Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.

She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

You fellows never really bother to read these things, do you.

Aside from it being bereft of detail..the details that do come up?

In the memo, the IG detailed “repeated examples of poor contract file administration.” For instance, a recent investigation of the closeout process for contracts supporting the mission in Iraq, showed that auditors couldn't find 33 of the 115 contract files totaling about $2.1 billion. Of the remaining 82 files, auditors said 48 contained insufficient documents required by federal law. - See more at: $6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Now why does that sound so familiar?


You can't read either, we see, from the article

In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.

Who's had control for going on 6 years...shit for brains? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Wow, it got quiet.
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

You fellows never really bother to read these things, do you.

Aside from it being bereft of detail..the details that do come up?

In the memo, the IG detailed “repeated examples of poor contract file administration.” For instance, a recent investigation of the closeout process for contracts supporting the mission in Iraq, showed that auditors couldn't find 33 of the 115 contract files totaling about $2.1 billion. Of the remaining 82 files, auditors said 48 contained insufficient documents required by federal law. - See more at: $6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Now why does that sound so familiar?


You can't read either, we see, from the article

In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.

Who's had control for going on 6 years...shit for brains? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Appropriations, power of the purse. Now who would that be? The President? No? The Senate? No? The House perhaps? The Republican controlled House? Why, yes it is!
You fellows never really bother to read these things, do you.

Aside from it being bereft of detail..the details that do come up?


Now why does that sound so familiar?


You can't read either, we see, from the article

In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.

Who's had control for going on 6 years...shit for brains? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Appropriations, power of the purse. Now who would that be? The President? No? The Senate? No? The House perhaps? The Republican controlled House? Why, yes it is!

Low information poster...ALERT

All appropriations bills MUST BE worked out between House and Senate and then sent to the President..... anything else that little pea brain doesn't understand? Damn, even try Wikipedia, that semi reliable source to affirm this.... And these people VOTE, and worse than that, BREED!
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Yeah, that's assuming the media will even allow the topic to be discussed.

It will be called "old news", a "distraction", a "conspiracy"...

The Hildabeast could be caught on camera Nov 1st eating the bowels of a screaming baby and the media will go out of it's way to blame the parents.

'Pete' is competing for partisan hack and ignoramus of the year (and it's only April) award. Sadly he might be downgraded by the judges, mentally impaired nominees are generally eliminated.
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Yeah, that's assuming the media will even allow the topic to be discussed.

It will be called "old news", a "distraction", a "conspiracy"...

The Hildabeast could be caught on camera Nov 1st eating the bowels of a screaming baby and the media will go out of it's way to blame the parents.

'Pete' is competing for partisan hack and ignoramus of the year (and it's only April) award. Sadly he might be downgraded by the judges, mentally impaired nominees are generally eliminated.

Seems then that you aren't in the running! You WIN!
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You can't read either, we see, from the article

In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.

Who's had control for going on 6 years...shit for brains? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Appropriations, power of the purse. Now who would that be? The President? No? The Senate? No? The House perhaps? The Republican controlled House? Why, yes it is!

Low information poster...ALERT

All appropriations bills MUST BE worked out between House and Senate and then sent to the President..... anything else that little pea brain doesn't understand? Damn, even try Wikipedia, that semi reliable source to affirm this.... And these people VOTE, and worse than that, BREED!

While you're there would you send me a link to that wiki page. ;)
Hillary Clinton on State Dept. budget for FY 2012.

FY 2012 Budget Request March 10, 2011
The second part of our request funds the extraordinary, temporary portion of our war effort the same way the Pentagon’s request is funded: in a separate Overseas Contingency Operations account known as OCO. Instead of covering war expenses through supplemental appropriations, we are now taking a more transparent approach that fully reflects the integrated civilian-military efforts. Our share of the President’s $126 billion request for exceptional wartime costs is $8.7 billion. So all told, we have a $47 billion operational account and an $8.7 billion Overseas Contingency Operations account.


But let me just quickly walk you through this, because on this issue of our $8.7 billion Overseas Contingency Operations, we have the strongest support from Secretary Gates, from Admiral Mullen. And next week – I was speaking with General Petraeus last night. He will be here on the Hill strongly supporting the civilian effort that goes hand-in-hand with what he is doing so heroically in Afghanistan. So we are funding vital civilian missions in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq with this $8.7 billion.

But she chould only find $200k to hire a schlock British security firm, who hired the Alqaeda linked February 17th Martyrs Brigade, to protect Ambassador Stevens.
Appropriations, power of the purse. Now who would that be? The President? No? The Senate? No? The House perhaps? The Republican controlled House? Why, yes it is!

Low information poster...ALERT

All appropriations bills MUST BE worked out between House and Senate and then sent to the President..... anything else that little pea brain doesn't understand? Damn, even try Wikipedia, that semi reliable source to affirm this.... And these people VOTE, and worse than that, BREED!

While you're there would you send me a link to that wiki page. ;)

No, you're not smart enough to find out where it is when I told you, it just confirms my statement! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

The OP: TFT is a good webmag, fairly balanced, and the $6b under the current administration and the 117B under the Bush administration that has gone missing needs accounting for.

Thank you in your Signature for admitting you were and are a member of the KKK and the old Democratic Party.
Hillary Clinton on State Dept. budget for FY 2012.

FY 2012 Budget Request March 10, 2011
The second part of our request funds the extraordinary, temporary portion of our war effort the same way the Pentagon’s request is funded: in a separate Overseas Contingency Operations account known as OCO. Instead of covering war expenses through supplemental appropriations, we are now taking a more transparent approach that fully reflects the integrated civilian-military efforts. Our share of the President’s $126 billion request for exceptional wartime costs is $8.7 billion. So all told, we have a $47 billion operational account and an $8.7 billion Overseas Contingency Operations account.


But let me just quickly walk you through this, because on this issue of our $8.7 billion Overseas Contingency Operations, we have the strongest support from Secretary Gates, from Admiral Mullen. And next week – I was speaking with General Petraeus last night. He will be here on the Hill strongly supporting the civilian effort that goes hand-in-hand with what he is doing so heroically in Afghanistan. So we are funding vital civilian missions in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq with this $8.7 billion.

But she chould only find $200k to hire a schlock British security firm, who hired the Alqaeda linked February 17th Martyrs Brigade, to protect Ambassador Stevens.

Can't exactly make heads nor tails of your post but since you mentioned the OCO, Democrats were trying to dry up those funds during the Ryan budget mark-up hearing in the Budget Committee, for what it's worth.
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

I think you may be on to something. Run Sara Run !!! How can you lose ??? Should be an interesting and entertaining presidetial race.
Low information poster...ALERT

All appropriations bills MUST BE worked out between House and Senate and then sent to the President..... anything else that little pea brain doesn't understand? Damn, even try Wikipedia, that semi reliable source to affirm this.... And these people VOTE, and worse than that, BREED!

While you're there would you send me a link to that wiki page. ;)

No, you're not smart enough to find out where it is when I told you, it just confirms my statement! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

I don't need wiki. Everything anyone ever needs to know about our government is written in the Constitution. Which I committed to memory. :D
While you're there would you send me a link to that wiki page. ;)

No, you're not smart enough to find out where it is when I told you, it just confirms my statement! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

I don't need wiki. Everything anyone ever needs to know about our government is written in the Constitution. Which I committed to memory. :D

Good thing we don't count on you remembering at SCOTUS!...Did you ever find out what Wiki said, or just going to try and pass that little gem by?
No, you're not smart enough to find out where it is when I told you, it just confirms my statement! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

I don't need wiki. Everything anyone ever needs to know about our government is written in the Constitution. Which I committed to memory. :D

Good thing we don't count on you remembering at SCOTUS!...Did you ever find out what Wiki said, or just going to try and pass that little gem by?

If you believe wiki is a gem I got an eighteen carat rock to sell you. (and I do mean rock :eusa_shhh:)
The pubes REALLY have their finger on the pulse of America. Do you seriously believe Palin would beat Hillary in an election ???

You guys really don't want the presidency. Good. I hope Romney puts another quarter billion of his cult fortune behind Sara. Good Times !!!
I don't need wiki. Everything anyone ever needs to know about our government is written in the Constitution. Which I committed to memory. :D

Good thing we don't count on you remembering at SCOTUS!...Did you ever find out what Wiki said, or just going to try and pass that little gem by?

If you believe wiki is a gem I got an eighteen carat rock to sell you. (and I do mean rock :eusa_shhh:)

The "little Gem" was in reference to your moronic remark, that only House Republicans do the appropriation bills.....nice try to deflect form you lack of IQ!
Yeah, that's assuming the media will even allow the topic to be discussed.

It will be called "old news", a "distraction", a "conspiracy"...

The Hildabeast could be caught on camera Nov 1st eating the bowels of a screaming baby and the media will go out of it's way to blame the parents.

'Pete' is competing for partisan hack and ignoramus of the year (and it's only April) award. Sadly he might be downgraded by the judges, mentally impaired nominees are generally eliminated.

Seems then that you aren't in the running! You WIN!

Would you care to explain my "mental impairment"? You've been here a very short time and already provided sufficient evidence you're an asshole and a right wing parrot. I suspect the echo chamber will welcome you with open arms (don't let that go to your head).
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times
I love the way you cretin's scream "Smoke! Smoke! Smoke!" and then pray for a fire.
You people have never figured it out, have you? You spend all day whining and crying and posting one lie or brainless story after another until anyone with even half a brain realizes that you have NOTHING. I have seen so many posts like yours that I automatically tune out what you have posted. You are like the little boy who cried "Wolf." Eventually no one listened.
Good thing we don't count on you remembering at SCOTUS!...Did you ever find out what Wiki said, or just going to try and pass that little gem by?

If you believe wiki is a gem I got an eighteen carat rock to sell you. (and I do mean rock :eusa_shhh:)

The "little Gem" was in reference to your moronic remark, that only House Republicans do the appropriation bills.....nice try to deflect form you lack of IQ!

Ow. Ya got me. Perhaps I will do better next time. ;)

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