His Big Opportunity, Tonight!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Right now, run-of-the-mill, with lots of problems and baggage.......
...but tonight....if they plan and orchestrate it right, the Democrats can make a huge splash, jump into history, and obviate what is less than a pedestrian presidential candidacy.

The handwriting is on the wall.....biblically.....
mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

....and he certainly has....

And politically....

"Biden leads Trump by 9 points in latest Economist/YouGov trial heat"

July 16th

Biden ahead by 6 points.
August 5th

New CNN Poll: Presidential Race Tightens, Biden Up By Only 4%

Posted by William A. Jacobson ▪ August 17, 2020 at 9:00am

That’s a drop of 10% for Biden lead in the last month, and in battleground states, it’s essentially a dead heat with Biden up by 1%

So.....tonight at the Democrat Convention.....he gives a speech where he declines the nomination and turns the reins over to.......???????

A woman?





Whoever......it'd be BIG news!!!!!
Right now, run-of-the-mill, with lots of problems and baggage.......
...but tonight....if they plan and orchestrate it right, the Democrats can make a huge splash, jump into history, and obviate what is less than a pedestrian presidential candidacy.

The handwriting is on the wall.....biblically.....
mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

....and he certainly has....

And politically....

"Biden leads Trump by 9 points in latest Economist/YouGov trial heat"

July 16th

Biden ahead by 6 points.
August 5th

New CNN Poll: Presidential Race Tightens, Biden Up By Only 4%

Posted by William A. Jacobson ▪ August 17, 2020 at 9:00am

That’s a drop of 10% for Biden lead in the last month, and in battleground states, it’s essentially a dead heat with Biden up by 1%

So.....tonight at the Democrat Convention.....he gives a speech where he declines the nomination and turns the reins over to.......???????

A woman?





Whoever......it'd be BIG news!!!!!
Yep, it WOULD be HUGE news!
Biden is so far ahead of Trump it reminds me of the night he was elected.
It’s better than that. The polls are being manipulated in Biden’s favor even more than they did for Hillary. It’s a joke.
By the way, the nayor of Hobart, In officially switched parties this weekend., to gop. Stated the dems are not the party of yesterday.
Biden is so far ahead of Trump it reminds me of the night he was elected.
It’s better than that. The polls are being manipulated in Biden’s favor even more than they did for Hillary. It’s a joke.
By the way, the nayor of Hobart, In officially switched parties this weekend., to gop. Stated the dems are not the party of yesterday.

This Democrat Party needs a Reaganesque 49 state loss so they can reconfigure into being an American party again.
"Biden Approaches 500 Days Without a Boat Parade as MAGA Boaters Smash World Record for Trump

Joe Biden announced his presidential campaign on April 25, 2019. Since then, not a single boat parade has been held in his honor. For those keeping score at home, that's a whopping 480 days without a boat parade. When knowledgable pundits discuss the "enthusiasm gap" between Biden supporters and the MAGA faithful who can't wait to cast legitimate votes for President Donald J. Trump, this is precisely what they are talking about."
This is it!

Tonight is Joe's last chance to decline the nomination and give it to another Bolshevik...but a sentient one.

What will he do?
"Biden: 'My Doc Says I Don't Have Alzheimer's, Dementia, Or Alzheimer's'
August 19th, 2020

WILMINGTON, DE—In a recent live stream, Joe Biden proudly declared that his physician had cleared him of Alzheimer's, dementia, and Alzheimer's.

"My doc says I don't have Alzheimer's, dementia, or Alzheimer's," he said confidently. "Oh, and he also cleared me of Alzheimer's."
Aides could be heard scrambling around to try to cut the video feed.
"Yep -- completely clear of Alzheimer's, dementia, and Alzheimer's," he said. "Wait - who are you people? What are all these cameras doing here? Who am I? WHO AM I!?!?!"
At the end of the video, after aides finally calmed him down but before they were able to cut the feed, Biden added, "My doc says I don't have Alzheimer's, dementia, or Alzheimer's."
The Press quickly praised the speech as one of Biden's most coherent."

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