Hillary's own lawyer admits she committed a crime - no longer eligible to be President?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Hillary's attorney, David Kendall, is quoted here about the server Hillary had used to store and process all her emails, saying: "no emails ... reside on the server or on any backup systems associated with the server."

In other words, the server has been wiped clean, with all emails that were on it, permanently deleted.

That's an interesting statement, coming from a lawyer.

Hillary has said that she decided for us, which emails she would allow us to see. She printed those out on paper, and then erased all the emails she thought we should not see. Her excuse was that she had decided they were not "work related". Now her lawyer says she erased ALL the emails on the server, apparently after preserving non-machine-searchable copies of some of them on paper.

Have a look at US Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 101, Section 2071. It's a Federal law governing such things.

18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away
any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(b) Whoever, having the custody of
any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.

Note that this applies to "any record" held by a public official, not just the ones the person decides it's OK for us to see, or wants to withhold because an email is "personal".

In other words, with her legal representative stating that she destroyed the records she possessed and had decided not to allow us to see, she is now disqualified from holding any office. Including President. Barred by Federal law.

From her lawyer's mouth.

The big question: Will she obey this law???


Gowdy: Clinton wiped email server clean, deleted all emails

Clinton wiped email server clean, deleted all emails

Associated Press
45 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton wiped her email server "clean," permanently deleting all emails from it, the Republican chairman of a House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks said Friday.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said the former secretary of state has failed to produce a single new document in recent weeks and has refused to relinquish her server to a third party for an independent review, as Gowdy has requested.

Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, said Gowdy was looking in the wrong place.

In a six-page letter released late Friday, Kendall said Clinton had turned over to the State Department all work-related emails sent or received during her tenure as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.

"The Department of State is therefore in possession of all Secretary Clinton's work-related emails from the (personal email) account," Kendall wrote.

Kendall also said it would be pointless for Clinton to turn over her server, even if legally authorized, since "no emails ... reside on the server or on any backup systems associated with the server."
Oh my stars....whatever will we do?

Oh........I see......so you think the 'fix' is in at the DOJ for the Hill-Beast.

Just immune from the 188th smoking gun we've uncovered disqualifying Ms. Clinton from running. At some point don't you roll your eyes when the peanut gallery posts something as fraudulently produced as this thread or the one from last week, or the two from next week?

I just fain terror and have fun with it now...what else can one do?
The cover up used to be worse than the crime but apparently it only works for republicans. Even if they disregard her years of enabling her husband's abuse of women, any sane person has to be concerned about her arrogance and her shrieking often inappropriate laughter.
Hillary's own lawyer admits she committed a crime - no longer eligible to be President?

Actually, it's looking more likely each day Hillary may become president as more conservatives decide to tank their party's chances by embracing The Donald.
Hillary's own lawyer admits she committed a crime - no longer eligible to be President?

Actually, it's looking more likely each day Hillary may become president as more conservatives decide to tank their party's chances by embracing The Donald.

It really sucks sitting back and watching the Dems and Rep fuck everything up, blame each other and then sit back claiming to be the smart ones. It's like, fuk... nothing is gonna get better.
Oh my stars....whatever will we do?

RWNJs will just keep telling the same lies, over and over cuz they believe whatever they're told to believe. Say it three thimes and its fact.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything in the OP, but I hate it anyway. So I'll just repeat the word "lies" again, smear the conservatives again, and hope somebody believe me instead of the facts in the OP.
Oh my stars....whatever will we do?

Oh........I see......so you think the 'fix' is in at the DOJ for the Hill-Beast.

Just immune from the 188th smoking gun we've uncovered disqualifying Ms. Clinton from running. At some point don't you roll your eyes when the peanut gallery posts something as fraudulently produced as this thread or the one from last week, or the two from next week?

I just fain terror and have fun with it now...what else can one do?
TRANSLATION: I can't refute it either. So I'll follow the other liberal fanatics' lead and call it names, and call the poster names, and pretend there's something wrong with it anyway though I can't point anything out.
Hold on. You are reading that law to say that a public official can not delete their own personal emails?

Your thread title is another example of rw bullshit lies.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything the OP said either, but I hate it too. So I'll pretend he said something he didn't, and then call him names like the others, and hope somebody believes me somewhere. Maybe if enough of us liberals tell enough lies and call Republicans enough names, the bad things Hillary has done will get swept under the rug again.
In other words, the HRC guy did no such thing.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute it either, so I'll simply lie about it.
TRANSLATION: There is nothing to refute because it did not happen.
TRANSLATION: I'll clap my hands over my ears, close my eyes, and chant "LA LA LA LA LA I deny it, it never happened, LA LA LA LA LA..." and hope no one notices it was a direct quote of what he said publicly.
As I understand it the big hullabaloo was that she was using an unsecured device and it could be hacked. Now the peanut gallery seems upset that there are deleted emails that nobody can hack???


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