacked in 2010, when Clinton was using its services. “We have received reports that Network Solutions customers are seeing malicious code added to their websites, and we are really sorry for this experience,” a company spokesperson said at the time.

As I have already said, if Putin would give us Hillary's e-mails, then the FBI could investigate this fully, but this would keep Hillary out of the White House, and Putin wants another simpleton for President here.

All your Hillary-hating bullshit conspiracy threads with no facts just make you look stupid.
Hillary’s Email Provider Hacked; Data Sent To Ukraine

As was previously reported here, there is real concern for the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Ari Fleischer, former Presidential Press Secretary, believes that her emails were likely in the hands of foreign powers.

Now, that belief seems to have been confirmed. Western Journalism reports:

The “consumer grade” company that hosted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email domain was hacked in 2010. Furthermore, its data was rerouted to Ukraine, according to a report.

This could spell disaster for Clinton as well as American security. Are her emails in the hands of Vladimir Putin? Did some hacker in Ukraine sell them to the highest bidder – like China, North Korea, or Iran? Time may tell the whole tale. Western Journalism continues their report:

Clinton’s problems have been compounded by the fact that Network Solutions was hacked in 2010, when Clinton was using its services. “We have received reports that Network Solutions customers are seeing malicious code added to their websites, and we are really sorry for this experience,” a company spokesperson said at the time.

As I have already said, if Putin would give us Hillary's e-mails, then the FBI could investigate this fully, but this would keep Hillary out of the White House, and Putin wants another simpleton for President here.

All your Hillary-hating bullshit conspiracy threads with no facts just make you look stupid.

And all of your Trump threads are what?
Hillary’s Email Provider Hacked; Data Sent To Ukraine

As was previously reported here, there is real concern for the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Ari Fleischer, former Presidential Press Secretary, believes that her emails were likely in the hands of foreign powers.

Now, that belief seems to have been confirmed. Western Journalism reports:

The “consumer grade” company that hosted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email domain was hacked in 2010. Furthermore, its data was rerouted to Ukraine, according to a report.

This could spell disaster for Clinton as well as American security. Are her emails in the hands of Vladimir Putin? Did some hacker in Ukraine sell them to the highest bidder – like China, North Korea, or Iran? Time may tell the whole tale. Western Journalism continues their report:

Clinton’s problems have been compounded by the fact that Network Solutions was hacked in 2010, when Clinton was using its services. “We have received reports that Network Solutions customers are seeing malicious code added to their websites, and we are really sorry for this experience,” a company spokesperson said at the time.

As I have already said, if Putin would give us Hillary's e-mails, then the FBI could investigate this fully, but this would keep Hillary out of the White House, and Putin wants another simpleton for President here.

All your Hillary-hating bullshit conspiracy threads with no facts just make you look stupid.

And all of your Trump threads are what?

Based on facts.
Hillary’s Email Provider Hacked; Data Sent To Ukraine

As was previously reported here, there is real concern for the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Ari Fleischer, former Presidential Press Secretary, believes that her emails were likely in the hands of foreign powers.

Now, that belief seems to have been confirmed. Western Journalism reports:

The “consumer grade” company that hosted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email domain was hacked in 2010. Furthermore, its data was rerouted to Ukraine, according to a report.

This could spell disaster for Clinton as well as American security. Are her emails in the hands of Vladimir Putin? Did some hacker in Ukraine sell them to the highest bidder – like China, North Korea, or Iran? Time may tell the whole tale. Western Journalism continues their report:

Clinton’s problems have been compounded by the fact that Network Solutions was hacked in 2010, when Clinton was using its services. “We have received reports that Network Solutions customers are seeing malicious code added to their websites, and we are really sorry for this experience,” a company spokesperson said at the time.

As I have already said, if Putin would give us Hillary's e-mails, then the FBI could investigate this fully, but this would keep Hillary out of the White House, and Putin wants another simpleton for President here.
Virtually everyone predicted that her server would have been hacked. The libs on this board screamed No, No it's a lie. It didnt happen. etc etc.
So now it did happen. The bottom line here: Hillary's negligence and malfeasance led to classified infomation falling into enemy hands. That is a felony. It certainly defines an unfitness for office.
Hillary’s Email Provider Hacked; Data Sent To Ukraine

As was previously reported here, there is real concern for the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Ari Fleischer, former Presidential Press Secretary, believes that her emails were likely in the hands of foreign powers.

Now, that belief seems to have been confirmed. Western Journalism reports:

The “consumer grade” company that hosted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email domain was hacked in 2010. Furthermore, its data was rerouted to Ukraine, according to a report.

This could spell disaster for Clinton as well as American security. Are her emails in the hands of Vladimir Putin? Did some hacker in Ukraine sell them to the highest bidder – like China, North Korea, or Iran? Time may tell the whole tale. Western Journalism continues their report:

Clinton’s problems have been compounded by the fact that Network Solutions was hacked in 2010, when Clinton was using its services. “We have received reports that Network Solutions customers are seeing malicious code added to their websites, and we are really sorry for this experience,” a company spokesperson said at the time.

As I have already said, if Putin would give us Hillary's e-mails, then the FBI could investigate this fully, but this would keep Hillary out of the White House, and Putin wants another simpleton for President here.

All your Hillary-hating bullshit conspiracy threads with no facts just make you look stupid.

And all of your Trump threads are what?

Having trouble staying on topic? Unable to resist the urge to deflect?
As I have already said, if Putin would give us Hillary's e-mails, then the FBI could investigate this fully, but this would keep Hillary out of the White House, and Putin wants another simpleton for President here.

Has anyone ever told you that you have a serious mental problems?


As I have already said, if Putin would give us Hillary's e-mails, then the FBI could investigate this fully, but this would keep Hillary out of the White House, and Putin wants another simpleton for President here.

Has anyone ever told you that you have a serious mental problems?


So do you think Hillary's emails were not hacked? Or if they were it isnt very significant?
Or are you just demonstrating your stupidity and ignorance all over again?
So do you think Hillary's emails were not hacked? Or if they were it isnt very significant?
Or are you just demonstrating your stupidity and ignorance all over again?

Nobody cares about Hillary's emails except you Benghazi loons, this "investigation" will have exactly the same results as that previous going to jail scandal.

You would have more chance of success trying to repeal Obamacare once again

Does that answer your 3rd question?

Hillary’s Email Provider Hacked; Data Sent To Ukraine

As was previously reported here, there is real concern for the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Ari Fleischer, former Presidential Press Secretary, believes that her emails were likely in the hands of foreign powers.

Now, that belief seems to have been confirmed. Western Journalism reports:

The “consumer grade” company that hosted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email domain was hacked in 2010. Furthermore, its data was rerouted to Ukraine, according to a report.

This could spell disaster for Clinton as well as American security. Are her emails in the hands of Vladimir Putin? Did some hacker in Ukraine sell them to the highest bidder – like China, North Korea, or Iran? Time may tell the whole tale. Western Journalism continues their report:

Clinton’s problems have been compounded by the fact that Network Solutions was hacked in 2010, when Clinton was using its services. “We have received reports that Network Solutions customers are seeing malicious code added to their websites, and we are really sorry for this experience,” a company spokesperson said at the time.

As I have already said, if Putin would give us Hillary's e-mails, then the FBI could investigate this fully, but this would keep Hillary out of the White House, and Putin wants another simpleton for President here.
ummm, you do realize this is crapola don't you? your bull crud article says hillary's email provider while secretary of state was hacked....which is simply a LIE, she did not have an outside company as an email provider, her secure, private server, was the system for her and her staff's emails, NOT an outside service so all this bull crud on her outside email provider being hacked in 2010 is just made up bull crud.

Her server was NOT wiped clean, she simply deleted her emails, and her unwiped server is in the hands of the government for about a month now...yet your articles make no mention that they haven't found her server wiped clean as these right wing media bloggers have stated, and that they have access to ALL of Hilary's emails, both private and gvt emails...yet they, as in the government Investigators have come up with nothing so far...

so let's recap:

-she did not use an outside email provider as your article states, so all the speculation on what was stolen or hacked is just simply bull crap lies.

-And she did not have 2 gvt email accounts as the right wing liars said, and tried to show by using hill's gvt emails released, it was one only email address that she used while secretary of state for gvt business.

- She DID NOT WIPE her server clean as the right wing media has hounded on, the server hasn't been touched, she simply deleted her emails, so once again the right wing media has LIED.

- You lied and lied and lied, saying that Hillary deleting her personal emails was to hide something illegal yadahdahdahdah.... only now to find out Hillary was following government procedure for every employee to remove their private emails and NOT save them to the gvt archives, just delete them...at the user's own discretion.

I'm sorry, but anything you all claim, can NOT be trusted by any SANE and logical human being....you on the Right with your media, LIE too much, while claiming Hill is the liar...
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You Liberals are in such a state of denial when it comes to the security posture of the Clintoon private email server. Your partisanship is blinding any common sense whatsoever. Any of you Liberals on this thread have an IT Security background or do you think that by simply putting the private email server and storage in the hands of a Colorado outhouse is going to escape the eyes of the motivated hackers who want to get their hands on Clinton's email? Perhaps you are in denial that they the hackers left Clinton alone once they realized it was a private personal server? God help us if you loons are ever in charge of It Security. Your Security policy will be Hope of No Change.
Actually, what Hillary did is hire a tech company to manage her private network, this is logical, because she can not manage this while traveling abroad.

So try again

That pic reflects how much he cares about the Ukrainian nation.
Ukrainians also have little love for Putin.
So, if Ukraine received some of Hillary's emails, why would they give them to Putin?
So do you think Hillary's emails were not hacked? Or if they were it isnt very significant?
Or are you just demonstrating your stupidity and ignorance all over again?

Nobody cares about Hillary's emails except you Benghazi loons, this "investigation" will have exactly the same results as that previous going to jail scandal.

You would have more chance of success trying to repeal Obamacare once again

Does that answer your 3rd question?

Yes. The answer is Yes.
If you arent concerned about security breaches at the highest levels of government you are part of the problem.
Actually, what Hillary did is hire a tech company to manage her private network, this is logical, because she can not manage this while traveling abroad.

So try again
Lol, my yahoo account was hacked and they cut me totally out of it. So Hillary's email couldn't of been hacked? So just a normal citizen as myself, is more important than secretary of state, Hillary Clinton?
You Liberals are in such a state of denial when it comes to the security posture of the Clintoon private email server. Your partisanship is blinding any common sense whatsoever. Any of you Liberals on this thread have an IT Security background or do you think that by simply putting the private email server and storage in the hands of a Colorado outhouse is going to escape the eyes of the motivated hackers who want to get their hands on Clinton's email? Perhaps you are in denial that they the hackers left Clinton alone once they realized it was a private personal server? God help us if you loons are ever in charge of It Security. Your Security policy will be Hope of No Change.

"IT Security" is an oxymoron.
Snowden's NSA leaks and the Chinese hacks on the OPM Classified records demonstrate that.
We also know that Russia's cyber hacking abilities are very sophisticated.

The cons are simply trying to make Hillary's emails an election issue for their ignorant voter base.
You Liberals are in such a state of denial when it comes to the security posture of the Clintoon private email server. Your partisanship is blinding any common sense whatsoever. Any of you Liberals on this thread have an IT Security background or do you think that by simply putting the private email server and storage in the hands of a Colorado outhouse is going to escape the eyes of the motivated hackers who want to get their hands on Clinton's email? Perhaps you are in denial that they the hackers left Clinton alone once they realized it was a private personal server? God help us if you loons are ever in charge of It Security. Your Security policy will be Hope of No Change.

"IT Security" is an oxymoron.
Snowden's NSA leaks and the Chinese hacks on the OPM Classified records demonstrate that.
We also know that Russia's cyber hacking abilities are very sophisticated.

The cons are simply trying to make Hillary's emails an election issue for their ignorant voter base.
Yeah we could run on the average united states citizen. Is more important than Hillary as secretary of state Clinton, because ordinary people's email gets hacked everyday. But Hillary's couldn't. Lol, yeah she is the smartest y'all have.
The hacker was from the Ukraine he was not he Ukraine. The e-mails were put up for bid, Obama was offered the sale for $500,000, he refused to deal with a terrorist. So the answer to your question is money, the Ukrainian hacker sold this info to the highest bidders for money. Are you saying that this is not real? Because the FBI has all of this in possession. Hillary Clinton's 'hacked' Benghazi emails: FULL RELEASE

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