Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.

Now, you on the left that STILL don't understand this, here's a little cartoon from WAY BACK WHEN, when children were TAUGHT this type of thing during Saturday morning cartoons.....Please try to keep up with events!...As I said, Newts video was CUT OFF before he could explain it any further!


This is an excellent set of videos for grown ups. The Legislative Process | Congress.gov | Library of Congress Perhaps one day you will watch it, Vigilante. :D
Well, the far right fringe did a great job of proving that they haven't the slightest idea of how government works.

Here's the deal, dummies: A lot of that money (and some of Dubya's missing billions too) is what's known as "dark" or "gray" money. This might come as a surprise, but our government often has to bribe other governments, or controlling entities within a country.

A lot of that cash went to poppy farmers. Some went to certain townsfolk to turn a blind eye. Some bought unapproved goods & services needed to entice some Americans to trouble themselves to work there.

Get the picture?

Oh, say it isn't so! I know it is not true because Ari Fleischer said so. Just look up the video on YouTube:
Bush Admin Best Moments: Ari Fleischer Gets Laughed Out of the Press Room
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Quick, everyone start on your Hillary derangement syndrome now, where we can take a few phrases out of a boilerplate government report and make them sound really sinister.

Of course, the money wasn't "lost'. Contracts were signed and work was done. And pretty much like any organization with reems of paperwork, it gets filed somewhere down with the UFO from Roswell and the Ark of the Covenant...
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Hillary is doomed?

Pfft. You are talking about a government where people like Charley Rangel flourish. There are no checks and balances, just an aristocracy supported by the press.

I say that come election time, most people won't know about this or care.

Hillary is the next in line to be appointed to the Presidency. Nothing you do can stop this fact.

absurd and ridiculous response..... unless of course she had her hand in the till personally. which even the liars on the right can't say. (not to mention the questionable source).

as for appointment to the presidency... the only APPOINTMENT has been baby bush. and you didn't hear the whinging and whining that the LEGITIMATE ELECTION OF A TWO TERM PRESIDENT causes among rightwingnut sore losers... even after all this time.

tighten up.
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The Clintons are as corrupt as they come. Let's hope the American People don't decide to go the corrupt Communist Globalist route. We've had more than enough of that.
You're about as full of shit as one can be. :badgrin:

Wave your stupidity flag for everyone to see, Randy.

Granny, I'm afraid it is YOU who has no clue as to how the "government" works. I worked for the "gubmit" for 22 years in the military at embassies around the world. I held a TSSC3 Security Clearance. You?

You've been reading far too many John Grisham novels. 6 BILLION dollars is unaccounted for. What YOU are suggesting could have been accomplished for less than ONE million.

So now be a kind soul and return to your knitting and leave the supposition to the Ian Fleming lovers. ;)

Did you really just ask granny what security clearance she held? You know she's a Dumbocrat, right? Which means she couldn't hold a minimum wage check out job at McDonald's much less hold a security clearance. You think an entitled little liberal prick like her is going to stand a post somewhere or contribute to this country?
Well, the far right fringe did a great job of proving that they haven't the slightest idea of how government works.

Here's the deal, dummies: A lot of that money (and some of Dubya's missing billions too) is what's known as "dark" or "gray" money. This might come as a surprise, but our government often has to bribe other governments, or controlling entities within a country.

A lot of that cash went to poppy farmers. Some went to certain townsfolk to turn a blind eye. Some bought unapproved goods & services needed to entice some Americans to trouble themselves to work there.

Get the picture?

You have no idea how much money $6 BILLION dollars is! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Towns folk, goods and services! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Oh dear, a spoiler...Afghanistan's farmers are rushing to replant their fields with the base ingredient of opium after the country reaped its biggest poppy harvest ever last May.

After record opium year, Afghans plant new poppy crop - World - The Boston Globe

Did I say that the bribes were successful? No, I didn't.

Of course they weren't - nothing the Dumbocrats ever do is successful. All they ever do is create more poverty and misery with their failed policies.
Hey, for some reason, the wingnuts weren't nearly as upset about this..

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

Of course they weren't - nothing the Dumbocrats ever do is successful. All they ever do is create more poverty and misery with their failed policies.

Gee, guy, what I remember about 2000 when Bill was in the White House was that my property was worth twice what I paid for it 13 years earlier. When I didn't like the cheap bastards I was working for, I could send out a resume - not nearly as nice as the ones I write for people now- and get a job that offered a 20% pay increase.

But at the time, I was one of you sorry-ass right-wingers who was horrified that he lied about getting a blow job from an intern.

Then your boy Bush showed me what real bad looked like. Pay cuts, busted 401K's and underwater mortgages... while his rich buddies all got bailouts.
Hey, for some reason, the wingnuts weren't nearly as upset about this..

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

That's awful too. No one should be rewarded for such corruption and incompetence. Also keep in mind, Clinton supported the Iraq War. Hillary Clinton is another corrupt Communist Globalist. I pray our Nation doesn't choose her.
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Now, you on the left that STILL don't understand this, here's a little cartoon from WAY BACK WHEN, when children were TAUGHT this type of thing during Saturday morning cartoons.....Please try to keep up with events!...As I said, Newts video was CUT OFF before he could explain it any further!


This is an excellent set of videos for grown ups. The Legislative Process | Congress.gov | Library of Congress Perhaps one day you will watch it, Vigilante. :D

Personally, that little Bill cartoon is more informative, and directly to the point discussed here, but don't let your supposed elitism get in the way of clear thinking!:D
Hey, for some reason, the wingnuts weren't nearly as upset about this..

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

Sounds like what B. Insane did with the $1 billion dollars spent on a NON WORKING National HealthCare site! But hell, all that money went to the Mooch's college room mate's company....Nothing to see there either!:badgrin:

Don't you think BOTH should be investigated?
Wave your stupidity flag for everyone to see, Randy.

Granny, I'm afraid it is YOU who has no clue as to how the "government" works. I worked for the "gubmit" for 22 years in the military at embassies around the world. I held a TSSC3 Security Clearance. You?

You've been reading far too many John Grisham novels. 6 BILLION dollars is unaccounted for. What YOU are suggesting could have been accomplished for less than ONE million.

So now be a kind soul and return to your knitting and leave the supposition to the Ian Fleming lovers. ;)

Did you really just ask granny what security clearance she held? You know she's a Dumbocrat, right? Which means she couldn't hold a minimum wage check out job at McDonald's much less hold a security clearance. You think an entitled little liberal prick like her is going to stand a post somewhere or contribute to this country?

Actually no. However, these liberals make me laugh. They "lose" 6 BILLION dollars and say - "what the hell - it's 6 billion bucks - no big deal". Had that been a republican that "lost" 6 billion - they would be wringing their hands, calling for Congressional investigations; demanding that someone be hanged in the public square and demanding that "someone" be thrown into prison and they would go on for the next twelve years telling us about it.

That fat-assed bitch loses 6 billion ON HER WATCH - and it's so what? :lol:
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Granny, I'm afraid it is YOU who has no clue as to how the "government" works. I worked for the "gubmit" for 22 years in the military at embassies around the world. I held a TSSC3 Security Clearance. You?

You've been reading far too many John Grisham novels. 6 BILLION dollars is unaccounted for. What YOU are suggesting could have been accomplished for less than ONE million.

So now be a kind soul and return to your knitting and leave the supposition to the Ian Fleming lovers. ;)

Did you really just ask granny what security clearance she held? You know she's a Dumbocrat, right? Which means she couldn't hold a minimum wage check out job at McDonald's much less hold a security clearance. You think an entitled little liberal prick like her is going to stand a post somewhere or contribute to this country?

Actually no. However, these liberals make me laugh. They "lose" 6 BILLION dollars and say - "what the hell - it's 6 billion bucks - no big deal". Had that been a republican that "lost" 6 billion - they would be wringing their hands, calling for Congressional investigations; demanding that someone be hanged in the public square and demanding that "someone" be thrown into prison and they would go on for the next twelve years telling us about it.

That fat-assed bitch loses 6 billion ON HER WATCH - and it's so what? :lol:
She also lost 4 human lives that she still has to account for.
Did you really just ask granny what security clearance she held? You know she's a Dumbocrat, right? Which means she couldn't hold a minimum wage check out job at McDonald's much less hold a security clearance. You think an entitled little liberal prick like her is going to stand a post somewhere or contribute to this country?

Actually no. However, these liberals make me laugh. They "lose" 6 BILLION dollars and say - "what the hell - it's 6 billion bucks - no big deal". Had that been a republican that "lost" 6 billion - they would be wringing their hands, calling for Congressional investigations; demanding that someone be hanged in the public square and demanding that "someone" be thrown into prison and they would go on for the next twelve years telling us about it.

That fat-assed bitch loses 6 billion ON HER WATCH - and it's so what? :lol:
She also lost 4 human lives that she still has to account for.

Again, in HER words - "What difference does it make?" They were just expendable humans there to serve her purposes. Means nothing.

Just like Vince Foster.
Missing $6.6 Billion Found In Central Bank Of Iraq | ThinkProgress
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Here we go again! How many billions of dollars has our government lost in Iraq in the last ten years? Just about 18 billion dollars in ten years. Amazing. When 12 billion was lost, there's wan't an investigation, what the hell was Congress doing? I'm sure this time there will be an investigation given the fact that it's not the Congress's fellow Republican who's in charge now! Just like Benghazi, there were at least a dozen Benghazis when the GOP had complete control of DC during tha last decade and no investigations.
How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish
How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian
First it wasn't $12 billion, and secondly it was sitting in the Central Bank of Iraq the whole time. Much was made of it, little was made of its never being lost to begin with.
Hey, for some reason, the wingnuts weren't nearly as upset about this..

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

That's awful too. No one should be rewarded for such corruption and incompetence. Also keep in mind, Clinton supported the Iraq War. Hillary Clinton is another corrupt Communist Globalist. I pray our Nation doesn't choose her.
In the Iraq supposed missing billions, an ig report discovered it never was.

In the state dept missing billions, an ig report discovered the billions missing.
In the Iraq supposed missing billions, an ig report discovered it never was.

In the state dept missing billions, an ig report discovered the billions missing.

Indeed, the urban legend of two pallets of freshly minted 20s and 100s for the neighboring war lords simply disappearing is just that - an urban legend.

That 500 million was distributed to some 130 tribal sects to secure our troops in the area. Yeah, that really worked. Same problem then, as it has been for the last 100 years with the US. Throw money at something. Didn't work then, and it doesn't work now.

Hell, the US education system should be all the proof anyone needs....
Did you really just ask granny what security clearance she held? You know she's a Dumbocrat, right? Which means she couldn't hold a minimum wage check out job at McDonald's much less hold a security clearance. You think an entitled little liberal prick like her is going to stand a post somewhere or contribute to this country?

Actually no. However, these liberals make me laugh. They "lose" 6 BILLION dollars and say - "what the hell - it's 6 billion bucks - no big deal". Had that been a republican that "lost" 6 billion - they would be wringing their hands, calling for Congressional investigations; demanding that someone be hanged in the public square and demanding that "someone" be thrown into prison and they would go on for the next twelve years telling us about it.

That fat-assed bitch loses 6 billion ON HER WATCH - and it's so what? :lol:
She also lost 4 human lives that she still has to account for.

That's just a Fort Hood shooting more or less. Why all the fuss about private security losses? Funny how the Wrong Wingers all of a sudden like care about gays.

Still pushing Bengayzie on America? You people will never learn. Nobody cares.

Bush and Cheney are directly responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands and you idiots are still in a tizzy over the stupid fag that should have been safe in the U S Embassy. Privatizing security in the Mid East was YOUR idea. Don't expect the Wrong Wingers to take responsibility for anything. It isn't in their DNA.

Clinton will win in a landslide. U S A will lose another 4 years to republican butt hurt and subversion.

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