Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.

I keep telling you the people who own the Democrat Party don't want Hillary as a Candidate
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016

People don't care.

Chaney's Halliburton was a fraudulent mess, tied to more lost money and bogus gov't contracts than any company in history - and nobody cared.

According to the contracting commission, megacontractor Halliburton was paid at least $36.3 billion to provide base support in Iraq for the past eight years. That's slightly less than the government bailouts for Bank of America and Citigroup. But then, the banks eventually returned the money. The commission report details numerous examples of waste by Halliburton. Where to begin?

There's the kickback from the subcontractors who were awarded a $700 million dining deal in Iraq. (The Department of Justice has filed a claim against Halliburton for that.) Then there's the $5 million spent on 144 Halliburton mechanics who worked as little as 43 minutes a month, on average. Inspectors have found that Halliburton can't account for $100 million worth of its government-furnished property in Iraq. Despite collecting $204 million for electrical work on Iraq bases, Halliburton's shoddy wiring has been blamed in as many as 12 soldiers' electrocution deaths, including a Special Forces commando who died after he was shocked in a shower stall. The company has also billed Uncle Sam a half-billion dollars to hire Blackwater to provide personal security in Iraq, a big contractor no-no.

Perhaps most troubling is the company's links to purported human trafficking. In late 2008, reporters discovered a windowless warehouse on the Camp Victory complex outside Baghdad, where about 1,000 men from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka were being held in prisonlike conditions. The men had been hired by a Halliburton subcontractor. Around the same time, another Halliburton subcontractor was sued for allegedly spiriting Asian workers into Iraq with false promises of high-paying jobs.

And the waste continues. When the troop drawdown in Iraq started, writes the commission, "Halliburton accounted for about half of contractor personnel in Iraq. When bases closed and its personnel left those bases, Halliburton merely transferred some of them to other bases and continued to bill for their support." In all, Halliburton has cost the government at least $193 million in pay for unnecessary personnel, and maybe as much as $300 million. However, the Pentagon is in no hurry to give Halliburton the boot. "We basically said that Halliburton is too big to fail," commission co-chair and former Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) complained last year, "so we are still going to fund them."
'Pete' is competing for partisan hack and ignoramus of the year (and it's only April) award. Sadly he might be downgraded by the judges, mentally impaired nominees are generally eliminated.

Seems then that you aren't in the running! You WIN!

Would you care to explain my "mental impairment"? You've been here a very short time and already provided sufficient evidence you're an asshole and a right wing parrot. I suspect the echo chamber will welcome you with open arms (don't let that go to your head).

Simply answering your observation of another member, as, I am a right winger, as compared to your FAGERAL extremism!

I see you also can't read, as you had stated that Pete was mentally impaired, and I said, you weren't in the running, (meaning you weren't mentally impaired!) you WIN the Ignoramus of the Year award....and with your above statement, your WIN is confirmed! Ignoramus! ...Now, do you understand, or do you need to get some 5th grader to explain it to you?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

You have no proof that she is personally responsible for any "missing" money.

Palin would have to be nominated before she'd have a shot at the WH. Even the gop's idiot base wouldn't nominate the half-gov.

Say hello to stfu, moron.
The pubes REALLY have their finger on the pulse of America. Do you seriously believe Palin would beat Hillary in an election ???

You guys really don't want the presidency. Good. I hope Romney puts another quarter billion of his cult fortune behind Sara. Good Times !!!

No, but only because Hillary has no chance of getting the Dem nomination. Chris Christie has a better chance of getting the Dem nomination than her
This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

You have no proof that she is personally responsible for any "missing" money.

Palin would have to be nominated before she'd have a shot at the WH. Even the gop's idiot base wouldn't nominate the half-gov.

Say hello to stfu, moron.

Another subversive, that can't debate, and has an IQ slightly lower than room temperature! :eusa_boohoo:
Seems then that you aren't in the running! You WIN!

Would you care to explain my "mental impairment"? You've been here a very short time and already provided sufficient evidence you're an asshole and a right wing parrot. I suspect the echo chamber will welcome you with open arms (don't let that go to your head).

Simply answering your observation of another member, as, I am a right winger, as compared to your FAGERAL extremism!

I see you also can't read, as you had stated that Pete was mentally impaired, and I said, you weren't in the running, (meaning you weren't mentally impaired!) you WIN the Ignoramus of the Year award....and with your above statement, your WIN is confirmed! Ignoramus! ...Now, do you understand, or do you need to get some 5th grader to explain it to you?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Your sentence is vague and easy to misread and I'm not familiar with the word FAGERAL. If it is a word, and not a part of your actual last name.
Would you care to explain my "mental impairment"? You've been here a very short time and already provided sufficient evidence you're an asshole and a right wing parrot. I suspect the echo chamber will welcome you with open arms (don't let that go to your head).

Simply answering your observation of another member, as, I am a right winger, as compared to your FAGERAL extremism!

I see you also can't read, as you had stated that Pete was mentally impaired, and I said, you weren't in the running, (meaning you weren't mentally impaired!) you WIN the Ignoramus of the Year award....and with your above statement, your WIN is confirmed! Ignoramus! ...Now, do you understand, or do you need to get some 5th grader to explain it to you?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Your sentence is vague and easy to misread and I'm not familiar with the word FAGERAL. If it is a word, and not a part of your actual last name.

It's written in English, unless that's your second language, or you're just stupid, it's easy to read and understand. Fageral is used on several political forums....now what do you think it means?
The pubes REALLY have their finger on the pulse of America. Do you seriously believe Palin would beat Hillary in an election ???

You guys really don't want the presidency. Good. I hope Romney puts another quarter billion of his cult fortune behind Sara. Good Times !!!

No, but only because Hillary has no chance of getting the Dem nomination. Chris Christie has a better chance of getting the Dem nomination than her

You are always good for a laugh frankie.

Christie is through and you know it.

Whether he ordered the bridge access cut off or not that thing is stuck to him like glue. Most people can't relate to the acusations against Clinton. Only a handful of wackos like you even care. What Christie did people can relate to. It's almost Nixonesque. Like Nixon didn't really do anything..but he hung out with thugs. Same with Christie.

Clinton can be acused of what happened in Benghazi by wingnuts but none of if stuck. People just think that part of the world is dangerous and bad things happen in dangerous places. Hillary didn't make it dangerous..it was that way long before she became involved.

Clinton would wipe the floor with Palin. If the Pubes don't find a candidate with some grasp on reality they will lose the WH again.

Palin has so many negatives it would be comical watching the dems roast her every Saturday night on SNL. She was/is/will be always a joke in American politics. If she gets the nomination it will just further expose the Pubes that they are crazy and have no respect for the American voter.
The pubes REALLY have their finger on the pulse of America. Do you seriously believe Palin would beat Hillary in an election ???

You guys really don't want the presidency. Good. I hope Romney puts another quarter billion of his cult fortune behind Sara. Good Times !!!

No, but only because Hillary has no chance of getting the Dem nomination. Chris Christie has a better chance of getting the Dem nomination than her

You are always good for a laugh frankie.

Christie is through and you know it.

Whether he ordered the bridge access cut off or not that thing is stuck to him like glue. Most people can't relate to the acusations against Clinton. Only a handful of wackos like you even care. What Christie did people can relate to. It's almost Nixonesque. Like Nixon didn't really do anything..but he hung out with thugs. Same with Christie.

Clinton can be acused of what happened in Benghazi by wingnuts but none of if stuck. People just think that part of the world is dangerous and bad things happen in dangerous places. Hillary didn't make it dangerous..it was that way long before she became involved.

Clinton would wipe the floor with Palin. If the Pubes don't find a candidate with some grasp on reality they will lose the WH again.

Palin has so many negatives it would be comical watching the dems roast her every Saturday night on SNL. She was/is/will be always a joke in American politics. If she gets the nomination it will just further expose the Pubes that they are crazy and have no respect for the American voter.

The left is not going to be able to count on Palin to fuck things up for the right tough – she is not going to run. There is no indication whatsoever that she will even try to run not to mention the simple fact that she could never get the nomination.

Clinton, OTOH, I don’t think is nearly as slippery as you seem to believe. There are many that would vote for her anyway BUT that reality is the same for Palin. There are robots on either side that will vote for their guy if they were caught eating babies on national television.

Granted, Benghazi might actually be a positive for Clinton. A positive, that is, IF the republicans cannot get off that message. It is a losing message. I so think that the republican machine is, by and large, filled with idiots that can’t seem to understand that the message that sells with your base (the guys that are going to vote for you anyway) does not necessarily sell with those voters that have not already made up their minds. I don’t think that they really are dumb enough to beat the Benghazi horse anymore though. You will still see comments and political maneuvers with it BUT I don’t see it taking any major role in 2016. Of course, if I am wrong, it will be a good indication that the dems will win because, yet again, the republicans had failed to control the message.
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Lib Excuses:

She didn't even know where the State Department was located!

Bush's Fault!

You just hate people with vaginas
This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

You have no proof that she is personally responsible for any "missing" money.

Palin would have to be nominated before she'd have a shot at the WH. Even the gop's idiot base wouldn't nominate the half-gov.

Say hello to stfu, moron.

Another subversive, that can't debate, and has an IQ slightly lower than room temperature! :eusa_boohoo:

Well I actually did address the op.

I see a lot of you accusing others of lacking debating skills...and that's about it. Project much?
Simply answering your observation of another member, as, I am a right winger, as compared to your FAGERAL extremism!

I see you also can't read, as you had stated that Pete was mentally impaired, and I said, you weren't in the running, (meaning you weren't mentally impaired!) you WIN the Ignoramus of the Year award....and with your above statement, your WIN is confirmed! Ignoramus! ...Now, do you understand, or do you need to get some 5th grader to explain it to you?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Your sentence is vague and easy to misread and I'm not familiar with the word FAGERAL. If it is a word, and not a part of your actual last name.

It's written in English, unless that's your second language, or you're just stupid, it's easy to read and understand. Fageral is used on several political forums....now what do you think it means?

Great debating skills :lol:
Your sentence is vague and easy to misread and I'm not familiar with the word FAGERAL. If it is a word, and not a part of your actual last name.

It's written in English, unless that's your second language, or you're just stupid, it's easy to read and understand. Fageral is used on several political forums....now what do you think it means?

Great debating skills :lol:

Yes, I'm answering you, I do have great debating skill, especially when I have to reply to a 2 digit IQ, subversive. It's not quite as much fun as having to debate the best of you idiots, that have an IQ hovering just under 100, but YOU?......Room temperature, on a cold day!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

well, if a rightwing tool says it's so... must be sol.


what happened to the millions of defense cash that disappeared in iraq when baby bush was president?
This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

You have no proof that she is personally responsible for any "missing" money.

Palin would have to be nominated before she'd have a shot at the WH. Even the gop's idiot base wouldn't nominate the half-gov.

Say hello to stfu, moron.

Another subversive, that can't debate, and has an IQ slightly lower than room temperature! :eusa_boohoo:

projecting again?

let's see the rightwingnutbar proof

do you really think anyone listens to this desperate BS other than other rightwingnuts?
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Hillary is doomed?

Pfft. You are talking about a government where people like Charley Rangel flourish. There are no checks and balances, just an aristocracy supported by the press.

I say that come election time, most people won't know about this or care.

Hillary is the next in line to be appointed to the Presidency. Nothing you do can stop this fact.
Simply answering your observation of another member, as, I am a right winger, as compared to your FAGERAL extremism!

I see you also can't read, as you had stated that Pete was mentally impaired, and I said, you weren't in the running, (meaning you weren't mentally impaired!) you WIN the Ignoramus of the Year award....and with your above statement, your WIN is confirmed! Ignoramus! ...Now, do you understand, or do you need to get some 5th grader to explain it to you?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Your sentence is vague and easy to misread and I'm not familiar with the word FAGERAL. If it is a word, and not a part of your actual last name.

It's written in English, unless that's your second language, or you're just stupid, it's easy to read and understand. Fageral is used on several political forums....now what do you think it means?

English is my native language and this is a clear sentence, "meaning you weren't mentally impaired!". In context and based on prior posts of yours I misconstrued your intent. It happens, I read fast and usually don't make such mistakes.

I have no idea of the meaning of FAGERAL. I've looked in dictionaries as I do whenever I come across a word I don't know and/or question its use in context. So enlighten me; further insults subsequent to my Mea Culpa are not helpful nor beneficial.
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Yeah, that's assuming the media will even allow the topic to be discussed.

It will be called "old news", a "distraction", a "conspiracy"...

The Hildabeast could be caught on camera Nov 1st eating the bowels of a screaming baby and the media will go out of it's way to blame the parents.

No, liberals would call it late term abortion, and mention the republicans war on women.

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