Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.

Now, you on the left that STILL don't understand this, here's a little cartoon from WAY BACK WHEN, when children were TAUGHT this type of thing during Saturday morning cartoons.....Please try to keep up with events!...As I said, Newts video was CUT OFF before he could explain it any further!

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Newt Gingrich might correct you on that. For some reason he thinks the House has the power to pass legislation concerning money.
House has Budget - YouTube

There he goes reading and understanding that Constitution thingie again.

You should try it, and find out all the wonderful things you've missed!

I did. And I do. That's why I know that Newt was right. I haven't missed a thing. :D

If you imagine that bills for the raising of revenue are not supposed to be initiated in the House, then you need to take your own advice. You might wish to look at Article I, section 7, clause 1.
Now the SPENDING of money doesn't Constitutionally HAVE to start in the House. But it does start there, as a matter of U.S. custom.
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She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

You fellows never really bother to read these things, do you.

Aside from it being bereft of detail..the details that do come up?

In the memo, the IG detailed “repeated examples of poor contract file administration.” For instance, a recent investigation of the closeout process for contracts supporting the mission in Iraq, showed that auditors couldn't find 33 of the 115 contract files totaling about $2.1 billion. Of the remaining 82 files, auditors said 48 contained insufficient documents required by federal law. - See more at: $6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times


Now why does that sound so familiar?


If the State Department was in control of the money it does not matter where it was lost, all that matters is who the boss was when it was lost and then why it took so long to figure out?

I'm pretty surprised by this post.

Especially from someone who's served.

Anyone with any idea about how the government functions, knows it functions at a glacial pace.

Doesn't matter if there's a "new boss".

It takes a long time to change procedure.

It's pretty shocking you don't know that.
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

On the contrary, corruption is highly rewarded in our country. If corruption prevented politicians from getting elected, there wouldn't be any (D)-bags left in office.
There he goes reading and understanding that Constitution thingie again.

You should try it, and find out all the wonderful things you've missed!

I did. And I do. That's why I know that Newt was right. I haven't missed a thing. :D

If you imagine that bills for the raising of revenue are not supposed to be initiated in the House, then you need to take your own advice. You might wish to look at Article I, section 7, clause 1.

The problem TODAY with that is the Senate, can STRIP all content out of a bill passed by the House, and replace it with their own content....ObamaCare did just that! It's a process called "GUT and AMEND" you should look that up and become familiar with it!
You should try it, and find out all the wonderful things you've missed!

I did. And I do. That's why I know that Newt was right. I haven't missed a thing. :D

If you imagine that bills for the raising of revenue are not supposed to be initiated in the House, then you need to take your own advice. You might wish to look at Article I, section 7, clause 1.

The problem TODAY with that is the Senate, can STRIP all content out of a bill passed by the House, and replace it with their own content....ObamaCare did just that! It's a process called "GUT and AMEND" you should look that up and become familiar with it!

Oh, but I wasn't addressing what the Senate can unConstitutionally "do."

I was discussing what the Constitution itself demands.

And don't even get me STARTED on how the SCOTUS couldn't be bothered to actually APPLY what the Constitution commands.
What are the odds that Shrillary will claim that the $6 BILLION was misplaced not during HER tenure at State, but during Lurch's tenure?
Well, the far right fringe did a great job of proving that they haven't the slightest idea of how government works.

Here's the deal, dummies: A lot of that money (and some of Dubya's missing billions too) is what's known as "dark" or "gray" money. This might come as a surprise, but our government often has to bribe other governments, or controlling entities within a country.

A lot of that cash went to poppy farmers. Some went to certain townsfolk to turn a blind eye. Some bought unapproved goods & services needed to entice some Americans to trouble themselves to work there.

Get the picture?
Well, the far right fringe did a great job of proving that they haven't the slightest idea of how government works.

Here's the deal, dummies: A lot of that money (and some of Dubya's missing billions too) is what's known as "dark" or "gray" money. This might come as a surprise, but our government often has to bribe other governments, or controlling entities within a country.

A lot of that cash went to poppy farmers. Some went to certain townsfolk to turn a blind eye. Some bought unapproved goods & services needed to entice some Americans to trouble themselves to work there.

Get the picture?

You're about as full of shit as one can be. :badgrin:
Well, the far right fringe did a great job of proving that they haven't the slightest idea of how government works.

Here's the deal, dummies: A lot of that money (and some of Dubya's missing billions too) is what's known as "dark" or "gray" money. This might come as a surprise, but our government often has to bribe other governments, or controlling entities within a country.

A lot of that cash went to poppy farmers. Some went to certain townsfolk to turn a blind eye. Some bought unapproved goods & services needed to entice some Americans to trouble themselves to work there.

Get the picture?

You have no idea how much money $6 BILLION dollars is! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Towns folk, goods and services! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Oh dear, a spoiler...Afghanistan's farmers are rushing to replant their fields with the base ingredient of opium after the country reaped its biggest poppy harvest ever last May.

After record opium year, Afghans plant new poppy crop - World - The Boston Globe
Well, the far right fringe did a great job of proving that they haven't the slightest idea of how government works.

Here's the deal, dummies: A lot of that money (and some of Dubya's missing billions too) is what's known as "dark" or "gray" money. This might come as a surprise, but our government often has to bribe other governments, or controlling entities within a country.

A lot of that cash went to poppy farmers. Some went to certain townsfolk to turn a blind eye. Some bought unapproved goods & services needed to entice some Americans to trouble themselves to work there.

Get the picture?

You're about as full of shit as one can be. :badgrin:

Wave your stupidity flag for everyone to see, Randy.
Well, the far right fringe did a great job of proving that they haven't the slightest idea of how government works.

Here's the deal, dummies: A lot of that money (and some of Dubya's missing billions too) is what's known as "dark" or "gray" money. This might come as a surprise, but our government often has to bribe other governments, or controlling entities within a country.

A lot of that cash went to poppy farmers. Some went to certain townsfolk to turn a blind eye. Some bought unapproved goods & services needed to entice some Americans to trouble themselves to work there.

Get the picture?

You have no idea how much money $6 BILLION dollars is! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Towns folk, goods and services! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Oh dear, a spoiler...Afghanistan's farmers are rushing to replant their fields with the base ingredient of opium after the country reaped its biggest poppy harvest ever last May.

After record opium year, Afghans plant new poppy crop - World - The Boston Globe

Did I say that the bribes were successful? No, I didn't.

But the fact is that a good bit of that money went to bribes.

Do you honestly believe our government wouldn't do that? How naive are you?
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Here we go again! How many billions of dollars has our government lost in Iraq in the last ten years? Just about 18 billion dollars in ten years. Amazing. When 12 billion was lost, there's wan't an investigation, what the hell was Congress doing? I'm sure this time there will be an investigation given the fact that it's not the Congress's fellow Republican who's in charge now! Just like Benghazi, there were at least a dozen Benghazis when the GOP had complete control of DC during tha last decade and no investigations.
How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish
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Well, the far right fringe did a great job of proving that they haven't the slightest idea of how government works.

Here's the deal, dummies: A lot of that money (and some of Dubya's missing billions too) is what's known as "dark" or "gray" money. This might come as a surprise, but our government often has to bribe other governments, or controlling entities within a country.

A lot of that cash went to poppy farmers. Some went to certain townsfolk to turn a blind eye. Some bought unapproved goods & services needed to entice some Americans to trouble themselves to work there.

Get the picture?

You have no idea how much money $6 BILLION dollars is! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Towns folk, goods and services! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Oh dear, a spoiler...Afghanistan's farmers are rushing to replant their fields with the base ingredient of opium after the country reaped its biggest poppy harvest ever last May.

After record opium year, Afghans plant new poppy crop - World - The Boston Globe

Did I say that the bribes were successful? No, I didn't.

But the fact is that a good bit of that money went to bribes.

Do you honestly believe our government wouldn't do that? How naive are you?

Grandma, stick to knitting as logical thinking isn't one of your strong points...$6 BILLION!!!:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
She can say "what difference does it make" all she wants but she can kiss her presidential chances for 2016 have just evaporated with this discovery that happened under her watch at the State Department. This is criminal what happened. Say hello to President Palin.

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times

Here we go again! How many billions of dollars has our government lost in Iraq in the last ten years? Just about 18 billion dollars in ten years. Amazing. When 12 billion was lost, there's wan't an investigation, I hope someone investigates this time.
How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish
How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

You're absolutely right, whether it's a Republican or Democratic regime, something like that should NOT go uninvestigated to the fullest, and prosecuted IF they can find out who is responsible.
Well, the far right fringe did a great job of proving that they haven't the slightest idea of how government works.

Here's the deal, dummies: A lot of that money (and some of Dubya's missing billions too) is what's known as "dark" or "gray" money. This might come as a surprise, but our government often has to bribe other governments, or controlling entities within a country.

A lot of that cash went to poppy farmers. Some went to certain townsfolk to turn a blind eye. Some bought unapproved goods & services needed to entice some Americans to trouble themselves to work there.

Get the picture?

You're about as full of shit as one can be. :badgrin:

Wave your stupidity flag for everyone to see, Randy.

Granny, I'm afraid it is YOU who has no clue as to how the "government" works. I worked for the "gubmit" for 22 years in the military at embassies around the world. I held a TSSC3 Security Clearance. You?

You've been reading far too many John Grisham novels. 6 BILLION dollars is unaccounted for. What YOU are suggesting could have been accomplished for less than ONE million.

So now be a kind soul and return to your knitting and leave the supposition to the Ian Fleming lovers. ;)
Low information poster...ALERT

All appropriations bills MUST BE worked out between House and Senate and then sent to the President..... anything else that little pea brain doesn't understand? Damn, even try Wikipedia, that semi reliable source to affirm this.... And these people VOTE, and worse than that, BREED!

Newt Gingrich might correct you on that. For some reason he thinks the House has the power to pass legislation concerning money.
[ame="http://youtu.be/8fM5hWT0Fzg"]House has Budget - YouTube[/ame]

Newt is right but that clip didn't finish it, his thoughts The House has it's own appropriation committee, as does the Senate. Each one passes their own bill, and then a JOINT committee of both houses works out a COMBINED BILL that is then approved again by both House and Senate and sent to the President...... Read the Constitution.

The clip is from a "Crossfire: Van Jones and Newt Gingrich host Rep. Raul Labrador (R) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D) to discuss the government shutdown and negotiations standoff." YouTube video. The part I posted starts at 1:30. Rep. Labrador (R-ID-1) gives the Republican rational for the shutdown in case anyone in interested in watching the whole thing.
[ame=http://youtu.be/tp8QeEmV_f8](part 1/3) Crossfire: Rep. Raul Labrador, Rep. Rosa DeLauro on Shutdown Negotiations Stand Off - YouTube[/ame]

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