Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.

Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.
That $6 billion was being funneled to BLACK WATER, and bribes given to Karzai, back when Gates was running the State Department.
But that's chump change compared to the $800 billion Halliburton got.
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Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.
That $6 billion was being funneled to BLACK WATER, and bribes given to Karzai, back when Gates was running the State Department.
But that's chump change compared to the $800 billion Halliburton got.

Er....you are aware that your Messiah is still using Halliburton and Black Water, aren't you?
Hillary's Presidential Run Is Doomed: 6 Billion Discovered Missing From State Dept.
That $6 billion was being funneled to BLACK WATER, and bribes given to Karzai, back when Gates was running the State Department.
But that's chump change compared to the $800 billion Halliburton got.

So it's gonna be 'DA BOOOOSH!!!!!' again? You really gonna go with that defense? Btw, Hitlery fully supported the Iraq War. You know that, right?
That's great and everything, but that implies that 31% of republican voters thought she hurt his bid.

And that's republicans. Those are the people he should have been able to count on.

In fact, McCain only got 90% of the GOP vote, compared to 93% for Bush-43 in 2004 and 92% for the Mormon in 2012. He also only got 78% of the conservative vote, compared to 84% for Bush and 82% for Romney.

But here's where McCain really fell flat on his face. He only got 44% of independents and 39% of moderates. (Bush and Romney did better with both groups.)

In short, the people he needed to win, the people he should have won because he was a different kind of Republican (i.e. not Batshit Crazy) he didn't win because Palin scared those folks off.

You hit the nail on the head, and don't know it! He was a lefty moderate, as we have seen with all his votes with the subversives. HE'S bat shit crazy, not the little lady that has all the RIGHT ideas! After 8 years of the current subversive, the demographics will change. UNLESS B. Insane can continue to seed America with the garbage of the world, that don't want to be American's, but want to be TAKERS OF ALL THE FREE SHIT OFFERED, by the current regime.

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