Hillary's Web of Lies Unraveling.....


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Hillary's web if lies and deceit may be coming to an end. She is now being investigated by teh FBI. She is caught in so many lies that it is now almost comical! Here's a small sampling....

" I negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia - LIE (they were released the day before she got there).
"I learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market" - LIE
"Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001" - LIE
"I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary"- LIE
"The Benghazi attack was a response to a video" - LIE
"I was under sniper fire in Bosnia" - LIE
"I only used a private server because I didn't want to carry two devices" - LIE
"I did not share classified e-mail in my e-mails" - A BIG HUGE LIE

That last one may be her undoing.

The classified emails stored on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server contained information from five U.S. intelligence agencies and included material related to the fatal 2012 Benghazi attacks, McClatchy has learned.

Of the five classified emails, the one known to be connected to Benghazi was among 296 emails made public in May by the State Department. Intelligence community officials have determined it was improperly released.

Revelations about the emails have put Clinton in the crosshairs of a broadening inquiry into whether she or her aides mishandled classified information when she used a private server set up at her New York home to conduct official State Department business.

While campaigning for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, Clinton has repeatedly denied she ever sent or received classified information. Two inspectors general have indicated that five emails they have reviewed were not marked classified at the time they were stored on her private server but that the contents were in fact “secret.”

The intelligence community inspector general only looked at a sample of 40 emails, even though a total of 30,000 emails were turned over to the State Department by Clinton.

Data in Clinton s secret emails came from 5 intelligence agencies McClatchy DC

Bottom line, Hillary violated the rules and endangered national security for the sole and explicit purpose of avoiding accountability and transparency, for her own political purposes. She did have classified information on her server and that's why the Inspectors General have referred this matter to the Justice Department and the FBI for further investigation . The FBI does not investigate for civil wrongdoing or ethical lapses. It investigates behavior that may be criminal or that may expose the nation’s security to jeopardy.

Why did Hillary lie? Because she thinks she can get away with it. Will American Voters let her?
And this time, I don't think the Nuts & Sluts maneuver is going to work when Bubba's inevitable "bimbo eruption" occurs.
And this time, I don't think the Nuts & Sluts maneuver is going to work when Bubba's inevitable "bimbo eruption" occurs.

Sadly, If the president wants Clinton prosecuted for failing to secure classified materials, then she will be. If he does not want her prosecuted, then she won’t be, no matter what the FBI finds or any political fallout.

Will voters allow her to get away with it?
And this time, I don't think the Nuts & Sluts maneuver is going to work when Bubba's inevitable "bimbo eruption" occurs.

Sadly, If the president wants Clinton prosecuted for failing to secure classified materials, then she will be. If he does not want her prosecuted, then she won’t be, no matter what the FBI finds or any political fallout.

Will voters allow her to get away with it?

I'm of the mind that Valerie Jarrett is submarining Hillary on behalf of Obama. Obama's inner circle has loathed Hillary since the 2008 campaign. It's not a coincidence that the White House has instigated the investigation into Hillary's email server at this time.
Sorry Zander, almost every agency is run by the leftists in Washington. If it was a republican, they would already have been "tar and feathered," but with this being the "grand mommy" of the liberals; well, I would say, don't hold your breath. May not be fair or right, but remember, you are talking about Washington here.
The great unraveling of "the inevitable" continues. Hillary's lost the woman vote now....

In June, 44% of white women had a favorable view of Mrs. Clinton, compared to 43% who didn’t. In July, those numbers moved in the wrong direction for Mrs. Clinton: Only 34% of white women saw her in a positive light, compared to 53% who had a negative impression of her, the poll found.

Slow Joe is gonna eat her lunch when he announces in a few weeks. :rofl:

Hillary Clinton Loses Ground With White Women WSJ NBC Poll - Washington Wire - WSJ
What difference does it make?

Any Democrat has the full and unfaltering support of 47% of registered voters AND a Liberal media machine capable of turning absurdity into reality.
Hillary is not "under investigation" by the FBI, or by any other law enforcement agency.

But, but, but, but....I'm supposed to be desperate.

Where there's smoke.......
There is usually someone from Appalachia near by

Is there a prison in Appalachia? Hillary might be spending time there.....she's mishandled classified documents. ....:rofl:

Given your track record of predictions and your blind hatred of everyone not like you...I'm pretty confident you're going to be wrong yet again.
Hillary is not "under investigation" by the FBI, or by any other law enforcement agency.

But, but, but, but....I'm supposed to be desperate.

Where there's smoke.......
There is usually someone from Appalachia near by

Is there a prison in Appalachia? Hillary might be spending time there.....she's mishandled classified documents. ....:rofl:

Given your track record of predictions and your blind hatred of everyone not like you...I'm pretty confident you're going to be wrong yet again.

Stop projecting.

Hillary is under criminal investigation. Sorry.
But, but, but, but....I'm supposed to be desperate.

Where there's smoke.......
There is usually someone from Appalachia near by

Is there a prison in Appalachia? Hillary might be spending time there.....she's mishandled classified documents. ....:rofl:

Given your track record of predictions and your blind hatred of everyone not like you...I'm pretty confident you're going to be wrong yet again.

Stop projecting.

Hillary is under criminal investigation. Sorry.

Sure...whatever you say.

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