Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.

Yes, it was, post 19-
You can't read either, we see, from the article

In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.

Who's had control for going on 6 years...shit for brains? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Has anyone been able to confirm as fact that this actually happened under Hillary's watch? I asked on page 1 or 2 and didn't get an answer. It didnt say in the article linked in the OP.

Hillary wasn't secretary of state for 6 years.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing, I'm asking because if it is true, I'll be shouting it from the mountaintops.

Almost 6 years, this year with John Kerry is number 6. The report speaks of findings from 2013, thus it appears most of this was under her watch.
... Let's hope the American People don't decide to go the corrupt Communist Globalist route. We've had more than enough of that.

Hey it's the corrupt Communist Globalists' country too!

Myself, I've had enough of politicians that shut the government down whenever their unreasonable demands are refused. Would the communist globalists take America hostage like the Teabaggers did?
Wave your stupidity flag for everyone to see, Randy.

Granny, I'm afraid it is YOU who has no clue as to how the "government" works. I worked for the "gubmit" for 22 years in the military at embassies around the world. I held a TSSC3 Security Clearance. You?

You've been reading far too many John Grisham novels. 6 BILLION dollars is unaccounted for. What YOU are suggesting could have been accomplished for less than ONE million.

So now be a kind soul and return to your knitting and leave the supposition to the Ian Fleming lovers. ;)

Did you really just ask granny what security clearance she held? You know she's a Dumbocrat, right? Which means she couldn't hold a minimum wage check out job at McDonald's much less hold a security clearance. You think an entitled little liberal prick like her is going to stand a post somewhere or contribute to this country?

Actually I did have a security clearance. Can't tell you what it was for because I don't know if it's been declassified.
You have no idea how much money $6 BILLION dollars is! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Towns folk, goods and services! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Oh dear, a spoiler...Afghanistan's farmers are rushing to replant their fields with the base ingredient of opium after the country reaped its biggest poppy harvest ever last May.

After record opium year, Afghans plant new poppy crop - World - The Boston Globe

Did I say that the bribes were successful? No, I didn't.

Of course they weren't - nothing the Dumbocrats ever do is successful. All they ever do is create more poverty and misery with their failed policies.

Congratulations, you made the stupidest post ever.
Shes not the secretary of state

No - John [I got a boo-boo] Kerry is, so both him and his predecessor are accoountable, more so his predecessor as it was discovered on his watch but most can traced to his predecessor --- so who was his predecessor ? :lol:
Did I say that the bribes were successful? No, I didn't.

Of course they weren't - nothing the Dumbocrats ever do is successful. All they ever do is create more poverty and misery with their failed policies.

Congratulations, you made the stupidest post ever.

How does a woman get to be your age, and continue to be so stupid...What, you're taking Joe Biden pills as a supplement?
Granny, I'm afraid it is YOU who has no clue as to how the "government" works. I worked for the "gubmit" for 22 years in the military at embassies around the world. I held a TSSC3 Security Clearance. You?

You've been reading far too many John Grisham novels. 6 BILLION dollars is unaccounted for. What YOU are suggesting could have been accomplished for less than ONE million.

So now be a kind soul and return to your knitting and leave the supposition to the Ian Fleming lovers. ;)

Did you really just ask granny what security clearance she held? You know she's a Dumbocrat, right? Which means she couldn't hold a minimum wage check out job at McDonald's much less hold a security clearance. You think an entitled little liberal prick like her is going to stand a post somewhere or contribute to this country?

Actually I did have a security clearance. Can't tell you what it was for because I don't know if it's been declassified.

Ah, C'mon honey. Security Clearances aren't "classified". Only the material that they allow you to come into contact with is. Strike two.

There is Confidential - Secret - Top Secret - 6 levels of "Special Compartmentalized" and that's about it.

But please. Enlighten us. I'd love to hear about your exploits with Goldmember and Doctor Evil. Not to mention Fat Bastard. I LOVE that guy..... :D
Of course I piss my pants at the thought of this unhinged, irrational, emotional train wreck socialist with her finger on the nuclear launch button.

She's proven herself over and over to be a nasty, shrill **** who laughs at useful idiots like you Joe while she dines on $1,200 plates every night.

Wow... you went with the C-word.

Okay, guy, if you really think overt misogyny is going to get you ahead any m ore than overt racism did in 2008 and 2012, please have at it.

I suspect it's going to work out even worse, as most of the people you are trying to appeal to with that shit have mothers, wives, sisters and daughters.

Were you this upset when Bill Maher called Palin a ****? .... and that was on Cable for all the world to see, not just a few political junkies talking to each other!

Bill Maher is a comedian.

I'm not sure why you are taking a comedian so seriously.

I think most of us are getting a little bored with Palin's professional "victimhood". "Waaaah, the Comedians are making jokes about me!"
Wow... you went with the C-word.

Okay, guy, if you really think overt misogyny is going to get you ahead any m ore than overt racism did in 2008 and 2012, please have at it.

I suspect it's going to work out even worse, as most of the people you are trying to appeal to with that shit have mothers, wives, sisters and daughters.

Were you this upset when Bill Maher called Palin a ****? .... and that was on Cable for all the world to see, not just a few political junkies talking to each other!

Bill Maher is a comedian.

I'm not sure why you are taking a comedian so seriously.

I think most of us are getting a little bored with Palin's professional "victimhood". "Waaaah, the Comedians are making jokes about me!"

Seems we keep hearing that most of our young people get their "NEWS" from comedian John Stewart! So because that asshole Maher says it, it gets passed around like wildfire. I don't see her complaining, but I do see GOOD PEOPLE standing up for the exact things she believes and states. Because you and your gang of thugs, FEAR her, putting out the things to the public that makes sense, and are ethically correct, you and even stupid Republican's, that are really Democrat lites, vilify her. Easy to spot, and easier to defend. You sir, are indefensible!
This conversation is mute. The general population will never elect another GOP president. Their best last chance was with McCain. Even after all the Gerrymandering and dirty tricks like what they did in Florida the best they could achieve was to make use of the secret billions in contributions bolstered by the ruling that corporations are people.

Their constituants are easily steered by the usual suspects. Fear mongering and backwards lockstep christian fascists running a war hero... And they couldn't even beat a half breed ni**er. It will only get worse. Their leaders are insane and incompetant. Ideologs that blather the company line doesn't sell to free Americans that don't owe them anything.

What power they have left is steadily slipping away. You can only steal just so many votes.. There is a limit to how many voters will tolorate dissenfranchisement. You can only isolate so many districts with redistricting.

The GOP is a dinasoar. Extinction is immenent.

As the internet and all media is truly grass roots eventually and inevitably the wailing and the death throws of the christian fascists will fall more and more on deaf tweets.

Crazy had it's run. "You can fool some of the people some of the time"... BUT as it turns out the best crazy can do is just get in the way..it will never win out.

Hillary will win easily and she will probably drag new majorities in the Senate and House along on her coat tails because the CRAZIES will not be able to help themselves denegrating women in their desperation. It's like any juvenile that was ever born. However they got their hands on dad's Ferrari ... you just knew they would eventually wrap it around a telephone pole.

Oh Gawd, the old tired 'Republican Party is Dead' meme. Sorry dummies, it ain't gonna happen. That's just your delusional Communist wishful thinking.
This conversation is mute. The general population will never elect another GOP president. Their best last chance was with McCain. Even after all the Gerrymandering and dirty tricks like what they did in Florida the best they could achieve was to make use of the secret billions in contributions bolstered by the ruling that corporations are people.

Their constituants are easily steered by the usual suspects. Fear mongering and backwards lockstep christian fascists running a war hero... And they couldn't even beat a half breed ni**er. It will only get worse. Their leaders are insane and incompetant. Ideologs that blather the company line doesn't sell to free Americans that don't owe them anything.

What power they have left is steadily slipping away. You can only steal just so many votes.. There is a limit to how many voters will tolorate dissenfranchisement. You can only isolate so many districts with redistricting.

The GOP is a dinasoar. Extinction is immenent.

As the internet and all media is truly grass roots eventually and inevitably the wailing and the death throws of the christian fascists will fall more and more on deaf tweets.

Crazy had it's run. "You can fool some of the people some of the time"... BUT as it turns out the best crazy can do is just get in the way..it will never win out.

Hillary will win easily and she will probably drag new majorities in the Senate and House along on her coat tails because the CRAZIES will not be able to help themselves denegrating women in their desperation. It's like any juvenile that was ever born. However they got their hands on dad's Ferrari ... you just knew they would eventually wrap it around a telephone pole.

Oh Gawd, the old tired 'Republican Party is Dead' meme. Sorry dummies, it ain't gonna happen. That's just your delusional Communist wishful thinking.

That's a good wackadoodle. Everyone that has enough sense to see the obvious is a communist.

I expect nothing less.
This conversation is mute. The general population will never elect another GOP president. Their best last chance was with McCain. Even after all the Gerrymandering and dirty tricks like what they did in Florida the best they could achieve was to make use of the secret billions in contributions bolstered by the ruling that corporations are people.

Their constituants are easily steered by the usual suspects. Fear mongering and backwards lockstep christian fascists running a war hero... And they couldn't even beat a half breed ni**er. It will only get worse. Their leaders are insane and incompetant. Ideologs that blather the company line doesn't sell to free Americans that don't owe them anything.

What power they have left is steadily slipping away. You can only steal just so many votes.. There is a limit to how many voters will tolorate dissenfranchisement. You can only isolate so many districts with redistricting.

The GOP is a dinasoar. Extinction is immenent.

As the internet and all media is truly grass roots eventually and inevitably the wailing and the death throws of the christian fascists will fall more and more on deaf tweets.

Crazy had it's run. "You can fool some of the people some of the time"... BUT as it turns out the best crazy can do is just get in the way..it will never win out.

Hillary will win easily and she will probably drag new majorities in the Senate and House along on her coat tails because the CRAZIES will not be able to help themselves denegrating women in their desperation. It's like any juvenile that was ever born. However they got their hands on dad's Ferrari ... you just knew they would eventually wrap it around a telephone pole.

Oh Gawd, the old tired 'Republican Party is Dead' meme. Sorry dummies, it ain't gonna happen. That's just your delusional Communist wishful thinking.

That's a good wackadoodle. Everyone that has enough sense to see the obvious is a communist.

I expect nothing less.

Of course it's obvious the Republican Party is dead. But only obvious to you dumb Communist Wingnuts. How many years you been declaring the Republican Party dead? A whole bunch, huh? Y'all craaazy. :cuckoo:

Seems we keep hearing that most of our young people get their "NEWS" from comedian John Stewart! So because that asshole Maher says it, it gets passed around like wildfire. I don't see her complaining, but I do see GOOD PEOPLE standing up for the exact things she believes and states. Because you and your gang of thugs, FEAR her, putting out the things to the public that makes sense, and are ethically correct, you and even stupid Republican's, that are really Democrat lites, vilify her. Easy to spot, and easier to defend. You sir, are indefensible!

Guy, nobody fears Caribou Barbie.

McCain's own people blame her for his loss... (although I think he would have still lost with any other runningmate.)

I think what worries me is that a woman this piss ignorant of major national issues other than what bromides other people write for her, is a national figure when there are so many smarter people on BOTH sides that we ought to listen to is scary.

Seems we keep hearing that most of our young people get their "NEWS" from comedian John Stewart! So because that asshole Maher says it, it gets passed around like wildfire. I don't see her complaining, but I do see GOOD PEOPLE standing up for the exact things she believes and states. Because you and your gang of thugs, FEAR her, putting out the things to the public that makes sense, and are ethically correct, you and even stupid Republican's, that are really Democrat lites, vilify her. Easy to spot, and easier to defend. You sir, are indefensible!

Guy, nobody fears Caribou Barbie.

McCain's own people blame her for his loss... (although I think he would have still lost with any other runningmate.)

I think what worries me is that a woman this piss ignorant of major national issues other than what bromides other people write for her, is a national figure when there are so many smarter people on BOTH sides that we ought to listen to is scary.

Of course, a RINO, who needed her for CREDIBILITY with the Conservative base so he could draw on them for support, is going to blame her, for his loss.

It has been a disgusting spectacle watching the McCain team, through the mechanism of the Hollywood left's hatchet job "Game Change' put the blame for their incompetence on Palin-the facts prove otherwise.



Yet those who cited Palin's selection as a factor in their vote -- 60% of all voters -- favored McCain by 56% to 43%.
After the election, on Nov. 7, 2008, an article published by Rasmussen

Rasmussen Reports
Friday, November 07, 2008
Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Republican voters say Alaska Governor Sarah Palin helped John McCain’s bid for the presidency, even as news reports surface that some McCain staffers think she was a liability.

Gallup polls from the last presidential race prove that once Palin joined the ticket on Aug. 29, 2008, McCain’s ratings steadily climbed to a point where the Republican ticket even outshined Democratic Sen. Barack Obama.
In the two weeks before Palin joined the McCain ticket, the Arizona senator drifted in the low 40 percentile range, mostly around 41, 42 and 43 percent, while Obama held as much as an 8 point lead at about 49 and 50 percent. Four days after Palin joined the ticket, however, McCain’s numbers climbed to 45 percent and Obama’s sank to 47 percent, narrowing the gap significantly from eight points to two.
Between Sept. 4-6, McCain and Palin actually overshot the Obama ticket by 3 percent with the Republicans in the lead at 48 percent and the Democrats at only 45. McCain consistently held that lead until Sept. 15, and then the candidates balanced out with Obama enjoying a mere three-point lead, and no lead at all from Sept. 22-24, when the numbers were tied at 46 percent.
Some were intrigued as to how McCain’s decision would play out in the polls, but once he suspended his campaign in late September he never recaptured the lead he enjoyed with the breaking news of recruiting Palin.

As stated, FEAR from the left, and their continued "WAR ON WOMEN!"
This conversation is mute. The general population will never elect another GOP president. Their best last chance was with McCain. Even after all the Gerrymandering and dirty tricks like what they did in Florida the best they could achieve was to make use of the secret billions in contributions bolstered by the ruling that corporations are people.

Their constituants are easily steered by the usual suspects. Fear mongering and backwards lockstep christian fascists running a war hero... And they couldn't even beat a half breed ni**er. It will only get worse. Their leaders are insane and incompetant. Ideologs that blather the company line doesn't sell to free Americans that don't owe them anything.

What power they have left is steadily slipping away. You can only steal just so many votes.. There is a limit to how many voters will tolorate dissenfranchisement. You can only isolate so many districts with redistricting.

The GOP is a dinasoar. Extinction is immenent.

As the internet and all media is truly grass roots eventually and inevitably the wailing and the death throws of the christian fascists will fall more and more on deaf tweets.

Crazy had it's run. "You can fool some of the people some of the time"... BUT as it turns out the best crazy can do is just get in the way..it will never win out.

Hillary will win easily and she will probably drag new majorities in the Senate and House along on her coat tails because the CRAZIES will not be able to help themselves denegrating women in their desperation. It's like any juvenile that was ever born. However they got their hands on dad's Ferrari ... you just knew they would eventually wrap it around a telephone pole.

Oh Gawd, the old tired 'Republican Party is Dead' meme. Sorry dummies, it ain't gonna happen. That's just your delusional Communist wishful thinking.

That's a good wackadoodle. Everyone that has enough sense to see the obvious is a communist.

I expect nothing less.

It is no more asinine or ‘wackadoodle’ than your statement that the people will ‘never’ elect another GOP president. That is the pinnacle of asshattery. The real sad fact is that the dems have only managed to be somewhat successful for a whopping 6 years before you go off and declare the party dead. No matter that the republicans actually control the majority of governmental legislative positions (by a rather fair margin at that).

The dems were an extinct party just ten short years ago and look where those asinine predictions led – nowhere. Your assertions are no different. To think that the political framework of today is somehow locked into reality for an eternity is silly. To completely miss the fact that the GOP is still relevant and in control of the majority of legislative and gubernatorial bodies across the nation is willful ignorance.

You are seeing what you want to see – not reality by any stretch of the imagination.

Current breakdown of governors: 31 Republican, 23 Democrat, 1 Independent

State Legislators: 27 Republican controlled, 17 Democrat controlled, 6 split
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The claims that the GOP is somehow no longer ‘relevant’ and is never going to win national elections again is little more than partisan hackery and is horribly transparent to anyone willing to think for themselves.

Of course, a RINO, who needed her for CREDIBILITY with the Conservative base so he could draw on them for support, is going to blame her, for his loss.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Republican voters say Alaska Governor Sarah Palin helped John McCain’s bid for the presidency, even as news reports surface that some McCain staffers think she was a liability.

That's great and everything, but that implies that 31% of republican voters thought she hurt his bid.

And that's republicans. Those are the people he should have been able to count on.

In fact, McCain only got 90% of the GOP vote, compared to 93% for Bush-43 in 2004 and 92% for the Mormon in 2012. He also only got 78% of the conservative vote, compared to 84% for Bush and 82% for Romney.

But here's where McCain really fell flat on his face. He only got 44% of independents and 39% of moderates. (Bush and Romney did better with both groups.)

In short, the people he needed to win, the people he should have won because he was a different kind of Republican (i.e. not Batshit Crazy) he didn't win because Palin scared those folks off.

]Gallup polls from the last presidential race[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/URL] prove that once Palin joined the ticket on Aug. 29, 2008, McCain’s ratings steadily climbed to a point where the Republican ticket even outshined Democratic Sen. Barack Obama.[/]In the two weeks before Palin joined the McCain ticket, the Arizona senator drifted in the low 40 percentile range, mostly around 41, 42 and 43 percent, while Obama held as much as an 8 point lead at about 49 and 50 percent. Four days after Palin joined the ticket, however, McCain’s numbers climbed to 45 percent and Obama’s sank to 47 percent, narrowing the gap significantly from eight points to two.

Between Sept. 4-6, McCain and Palin actually overshot the Obama ticket by 3 percent with the Republicans in the lead at 48 percent and the Democrats at only 45. McCain consistently held that lead until Sept. 15, and then the candidates balanced out with Obama enjoying a mere three-point lead, and no lead at all from Sept. 22-24, when the numbers were tied at 46 percent.

This is sort of meaningless. During EVERY convention period, that is when the party's nominee will have his best numbers. for instance, in 1988, during the week of his convention, Mike Dukakis was leading George H. Bush by 16 points. No one credits Lloyd Bensten for that.

Reality check, though, after peaking with his convention, people had enough time to think, "The Republicans fucked up the economy, this crazy old Asshole thinks we need another war in Iran, and oh, yeah, his running mate appears to be clinically retarded."

Oh by the way, using the font features to create "hostage notes" does note make your posts any easier to read or make them any more intelligent.
Incidently, i think it's kind of unfair to blame Palin for McCain's loss, mostly because we really didn't find out how dog-stupid this woman was until after she lost.

What did McCain in was Bush messing up the war, the economy, Katrina, and just about everything else.

After the Stock Market collapsed in September 2008, McCain was done.
Incidently, i think it's kind of unfair to blame Palin for McCain's loss, mostly because we really didn't find out how dog-stupid this woman was until after she lost.

What did McCain in was Bush messing up the war, the economy, Katrina, and just about everything else.

After the Stock Market collapsed in September 2008, McCain was done.

i disagree.... she played a part. and we all knew how stupid she was after the kouric interview.

the one where she was lobbed tough questions like "what newspapers do you read".... which the right still cries about.
The Clintons are the most corrupt Politicians in America. They're the worst of the worst. Let's hope America decides to go in a different direction.

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