Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.

You have no proof that she is personally responsible for any "missing" money.

Palin would have to be nominated before she'd have a shot at the WH. Even the gop's idiot base wouldn't nominate the half-gov.

Say hello to stfu, moron.

Another subversive, that can't debate, and has an IQ slightly lower than room temperature! :eusa_boohoo:

projecting again?

let's see the rightwingnutbar proof

do you really think anyone listens to this desperate BS other than other rightwingnuts?

HillBillyJilly, the brains of the subversive force in here that reads my post about Oklahoma, and goes into a rant, stating everything I wrote was wrong...even put down PROOF.....EXCEPT what she was writing about was the STATE OF KENTUCKY!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

I have that little GEM bookmarked. would you like me to remind everyone exactly what you said, you dumb liberal.... IQ, something she looks for in her knitting basket!
Your sentence is vague and easy to misread and I'm not familiar with the word FAGERAL. If it is a word, and not a part of your actual last name.

It's written in English, unless that's your second language, or you're just stupid, it's easy to read and understand. Fageral is used on several political forums....now what do you think it means?

English is my native language and this is a clear sentence, "meaning you weren't mentally impaired!". In context and based on prior posts of yours I misconstrued your intent. It happens, I read fast and usually don't make such mistakes.

I have no idea of the meaning of FAGERAL. I've looked in dictionaries as I do whenever I come across a word I don't know and/or question its use in context. So enlighten me; further insults subsequent to my Mea Culpa are not helpful nor beneficial.

For your benefit, and others, as mentioned in several other political blogs, it stands for FAG LIBERAL.... being you're so smart, I only surmised that you would come up with it! But, you are one of the FEW subversives that actually admit to a mistake...hat tip to you for that, my boy!
The State Dept, and likely other agencies, has a poor track record of keeping tabs on the money that pours out by the billions. It makes it so easy to commit fraud. I gives new meaning to the benefits of having friends in high places. You can make out like a bandit and no one will know where the money went.

Hillary didn't improve things one iota. Had she been serious about her job, we should have seen some improvement instead of continuing to hemorrhage money, but such wasn't the case. It means she is not special and no better than any before her. I would not expect any changes for the better if she held a high office. We need exceptional people to get us out of the mess we are in, not the status quo.
It's written in English, unless that's your second language, or you're just stupid, it's easy to read and understand. Fageral is used on several political forums....now what do you think it means?

Great debating skills :lol:

Yes, I'm answering you, I do have great debating skill, especially when I have to reply to a 2 digit IQ, subversive. It's not quite as much fun as having to debate the best of you idiots, that have an IQ hovering just under 100, but YOU?......Room temperature, on a cold day!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Ah there's that awe-inspiring rhetoric. Call me a subversive again. That really makes you sound intelligent.
Great debating skills :lol:

Yes, I'm answering you, I do have great debating skill, especially when I have to reply to a 2 digit IQ, subversive. It's not quite as much fun as having to debate the best of you idiots, that have an IQ hovering just under 100, but YOU?......Room temperature, on a cold day!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Ah there's that awe-inspiring rhetoric. Call me a subversive again. That really makes you sound intelligent.

Tell a Republican/conservtive a lie, and he gets mad...Tell a liberal/subversive a truth and he gets mad!
Insane, but do most Americans even care? I'm sure Millions & Millions of dimwit Entitlement douches will still be voting for her. And then there's all the dumb Communist support too. She will still have plenty of support. It is unfortunate, but it is what it is.
6 Billion?


What does it really matter?
In this day and age where WE are TRILLIONS in debt? A mere drop in the ocean...

And it's not as though the liberal main stream propagandist media would ever permit her to get questioned or challenged on the missing money -- or on what actually happened in Benghazi.

They'll IGNORE it, and coronate her as an apology for dissing her and coronating the Boy King, Obama instead of her in '08.

Their agenda is clear.
Great debating skills :lol:

Yes, I'm answering you, I do have great debating skill, especially when I have to reply to a 2 digit IQ, subversive. It's not quite as much fun as having to debate the best of you idiots, that have an IQ hovering just under 100, but YOU?......Room temperature, on a cold day!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Ah there's that awe-inspiring rhetoric. Call me a subversive again. That really makes you sound intelligent.

*SUBVERSIVE* :eusa_hand:
Plenty of moronic Entitlement douches and dumb Communists out there. She will be well-supported. She's a Communist New World Order Globalist. And that means the Globalist Elites around the World will be supporting her too. It's gonna be very tough to defeat her. In fact, it may even be impossible. She may have already won. All that could be left, is her coronation. Personally i'll be hoping & praying for her defeat, but i know it's gonna be a grueling uphill struggle.
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You can't read either, we see, from the article

In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.

Who's had control for going on 6 years...shit for brains? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Appropriations, power of the purse. Now who would that be? The President? No? The Senate? No? The House perhaps? The Republican controlled House? Why, yes it is!

Low information poster...ALERT

All appropriations bills MUST BE worked out between House and Senate and then sent to the President..... anything else that little pea brain doesn't understand? Damn, even try Wikipedia, that semi reliable source to affirm this.... And these people VOTE, and worse than that, BREED!

Newt Gingrich might correct you on that. For some reason he thinks the House has the power to pass legislation concerning money.
[ame=http://youtu.be/8fM5hWT0Fzg]House has Budget - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, I'm answering you, I do have great debating skill, especially when I have to reply to a 2 digit IQ, subversive. It's not quite as much fun as having to debate the best of you idiots, that have an IQ hovering just under 100, but YOU?......Room temperature, on a cold day!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Ah there's that awe-inspiring rhetoric. Call me a subversive again. That really makes you sound intelligent.

Tell a Republican/conservtive a lie, and he gets mad...Tell a liberal/subversive a truth and he gets mad!


Unoriginal dipshit repeats himself
Subversive: seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.

So, you support the establishment and feel threatened by what you perceive as my attempts at undermining said establishment? Is that why you throw that word around like it's an insult?
Appropriations, power of the purse. Now who would that be? The President? No? The Senate? No? The House perhaps? The Republican controlled House? Why, yes it is!

Low information poster...ALERT

All appropriations bills MUST BE worked out between House and Senate and then sent to the President..... anything else that little pea brain doesn't understand? Damn, even try Wikipedia, that semi reliable source to affirm this.... And these people VOTE, and worse than that, BREED!

Newt Gingrich might correct you on that. For some reason he thinks the House has the power to pass legislation concerning money.
[ame=http://youtu.be/8fM5hWT0Fzg]House has Budget - YouTube[/ame]

There he goes reading and understanding that Constitution thingie again.
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

You're kidding, right? You do realize that Hillary is running as a Dumbocrat, don't you? You know, the party of pathological liars, racism, and corruption? If anything, her stock just went up with this story. She's all but solidified her seat as the nominee. Liberals love someone who can lie and steal.
Appropriations, power of the purse. Now who would that be? The President? No? The Senate? No? The House perhaps? The Republican controlled House? Why, yes it is!

Low information poster...ALERT

All appropriations bills MUST BE worked out between House and Senate and then sent to the President..... anything else that little pea brain doesn't understand? Damn, even try Wikipedia, that semi reliable source to affirm this.... And these people VOTE, and worse than that, BREED!

Newt Gingrich might correct you on that. For some reason he thinks the House has the power to pass legislation concerning money.
[ame="http://youtu.be/8fM5hWT0Fzg"]House has Budget - YouTube[/ame]

Newt is right but that clip didn't finish it, his thoughts The House has it's own appropriation committee, as does the Senate. Each one passes their own bill, and then a JOINT committee of both houses works out a COMBINED BILL that is then approved again by both House and Senate and sent to the President...... Read the Constitution.
Subversive: seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.

So, you support the establishment and feel threatened by what you perceive as my attempts at undermining said establishment? Is that why you throw that word around like it's an insult?

If the shoe fits! Along with most of the leftist on the board!
Low information poster...ALERT

All appropriations bills MUST BE worked out between House and Senate and then sent to the President..... anything else that little pea brain doesn't understand? Damn, even try Wikipedia, that semi reliable source to affirm this.... And these people VOTE, and worse than that, BREED!

Newt Gingrich might correct you on that. For some reason he thinks the House has the power to pass legislation concerning money.
[ame="http://youtu.be/8fM5hWT0Fzg"]House has Budget - YouTube[/ame]

There he goes reading and understanding that Constitution thingie again.

You should try it, and find out all the wonderful things you've missed!

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