Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

Oh, you think someone is out to "ruin" Hillary Clinton's reputation? Dude, she's been embroiled in "get rich" schemes going back so long it's shocking that anyone with even half a clue would think she had a reputation that COULD be ruined!

Hillary Clinton and her hubby have used their positions of power in the US government to enrich themselves since back in the 80's. You know as well as I do that she's as sleazy as the day is long and will do or say just about anything to get elected so she can get even richer. If you want to put a "for sale" sign on the White House lawn then support Hillary. Bernie may be a socialist idiot but at least he's semi-honest.

So now you are upset that she is making money? You guys didn't have a problem when Reagan got a million dollars from Japan after he left the white house. You didn't have a problem with Dick Cheney's company making BILLIONS off the War on an Emotional State. But now you are upset that the Clintons are making money.. Hmmmmmmm,,,,,,

Double standard much?

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of trying to win your battles in a court room, how about trying to win them at a ballot box.

Because I'll say it again. I don't give a fuck if Hillary sends out Seal Team Six to whack Ken Starr and Monica...

I don't care if she was e-mailing love notes to Putin.

It's who is going to make MY life better, that's the only issue I'm voting on.
Oh, you think someone is out to "ruin" Hillary Clinton's reputation? Dude, she's been embroiled in "get rich" schemes going back so long it's shocking that anyone with even half a clue would think she had a reputation that COULD be ruined!

Hillary Clinton and her hubby have used their positions of power in the US government to enrich themselves since back in the 80's. You know as well as I do that she's as sleazy as the day is long and will do or say just about anything to get elected so she can get even richer. If you want to put a "for sale" sign on the White House lawn then support Hillary. Bernie may be a socialist idiot but at least he's semi-honest.

So now you are upset that she is making money? You guys didn't have a problem when Reagan got a million dollars from Japan after he left the white house. You didn't have a problem with Dick Cheney's company making BILLIONS off the War on an Emotional State. But now you are upset that the Clintons are making money.. Hmmmmmmm,,,,,,

Double standard much?

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of trying to win your battles in a court room, how about trying to win them at a ballot box.

Because I'll say it again. I don't give a fuck if Hillary sends out Seal Team Six to whack Ken Starr and Monica...

I don't care if she was e-mailing love notes to Putin.

It's who is going to make MY life better, that's the only issue I'm voting on.

What's amusing, Joey...is that you think Hillary Clinton cares about making YOUR life better!
What's amusing, Joey...is that you think Hillary Clinton cares about making YOUR life better!

Hillary is going to make life better for those who are funding her campaign... Wall Street investment bankers and hedge fund managers. That's if she can avoid going to prison which remains to be seen. If she does manage to win the White House, her policies will be atrocious and we'll hear Joey whine about the mean old republicans who obstruct her agenda for the entirety of her term.

But I have to give Joey credit, at least he is honest about how much of a Hillary HACK he is.

"I don't give a fuck if Hillary sends out Seal Team Six to whack Ken Starr and Monica... I don't care if she was e-mailing love notes to Putin." ~Joey the Hack
What's amusing, Joey...is that you think Hillary Clinton cares about making YOUR life better!

my life got a LOT better when her Husband was in office.

You see, when you care about working people more than the rich, that tends to happen.

Hillary is going to make life better for those who are funding her campaign... Wall Street investment bankers and hedge fund managers. That's if she can avoid going to prison which remains to be seen. If she does manage to win the White House, her policies will be atrocious and we'll hear Joey whine about the mean old republicans who obstruct her agenda for the entirety of her term.

Actually, I suspect the GOP will continue to implode as it is currently doing, it will probably break up into a couple of smaller parties. Also, Hillary will be a lot better at playing hardball. And with a LIBERAL SUPREME COURT, it's going to be not fun for you guys.
They say healthy dreaming keeps you from going insane, Joey... you keep that up, hear? :rofl:
They say healthy dreaming keeps you from going insane, Joey... you keep that up, hear? :rofl:

Guy, did you watch that hot mess of a debate you fools had last night? The one where the Reality TV Rodeo clown spanked your professional politicians?

The GOP Is done. It just hasn't stopped flopping around yet. There aren't enough angry old white guys to keep it afloat.
What's amusing, Joey...is that you think Hillary Clinton cares about making YOUR life better!

my life got a LOT better when her Husband was in office.

You see, when you care about working people more than the rich, that tends to happen.

Hillary is going to make life better for those who are funding her campaign... Wall Street investment bankers and hedge fund managers. That's if she can avoid going to prison which remains to be seen. If she does manage to win the White House, her policies will be atrocious and we'll hear Joey whine about the mean old republicans who obstruct her agenda for the entirety of her term.

Actually, I suspect the GOP will continue to implode as it is currently doing, it will probably break up into a couple of smaller parties. Also, Hillary will be a lot better at playing hardball. And with a LIBERAL SUPREME COURT, it's going to be not fun for you guys.

Did your life get better because of Bill Clinton or because of the GOP "Contract With America"? Did your life get better because of a Clinton economic initiative or because of the Dot Com Boom?

I hate to break this to you, Sparky but expecting the same economic growth as we got under Bill Clinton with HIllary as President, given a TOTALLY different set of circumstances is like expecting to find a twenty dollar bill on a particular street corner because twenty years ago you happened to find one there!
Did your life get better because of Bill Clinton or because of the GOP "Contract With America"? Did your life get better because of a Clinton economic initiative or because of the Dot Com Boom?

I hate to break this to you, Sparky but expecting the same economic growth as we got under Bill Clinton with HIllary as President, given a TOTALLY different set of circumstances is like expecting to find a twenty dollar bill on a particular street corner because twenty years ago you happened to find one there!

Well, I will admit, you guys can never really claim Republicans make our lives better. Those guys fuck it up every time they get into office.
Guy, did you watch that hot mess of a debate you fools had last night? The one where the Reality TV Rodeo clown spanked your professional politicians?

I predict Trump will lose SC to Cruz. And.. Rubio may come in second.
Did your life get better because of Bill Clinton or because of the GOP "Contract With America"? Did your life get better because of a Clinton economic initiative or because of the Dot Com Boom?

I hate to break this to you, Sparky but expecting the same economic growth as we got under Bill Clinton with HIllary as President, given a TOTALLY different set of circumstances is like expecting to find a twenty dollar bill on a particular street corner because twenty years ago you happened to find one there!

Well, I will admit, you guys can never really claim Republicans make our lives better. Those guys fuck it up every time they get into office.

I asked you two rather simple questions, Joey...and you avoided them both like the plague. I think deep down that shows that you know full well that it was the Dot Com Boom that made everyone's life "better" back then and Bill Clinton just happened to be the guy whose ass was sitting in that chair in the Oval Office!

Since you don't want to answer those two questions...let's see how you do with this one...

Who do you think made the average American's life better...Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan?
I asked you two rather simple questions, Joey...and you avoided them both like the plague. I think deep down that shows that you know full well that it was the Dot Com Boom that made everyone's life "better" back then and Bill Clinton just happened to be the guy whose ass was sitting in that chair in the Oval Office!

Since you don't want to answer those two questions...let's see how you do with this one...

I didn't work in a job that had anything to do with "dot-coms", and neither did any one I knew. "Dot.coms" became like "9-11", the dog that ate everyone's homework when Bush came along and fucked up everything. And that's the thing with repukes... IT'S NEVER THEIR FAULT when things go south.

As for that asshole Gingrich, his own party thought he was full of shit. The Contract on America had nothing to do with the economic expansion. What helped was that Clinton finally got our economic house in order by making the rich pay their fair share.

IWho do you think made the average American's life better...Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan?

Uh, things were in really bad shape when Carter took office. Ford managed to fuck up everything.

As for Reagan. Reagan destroyed the middle class in this country.
Guy, did you watch that hot mess of a debate you fools had last night? The one where the Reality TV Rodeo clown spanked your professional politicians?

I predict Trump will lose SC to Cruz. And.. Rubio may come in second.

Trump is leading Crazy Ted by 20-22 points. One poll has Kasich beating Cruz and Rubio. You guys are SOOOOOOOOO fucked.
I asked you two rather simple questions, Joey...and you avoided them both like the plague. I think deep down that shows that you know full well that it was the Dot Com Boom that made everyone's life "better" back then and Bill Clinton just happened to be the guy whose ass was sitting in that chair in the Oval Office!

Since you don't want to answer those two questions...let's see how you do with this one...

I didn't work in a job that had anything to do with "dot-coms", and neither did any one I knew. "Dot.coms" became like "9-11", the dog that ate everyone's homework when Bush came along and fucked up everything. And that's the thing with repukes... IT'S NEVER THEIR FAULT when things go south.

As for that asshole Gingrich, his own party thought he was full of shit. The Contract on America had nothing to do with the economic expansion. What helped was that Clinton finally got our economic house in order by making the rich pay their fair share.

IWho do you think made the average American's life better...Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan?

Uh, things were in really bad shape when Carter took office. Ford managed to fuck up everything.

As for Reagan. Reagan destroyed the middle class in this country.

Let me see if I've got how this works...if a Democratic President flounders on economics...like Barry and Jimmy...it's the fault of the Republican that preceded them...but if a Republican has problems...THEY fucked up everything?

You're amusing Joey...

Give just about ANY President a Dot Com Boom in the midst of their Presidency and they're going to look great on the economy. You think Clinton created economic growth by raising taxes on the rich? Obviously economics was not a subject you studied in college! Clinton was able to raise taxes on the rich because the economy was so hot that people were making wheelbarrows full of money because of the Dot Com Boom!

What DID the "Contract with America" mean, Joey? I don't think you have the faintest idea...
Guy, did you watch that hot mess of a debate you fools had last night? The one where the Reality TV Rodeo clown spanked your professional politicians?

I predict Trump will lose SC to Cruz. And.. Rubio may come in second.

Trump is leading Crazy Ted by 20-22 points. One poll has Kasich beating Cruz and Rubio. You guys are SOOOOOOOOO fucked.

You guys are running an elderly woman with health issues, who lies habitually and keeps getting caught in scandal after scandal...along with an elderly man who if you added up the cost of his proposed government plans the cost would be so astronomical it's laughable to even consider. Who's fucked?
Let me see if I've got how this works...if a Democratic President flounders on economics...like Barry and Jimmy...it's the fault of the Republican that preceded them...but if a Republican has problems...THEY fucked up everything?

You're amusing Joey...

Do you do special exercises to stay this stupid? George W. Bush inherited 4% unemployment, a booming stock market, peace, prosperity, surpluses... and Bush managed to fuck all that up. Because he's a fucking idiot.

Obama inherited an economy that as losing half a million jobs a month, a crashing stock market, wars that were bankrupting us and making us hated around the world, even by our allies, and your argument is he didn't fix what Bush fucked up fast enough?

You're retarded, Dog Style. I mean, I used to think you were just a typical racist Republican asshole with no accountability, but I'm starting to conclude youare just a special kind of retard.

Give just about ANY President a Dot Com Boom in the midst of their Presidency and they're going to look great on the economy. You think Clinton created economic growth by raising taxes on the rich? Obviously economics was not a subject you studied in college! Clinton was able to raise taxes on the rich because the economy was so hot that people were making wheelbarrows full of money because of the Dot Com Boom!

Clinton was able to raise taxes on the rich because the whole Supply Side thing was totally discredited by the mid-1990's. After Reagan and Bush stuck it to the working class on taxes, Clinton made the rich pay their fair share.

Oh, yeah, the "Dot-Com" boom was largely a myth. We did not have a great economy because of THIS guy.


What DID the "Contract with America" mean, Joey? I don't think you have the faintest idea...

It meant Newt shut down the government because he wanted to fuck old people. And they trounced the GOP in 1996 and 1998 for trying it. Finally, Newts fellow Republicans bounced him out...You guys couldn't win elections, so you had to start STEALING them.

You guys are running an elderly woman with health issues, who lies habitually and keeps getting caught in scandal after scandal...along with an elderly man who if you added up the cost of his proposed government plans the cost would be so astronomical it's laughable to even consider. Who's fucked?

Duly noted you can't really defend the circus going on your side. "Well, maybe the opposing quarterback will break his leg" is not a strategy, dude.

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