Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

If the FBI had anything, they'd have released it.

Well, they've never in all the history of the FBI, released evidence to the public while an investigation is ongoing. Even after the investigation is complete, they will release the information to the DOJ and if indictments are forthcoming, all the information will be sealed pending a trial. It's kinda how our judicial process works.

It's funny Joe, you don't strike me as someone so wet behind the ears that you don't know this. So why are you making this silly point over and over to everyone? Is it wishful thinking? Are you hoping the Clinton Machine can once again pull a magic horseshoe out of it's ass? Do you think the Obama Justice Department will find a suitable fall guy in time for the general elections? :dunno:
What got Bill Clinton in trouble wasn't him having sex with a White House intern but lying about it to Congressional investigators under oath.

Guy, if you are going to make an "argument", at least get your facts straight. Congress didn't investigate Clinton for the whole Blow Job thing. Ken Starr did. And when Ken Starr got Clinton in front of a grand jury, he did fess up and say, "Yup, totally got that blow job... you perv!"

The so-called perjury claim was that he didn't fess up to it when Paula Jones lawyers asked him about it. Which is completely meaningless given the fact the judge ruled it (nor any other sexual relationship Clinton had) was not relevant to the issue, did Clinton harrass Jones under the definitions in place before Ellsworth v. Burlington expanded the definition of sexual harrassment to "Hurt feelings".

Apparently not... she gets to flip coins and call in the super delegates so the "will of the people" simply doesn't matter. Bernie supporters just stand there doe-eyed, refusing to challenge her. I think this has been the most unbelievable primary I've ever seen. Of course, ol' Bern knows what he's doing... he's been losing elections since high school.

He's also won them to Congress and the Senate. If Hillary has to use coin flips and superdelegates to secure the nomination, that's kind of on the Democrats, isn't it? Frankly, I think both parties pick candidates in a messed up way... but there's a process to vote against Hillary if you don't like her.
Well, they've never in all the history of the FBI, released evidence to the public while an investigation is ongoing. Even after the investigation is complete, they will release the information to the DOJ and if indictments are forthcoming, all the information will be sealed pending a trial. It's kinda how our judicial process works.

Are you kidding? The FBI is just as bad at leaking as any other agency. They are leaking NOW. Get real.

It's funny Joe, you don't strike me as someone so wet behind the ears that you don't know this. So why are you making this silly point over and over to everyone? Is it wishful thinking? Are you hoping the Clinton Machine can once again pull a magic horseshoe out of it's ass? Do you think the Obama Justice Department will find a suitable fall guy in time for the general elections?

I'm sure some poor underling IS going to get hung out to dry, after all, it's what Ken Starr did to anyone who shook hands or exchanged body fluids with Bill back in the1990s before he came up with squat.

But the Fascist Band of Idiots is hardly going to impress me with their conduct so far. I'm sure these guys are all thinking about how hteir careers are boned when she DOES become President.
Fascist Band of Idiots

Are you now referring to the FBI who is headed by an Obama appointee? Or the Obama DOJ? :dunno:

You do realize the RNC is not conducting a criminal investigation on Hill... right?
Well, they've never in all the history of the FBI, released evidence to the public while an investigation is ongoing. Even after the investigation is complete, they will release the information to the DOJ and if indictments are forthcoming, all the information will be sealed pending a trial. It's kinda how our judicial process works.

Are you kidding? The FBI is just as bad at leaking as any other agency. They are leaking NOW. Get real.

It's funny Joe, you don't strike me as someone so wet behind the ears that you don't know this. So why are you making this silly point over and over to everyone? Is it wishful thinking? Are you hoping the Clinton Machine can once again pull a magic horseshoe out of it's ass? Do you think the Obama Justice Department will find a suitable fall guy in time for the general elections?

I'm sure some poor underling IS going to get hung out to dry, after all, it's what Ken Starr did to anyone who shook hands or exchanged body fluids with Bill back in the1990s before he came up with squat.

But the Fascist Band of Idiots is hardly going to impress me with their conduct so far. I'm sure these guys are all thinking about how hteir careers are boned when she DOES become President.

What Clinton "underling" did Ken Starr hang out to dry during the Clinton investigation?
Are you now referring to the FBI who is headed by an Obama appointee? Or the Obama DOJ? :dunno:

You do realize the RNC is not conducting a criminal investigation on Hill... right?

Fuck the FBI. It was a fascist band of idiots when the Crossdresser started it.

What Clinton "underling" did Ken Starr hang out to dry during the Clinton investigation?

Jim Guy Tucker, the McDougals, people who didn't have the resources to fight off a 70 million dollar juggernaut.
Fuck the FBI.

Careful there Joe, the guys in the dark glasses probably monitor these boards.

No, I don't think we can "fuck the FBI" because they are investigating Hildabeast. And for the record, there is no Ken Starr boogeyman for you to blame this on as of yet. Lots of us are asking for a Special Prosecutor, mostly because we don't trust Obama's Department of Justice to do justice here.
You know if you're going to investigate Hillary Clinton's emails--it's really high time to investigate Colin Powell and Condi Rice's--as they have the exact same problem.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com
Careful there Joe, the guys in the dark glasses probably monitor these boards.

No, I don't think we can "fuck the FBI" because they are investigating Hildabeast. And for the record, there is no Ken Starr boogeyman for you to blame this on as of yet. Lots of us are asking for a Special Prosecutor, mostly because we don't trust Obama's Department of Justice to do justice here.

I think the whole "Special Prosecutor" thing is dead on arrival. Those guys just abuse their authority. Not just Kenny the Pervert, but Walsh and Fitzgerald. The problem is, these guys never wind up charging on what they were investigating to start with.

Case in point -

Lawrence Walsh - Started out investigating whether or not Reagan traded weapons for hostages and diverted funds to drug dealing Contras. Except he couldn't make that case. So Seven Years Later he's charging Cap Weinberger with Perjury because he testified he didn't keep a diary, and he gave his meeting notes to the National Archive. Ironically, Cap was the guy who said giving the Iranians rockets was a bad idea.

Ken Starr - Started out investigating a failed land deal. Wound up investigating whether or not Clinton really thinks a blow job is sex or not.

Patrick Fitzgerald- Started out investigating a whether or not someone outed Valerie Plame (except her name was part of the public record, so no one outed her) wound up prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering an interview the same way Tim Russert remembered it.

Here's my favorite, the one no one else remembers. - David Barrett - Investigated whether or not HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros gave money to his mistress. the fact he gave money to his mistress wasn't in dispute. The amount was being investigated, and Barrett spent 22 MILLION dollars investigating payments of $250,000 to his mistress, and didn't wrap up his investigation until 2006, a DECADE after Cisneros resigned from public life.

No, we should pass an independent counsel statue that requires any politician who says 'special prosecutor" aloud should be publically flogged.
You know if you're going to investigate Hillary Clinton's emails--it's really high time to investigate Colin Powell and Condi Rice's--as they have the exact same problem.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

Did you even read that article, Oreo? Here is part of it...

"In all the cases, however -- as well as Clinton's -- the information was not marked "classified" at the time the emails were sent, according to State Department investigators.

Powell noted that point in a statement on Thursday.

"The State Department cannot now say they were classified then because they weren't," Powell said. "If the Department wishes to say a dozen years later they should have been classified that is an opinion of the Department that I do not share."

"I have reviewed the messages and I do not see what makes them classified," Powell said.

Clinton has argued that the messages from her email have since been deemed classified by the intelligence community as part of an "inter-agency dispute" between the intelligence community and the State Department over whether the information should have been classified.

Additionally, Powell said he never kept the emails in his possession when he left the State Department. Unlike Clinton, Powell's emails remained in government computer servers.

An aide to Rice, who now teaches at Stanford University, said that Rice herself never used email -- not even a personal email account -- during her tenure."

Powell's emails remained in government computer servers and Rice never used email during her tenure. So how is what Clinton did ANYTHING at all like what her predecessors did at the State Department?
So the Obama State Department has now decided that some of the e-mails that Powell sent or received should have been classified? REALLY? What emails would those be? Since Powell didn't delete his...let's hear from the people at State trying desperately to cover Hillary's ass just what Powell sent or received that he shouldn't have. Powell states in no uncertain terms that he has reviewed those emails and doesn't see what makes them classified. It's put up or shut up time for the pro Hillary people at State.
This has reached the level of farce at this point! Expecting any Obama Administration agency...whether it is the Justice Department, the State Department or the freaking National Park Service...to be honest with the American people is laughably naive. It's long past time to appoint a Special Prosecutor.
Powell's emails remained in government computer servers and Rice never used email during her tenure. So how is what Clinton did ANYTHING at all like what her predecessors did at the State Department?

So Serious Crimes in Dog Style's World.

1) Lying about a blow job.
2) Not using the right kind of E-mail Server.

Not a serious crime in Dog Style World

1) Ignoring a warning from the CIA we are about to be hit on US Soil.
2) Lying about weapons of Mass Destruction and starting a war that kills 1 million people.
3) Neglecting to prepare for major disasters and letting 2000 people drown in a hurricane.

No one died because Clinton got a blow job. No one died because Hillary didn't use the right kind of e-mail.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
This has reached the level of farce at this point! Expecting any Obama Administration agency...whether it is the Justice Department, the State Department or the freaking National Park Service...to be honest with the American people is laughably naive. It's long past time to appoint a Special Prosecutor.

No, we should never appoint a special prosecutor. Those guys never do anything but piss away a lot of money and ruin the lives of bit players.
So the Obama State Department has now decided that some of the e-mails that Powell sent or received should have been classified? REALLY? What emails would those be? Since Powell didn't delete his...let's hear from the people at State trying desperately to cover Hillary's ass just what Powell sent or received that he shouldn't have. Powell states in no uncertain terms that he has reviewed those emails and doesn't see what makes them classified. It's put up or shut up time for the pro Hillary people at State.

Okay. Let's release all the e-mails Powell and Clinton did that state is saying are classified.

If they contain material that is already in the public domain, such as drone strikes or conversations with foreign leaders that were reported, then we can all go home and stop wasting our time.
So the Obama State Department has now decided that some of the e-mails that Powell sent or received should have been classified? REALLY? What emails would those be? Since Powell didn't delete his...let's hear from the people at State trying desperately to cover Hillary's ass just what Powell sent or received that he shouldn't have. Powell states in no uncertain terms that he has reviewed those emails and doesn't see what makes them classified. It's put up or shut up time for the pro Hillary people at State.

Okay. Let's release all the e-mails Powell and Clinton did that state is saying are classified.

If they contain material that is already in the public domain, such as drone strikes or conversations with foreign leaders that were reported, then we can all go home and stop wasting our time.

I find it hilarious that you think the Obama State Department is trustworthy at this point, Joey! They're not! This latest attempt to justify what Hillary Clinton did is nothing more than smoke and mirrors and Powell is calling them on it. He said he's looked at the emails in question...emails that were not classified when they were sent or received...and doesn't know why they are now being called classified by the Obama State Department. People in the State Department now claim that Clinton is being held to a different standard than Powell or Rice? Rice didn't even use emails and yet the Clinton camp is claiming that she's guilty of the same thing as Hillary? It's laughable.
This has reached the level of farce at this point! Expecting any Obama Administration agency...whether it is the Justice Department, the State Department or the freaking National Park Service...to be honest with the American people is laughably naive. It's long past time to appoint a Special Prosecutor.

No, we should never appoint a special prosecutor. Those guys never do anything but piss away a lot of money and ruin the lives of bit players.

So we should let those in power in the government investigate themselves? Yeah...that will work, Joey! :blowup:
I find it hilarious that you think the Obama State Department is trustworthy at this point, Joey! They're not! This latest attempt to justify what Hillary Clinton did is nothing more than smoke and mirrors and Powell is calling them on it. He said he's looked at the emails in question...emails that were not classified when they were sent or received...and doesn't know why they are now being called classified by the Obama State Department. People in the State Department now claim that Clinton is being held to a different standard than Powell or Rice? Rice didn't even use emails and yet the Clinton camp is claiming that she's guilty of the same thing as Hillary? It's laughable.

No, laughable is trying to watch you guys pretend this is a big deal when it really isn't. So Obama is totally fucking with you guys by retroactively declaring a bunch of stuff classified that really shouldn't be because the CIA is calling a bunch of stuff Hillary had classified that really shouldn't be. Too fucking funny.

So we should let those in power in the government investigate themselves? Yeah...that will work, Joey!

Work a lot better than giving a partisan asshole an unlimited budget to ruin someone's life with no accountability. The problem with Walsh, Starr, Barrett was that AFTER they found they couldn't make a case on what they were assigned to investigate, they keep going.

which is how you get Walsh prosecuting Cap Weinberger for perjury because he didn't think his meeting notes were a diary, or how you got Ken Starr investigating whether or not Clinton considered a blow job to be sex or not. Or my personal favorite- David Barrett spending 22 MILLLION dollars to track $250,000 Henry Cisneros paid his mistress. Oh, Cisneros plead to a MISDEMEANOR 10 years after he left office. That was an effective use of money.

Of course, it isn't about justice. It's about using the legal system to ruin people's reputations.
Oh, you think someone is out to "ruin" Hillary Clinton's reputation? Dude, she's been embroiled in "get rich" schemes going back so long it's shocking that anyone with even half a clue would think she had a reputation that COULD be ruined!

Hillary Clinton and her hubby have used their positions of power in the US government to enrich themselves since back in the 80's. You know as well as I do that she's as sleazy as the day is long and will do or say just about anything to get elected so she can get even richer. If you want to put a "for sale" sign on the White House lawn then support Hillary. Bernie may be a socialist idiot but at least he's semi-honest.

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