Hillary's Two-Faced AIPAC Speech


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
She's a liar...
Hillary's Two-Faced AIPAC Speech
No matter which teleprompter she uses, Clinton’s record is still anti-Israel.
March 22, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Hillary Clinton was against Israel before she was for Israel before she was against Israel. And now she’s for Israel again. Uniquely, Hillary Clinton has so many flip-flops that you need a flow chart to get a handle on her positions as First Lady, Senator, Presidential Candidate I, Secretary of State and Presidential Candidate II. John Kerry had a shelf of flip-flops. Hillary Clinton has an entire closet full of flip-flops in different shades of stomach-turning fevered fuchsia, power pink and oligarch orange.

At AIPAC, Hillary Clinton delivered a very nice speech that someone else wrote for her. That’s usually what AIPAC is for. It’s where any politician can read off a pro-Israel speech from a teleprompter without believing a word of it. And no one is better at blankly reading things they don’t believe than Hillary.

After having claimed to be Obama’s “designated yeller” at Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, she told the crowd at AIPAC, “One of the first things I’ll do in office is invite the Israeli prime minister to visit the White House.” I’m sure Netanyahu can’t wait for that and for his next dental checkup.

Hillary Clinton mentioned the murder of Taylor Force, an Iraq War veteran in Israel, and her speechwriter quite correctly noted that, “Palestinian leaders need to stop inciting violence, stop celebrating terrorists as martyrs and stop paying rewards to their families.”

If only Hillary Clinton had been Secretary of State. She might have been able to do something about it.

Hillary Clinton was in two administrations which shoveled money into the PLO while ignoring its terrorism. In between them, Senator Hillary Clinton condemned the same incitement, warned that the Palestinian Authority was responsible for terror attacks and urged that foreign aid to the terror group be conditioned on a “cessation of Palestinian propaganda and hateful rhetoric.”

That was nine years ago.

Not only wasn’t foreign aid to the PLO curtailed, but the terror group began getting more money than ever while she was in office. Some emails batted around the idea of ending incitement in exchange for promoting the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish population of ‘67 Israel. That’s like asking the Nazis to stop being anti-Semitic in exchange for the Jews voluntarily going to concentration camps.

In her AIPAC speech, Hillary Clinton doesn’t mention using foreign aid as leverage to end terrorism. So she’s promising even less than she did nine years ago.

Hillary Clinton once again brought out her imaginary ceasefire with Hamas. This has become one of her “accomplishment” talking points that supporters are supposed to mention when asked what she actually did. Except that ceasefire had a half-life almost as long as one of Hillary Clinton’s political positions. An hour after the ceasefire, a dozen rockets were fired into Israel. The ceasefire was notable mainly for letting the media start stories with, “Today, the ceasefire was broken yet again.”

What Hillary Clinton’s “ceasefire” did was put the Muslim Brotherhood, which back then was in control of Egypt, thanks to Hillary, in charge of “mediating” between its Muslim Brotherhood terror arm in Gaza, Hamas, and its worst enemy, Israel. The only thing the ceasefire did was help Hamas prepare for its next round of attacks which were the most devastating and disturbing in their reach and depth.


Which is the real Hillary? It’s easy to find the true Hillary by looking at her emails and her actions as Secretary of State. We can spot the anti-Israel rhetoric in her second memoir Hard Choices. It takes more to be pro-Israel than hiring a pro-Israel speechwriter. It takes a consistent pro-Israel record.

No matter which teleprompter she uses, Hillary Clinton’s record is still anti-Israel.

Hillary's Two-Faced AIPAC Speech

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