Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

this guy wrote the RW talking points book ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and is boring the board with cliff notes.

what dolt.

nobody cares.

It would be nice if the freakshow would STFU until they had something solid on Clinton. This conjecture BS is really really O-L-D.

How in the hell would you know if there was something solid on Clinton when you are a liberal toad who only listens to the mainstream TV network news or the White House or the Justice Dept or the liberal professors in this country? NONE of THEM have ever implicated any of their own kind. Scandal after Scandal and no one admits to any crime and no one goes to jail. So where is this "something solid" going to surface, and who is going to do jack shit about it?
this guy wrote the RW talking points book ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and is boring the board with cliff notes.

what dolt.

nobody cares.

It would be nice if the freakshow would STFU until they had something solid on Clinton. This conjecture BS is really really O-L-D.

How in the hell would you know if there was something solid on Clinton when you are a liberal toad who only listens to the mainstream TV network news or the White House or the Justice Dept or the liberal professors in this country? NONE of THEM have ever implicated any of their own kind. Scandal after Scandal and no one admits to any crime and no one goes to jail. So where is this "something solid" going to surface, and who is going to do jack shit about it?

bite me boi ... shove this down your partisan pie hole

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called gwb43.com, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a gwb43.com email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on georgewbush.com (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and rnchq.org (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, gwb43.com has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]

enjoy, and STFU.
Hitlery is less than honest.

Anyone who can't see that, well, that box of rocks is turning out to be smarter than one might think.
this guy wrote the RW talking points book ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and is boring the board with cliff notes.

what dolt.

nobody cares.

It would be nice if the freakshow would STFU until they had something solid on Clinton. This conjecture BS is really really O-L-D.

How in the hell would you know if there was something solid on Clinton when you are a liberal toad who only listens to the mainstream TV network news or the White House or the Justice Dept or the liberal professors in this country? NONE of THEM have ever implicated any of their own kind. Scandal after Scandal and no one admits to any crime and no one goes to jail. So where is this "something solid" going to surface, and who is going to do jack shit about it?

bite me boi ... shove this down your partisan pie hole

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called gwb43.com, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a gwb43.com email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on georgewbush.com (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and rnchq.org (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, gwb43.com has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]

enjoy, and STFU.

Strike 1 against me for thinking I could ever out-fox you.

Strike 2 against me for wasting my time engaging you.

I just hope you are not coaching our youth in any capacity.
she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

Just admit it ladies, you hate anything Clinton.

You believe they have found nothing? Do you live in a cave in Afghanistan?
this guy wrote the RW talking points book ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and is boring the board with cliff notes.

what dolt.

nobody cares.

It would be nice if the freakshow would STFU until they had something solid on Clinton. This conjecture BS is really really O-L-D.

How in the hell would you know if there was something solid on Clinton when you are a liberal toad who only listens to the mainstream TV network news or the White House or the Justice Dept or the liberal professors in this country? NONE of THEM have ever implicated any of their own kind. Scandal after Scandal and no one admits to any crime and no one goes to jail. So where is this "something solid" going to surface, and who is going to do jack shit about it?

bite me boi ... shove this down your partisan pie hole

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called gwb43.com, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a gwb43.com email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on georgewbush.com (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and rnchq.org (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, gwb43.com has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]

enjoy, and STFU.

Strike 1 against me for thinking I could ever out-fox you.

Strike 2 against me for wasting my time engaging you.

I just hope you are not coaching our youth in any capacity.

LOL Don't mind him.

He's another mindless drone who can't see what's in front of his face.

He's decided that the Reps are out to get Hitlery and the fact that she's dishonest and incompetent doesn't seem to bother him at all.

You can't cure stupid.
The only time Hillary "turned over the server" was she bumped into it during one or her brain attacks.
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
that's a lie....and you know it.

nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...

Hillary should have known something was fucked up when they weren't marked! DUH!
she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

Just admit it ladies, you hate anything Clinton.

You believe they have found nothing? Do you live in a cave in Afghanistan?

As I said. He's a mindless drone who can't or doesn't want to see what's in front of his face.
this guy wrote the RW talking points book ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and is boring the board with cliff notes.

what dolt.

nobody cares.

It would be nice if the freakshow would STFU until they had something solid on Clinton. This conjecture BS is really really O-L-D.

How in the hell would you know if there was something solid on Clinton when you are a liberal toad who only listens to the mainstream TV network news or the White House or the Justice Dept or the liberal professors in this country? NONE of THEM have ever implicated any of their own kind. Scandal after Scandal and no one admits to any crime and no one goes to jail. So where is this "something solid" going to surface, and who is going to do jack shit about it?

bite me boi ... shove this down your partisan pie hole

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called gwb43.com, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a gwb43.com email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on georgewbush.com (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and rnchq.org (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, gwb43.com has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]

enjoy, and STFU.

Did you know that government employees are not allowed to conduct partisan political activities on government e-mail?

You didn't? That might explain why you posted that bull shit!
Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
Here is the deal...and I don't intend to vote for any Democrat for President in 2016

What happened here is probably ignorance of the law and technology by Hillary.

It's impossible to prove that she endangered national security because she feels above the law because she's Democratic royalty.

If what she did can be proven to have harmed national security, because she felt above the law...this issue would gain traction outside of conservative media, and Republican lead congressional hearings.

I see righties acting outraged simply because they see Fox News telling them they should be
or most people sensibly realize it's just not that big of a deal. You guys are carrying on like she was e-mailing this stuff to Kim Jong Um.

Yes, you're absolutely right, it's not nearly as bad as her husband selling nuclear weapons secrets to the Chinese for campaign money. Still.... it's pretty bad.

So what? They were releasing the e-mails from his Presidential Library.

Are you so stupid that you did not even bother to read your own links?

Where is the "honesty" as you so sarcastically put it?

I have a better question for you. Why are you failing to use what God gave you in terms of a brain?

You have nothing!

So what? They were releasing the e-mails from his Presidential Library.

Are you so stupid that you did not even bother to read your own links?

Where is the "honesty" as you so sarcastically put it?

I have a better question for you. Why are you failing to use what God gave you in terms of a brain?

You have nothing!

so what?

uh, in 2007 Bush had 2 servers, one shared with Cheney ... during TWO wars, and sent MILLIONS of emails for the world to hack and read ... and theres is a problem with Clinton exposing classified intel via email... RW hypocricy knows no bounds.

sooooooo Seaman Recruit, STFU , thats what.
nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...

she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

We don't know what the FBI has found on her wiped hard drive. That is still under investigation and the details will be released to the Justice Department in due time.

Care, I will remind you that it is a violation of federal law to have ANY internal government correspondence on your private server. That she did this, is not in question. If she had classified material on her server, it is a major felony and one she can go to prison for.
HOW MANY TIMES do you have to be CORRECTED on that regurgitated LIE of yours that her server was wiped clean?

HER SERVER was NOT wiped clean. Even the right wing sites that spread the regurgitated rumor along with you, eventually reneged that talking point and admit that she did not wipe her server clean.

The FBI Has everything she ever emailed including her personal emails on her server and thumb drive.

All of this LEAKING of info, a bit at a time, without the full story behind it, has been done by Republicans in congress or gvt with an agenda to charge, try, and execute her in the court of public opinion and to harm her run.

It is UNETHICAL, and scummy, especially when there is an official investigation going on....don't you think?
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nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...

she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

We don't know what the FBI has found on her wiped hard drive. That is still under investigation and the details will be released to the Justice Department in due time.

Care, I will remind you that it is a violation of federal law to have ANY internal government correspondence on your private server. That she did this, is not in question. If she had classified material on her server, it is a major felony and one she can go to prison for.
HOW MANY TIMES do you have to be CORRECTED on that regurgitated LIE of yours that her server was wiped clean?

HER SERVER was NOT wiped clean. Even the right wing sites that spread the regurgitated rumor along with you, eventually reneged that talking point and admit that she did not wipe her server clean.

The FBI Has everything she ever emailed including her personal emails on her server and thumb drive.

All of this LEAKING of info, a bit at a time, without the full story behind it, has been done by Republicans in congress or gvt with an agenda to charge, try, and execute her in the court of public arena and to harm her run.

It is UNETHICAL, and scummy, especially when there is an official investigation going on....don't you think?

Well then we can expect the FBI to totally exonerate her any day now, right?
nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...

she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

We don't know what the FBI has found on her wiped hard drive. That is still under investigation and the details will be released to the Justice Department in due time.

Care, I will remind you that it is a violation of federal law to have ANY internal government correspondence on your private server. That she did this, is not in question. If she had classified material on her server, it is a major felony and one she can go to prison for.
HOW MANY TIMES do you have to be CORRECTED on that regurgitated LIE of yours that her server was wiped clean?

HER SERVER was NOT wiped clean. Even the right wing sites that spread the regurgitated rumor along with you, eventually reneged that talking point and admit that she did not wipe her server clean.

The FBI Has everything she ever emailed including her personal emails on her server and thumb drive.

All of this LEAKING of info, a bit at a time, without the full story behind it, has been done by Republicans in congress or gvt with an agenda to charge, try, and execute her in the court of public opinion and to harm her run.

It is UNETHICAL, and scummy, especially when there is an official investigation going on....don't you think?

unethical and scummy is the forte' of RW's, they could care less. The lower they dip thier heads in crap, the better they like it.

So what? They were releasing the e-mails from his Presidential Library.

Are you so stupid that you did not even bother to read your own links?

Where is the "honesty" as you so sarcastically put it?

I have a better question for you. Why are you failing to use what God gave you in terms of a brain?

You have nothing!

so what?

uh, in 2007 Bush had 2 servers, one shared with Cheney ... during TWO wars, and sent MILLIONS of emails for the world to hack and read ... and theres is a problem with Clinton exposing classified intel via email... RW hypocricy knows no bounds.

sooooooo Seaman Recruit, STFU , thats what.

The link YOU provided details as to why there was a second e-mail server. You also have no proof that there was an classified intel on that e-mail except your own liberalism-addled imagination..

I guess you can't read your own links because it details the requirements of the Hatch Act, something which every government employee or member of the military should be familiar with, as it governs political activity. I was both, so maybe that is why I know what I am talking about!

Why don't you just log-off and contact your local school system about Continuing Education programs for adult illiteracy? That is assuming you are not still in high school!
nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...

she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

We don't know what the FBI has found on her wiped hard drive. That is still under investigation and the details will be released to the Justice Department in due time.

Care, I will remind you that it is a violation of federal law to have ANY internal government correspondence on your private server. That she did this, is not in question. If she had classified material on her server, it is a major felony and one she can go to prison for.
HOW MANY TIMES do you have to be CORRECTED on that regurgitated LIE of yours that her server was wiped clean?

HER SERVER was NOT wiped clean. Even the right wing sites that spread the regurgitated rumor along with you, eventually reneged that talking point and admit that she did not wipe her server clean.

The FBI Has everything she ever emailed including her personal emails on her server and thumb drive.

All of this LEAKING of info, a bit at a time, without the full story behind it, has been done by Republicans in congress or gvt with an agenda to charge, try, and execute her in the court of public opinion and to harm her run.

It is UNETHICAL, and scummy, especially when there is an official investigation going on....don't you think?

These e-mails that the FBI is investigating are being provided to the them from the State Department in accordance with a court order!

My God, you liberals are so stupid, I don't know how you function at anything more complicated than sweeping a floor!

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