His Finest Hour?

No matter how praiseworthy the policy he has dictated may be, the point is that this is a brazen violation of the Constitution and sets a horrible precedent for future presidents to simply rule by edict when they don't get their way with Congress. Is that REALLY want you want, liberals? So when a Republican is president and starts ruling by edict, you won't scream bloody murder?

And what a terrible way to get started with the incoming GOP-controlled Congress, to act unilaterally in an area that the Constitution clearly assigns to Congress.

Yup, start with abortions, move onto same-sex marriage, then shut down the windfarms, sick the IRS on liberal organizations like the NAACP, deport every GD raghead and taco-bender in the country, and revoke the licenses of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, BET, Comedy Central, HBO, MSNBC, CNBC, and every other liberal media outlet. Then pull Obama's Secret Service protection.

Two can play this game.....
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Maybe we should accept the premise of the OP....that would go a long way in putting the remaining shit pile of his accomplishments in perspective.
No matter how praiseworthy the policy he has dictated may be, the point is that this is a brazen violation of the Constitution and sets a horrible precedent for future presidents to simply rule by edict when they don't get their way with Congress. Is that REALLY want you want, liberals? So when a Republican is president and starts ruling by edict, you won't scream bloody murder?

And what a terrible way to get started with the incoming GOP-controlled Congress, to act unilaterally in an area that the Constitution clearly assigns to Congress.

Yup, start with abortions, move onto same-sex marriage, then shut down the windfarms, sick the IRS on liberal organizations like the NAACP, deport every GD raghead and taco-bender in the country, and revoke the licenses of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, BET, Comedy Central, HBO, MSNBC, CNBC, and every other liberal media outlet. Then pull Obama's Secret Service protection.

Two can play this game.....

yeah, but you're not playing... you're a serious IDIOT stuck in a pipedream, and that pipedream is shoved up you ass. .. ergo, you're in this one (pretty much) all alone ... with the exception of like kind RW's.
No matter how praiseworthy the policy he has dictated may be, the point is that this is a brazen violation of the Constitution and sets a horrible precedent for future presidents to simply rule by edict when they don't get their way with Congress. Is that REALLY want you want, liberals? So when a Republican is president and starts ruling by edict, you won't scream bloody murder?

And what a terrible way to get started with the incoming GOP-controlled Congress, to act unilaterally in an area that the Constitution clearly assigns to Congress.

Yup, start with abortions, move onto same-sex marriage, then shut down the windfarms, sick the IRS on liberal organizations like the NAACP, deport every GD raghead and taco-bender in the country, and revoke the licenses of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, BET, Comedy Central, HBO, MSNBC, CNBC, and every other liberal media outlet. Then pull Obama's Secret Service protection.

Two can play this game.....

yeah, but you're not playing... you're a serious IDIOT stuck in a pipedream, and that pipedream is shoved up you ass. .. ergo, you're in this one (pretty much) all alone ... with the exception of like kind RW's.

And the irony impaired far left drone shoots their microscopic propaganda missile and it misses by light years.
No matter how praiseworthy the policy he has dictated may be, the point is that this is a brazen violation of the Constitution and sets a horrible precedent for future presidents to simply rule by edict when they don't get their way with Congress. Is that REALLY want you want, liberals? So when a Republican is president and starts ruling by edict, you won't scream bloody murder?

And what a terrible way to get started with the incoming GOP-controlled Congress, to act unilaterally in an area that the Constitution clearly assigns to Congress.

Yup, start with abortions, move onto same-sex marriage, then shut down the windfarms, sick the IRS on liberal organizations like the NAACP, deport every GD raghead and taco-bender in the country, and revoke the licenses of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, BET, Comedy Central, HBO, MSNBC, CNBC, and every other liberal media outlet. Then pull Obama's Secret Service protection.

Two can play this game.....

yeah, but you're not playing... you're a serious IDIOT stuck in a pipedream, and that pipedream is shoved up you ass. .. ergo, you're in this one (pretty much) all alone ... with the exception of like kind RW's.

And the irony impaired far left drone shoots their microscopic propaganda missile and it misses by light years.

another quivering fit ... impressive ... almost word for word from the last one.

Perhaps this provides a precedent for the Congress to usurp presidential powers that Obama has failed to use properly.
Did you know that our contry's history is repleat with one of the three branches having dissproportianate influence?

I don't really care. Just sounds like a good excuse to kick his ass if anyone needs one.
His finest hour? Hardly. Kicking McCain and Romney butt, making it look easy, and coming off as the one reasonable official in Washington were much better moments for our President.
Obama lies like no other politcian before him.....

Really? Did you measure that according to your own completely unbiased and even handed methods of gathering statistics?

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year If you like your health care plan you can keep it PolitiFact
There have been many politicans, that lied, in all the years of this country's 200+ years besides that one.

If you'd make a compelling case that what you think is a lie...is the biggest one of all time, or even in the top 10 of all time...that might be something

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Of course Republicans are convinced what Obama did last night offends the constitution, but the SCOTUS is the judge on that, and they haven't spoken yet.

If they do, and decide what he did was an overreach, I'll agree that it's an overreach...but if you think that will sway swing voters and lefties into the GOP camp, you'll be dissapointed.

It's not as big a deal as the GOP is trying to make it.

"I can't have an opinion. Only some other group can judge and tell me what I should think about that."

You're an American, cheese dick. Why don't you try acting like it and think for yourself? Willingly slackjawed dupes like you are EXACTLY the reason Obama thinks he can just declare himself Dictator of America and get away with it: because you're too busy standing around waiting for someone else to tell you that he can't, instead of knowing your own rights, their value, and your responsibility to protect them ON YOUR OWN.

I swear, if we could bring the Founding Fathers back and show them what became of "rugged individualism", they'd probably give the whole Revolution up as not worth the effort.
Obama will be challenged in court - the states have already filed suit- and he will lose. His own words will destroy him.

The net loss for Democrats will be positively devastating.

I will enjoy watching the new crop of Democrat presidential hopefuls navigate this minefield......
"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year If you like your health care plan you can keep it PolitiFact
There have been many politicans, that lied, in all the years of this country's 200+ years besides that one.

If you'd make a compelling case that what you think is a lie...is the biggest one of all time, or even in the top 10 of all time...that might be something

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Of course Republicans are convinced what Obama did last night offends the constitution, but the SCOTUS is the judge on that, and they haven't spoken yet.

If they do, and decide what he did was an overreach, I'll agree that it's an overreach...but if you think that will sway swing voters and lefties into the GOP camp, you'll be dissapointed.

It's not as big a deal as the GOP is trying to make it.

And of course all the GOP hypocrites who are crying about dictatorship are free to introduce legislation any time they want.
It's quite simple...criticizing his proposed policy is problematic...so the only thing left to criticize is "the way" he did it. That is the only way to keep yapping without opposing something that could affect the Latino vote

Problematic? The American electorate, INCLUDING "the Latino vote" - because we can't be reminded too many times by leftists that people are lockstepping cliched stereotypes, not individuals - has made it abundantly clear many times that they do not in any way agree with Obama's policies on illegal immigration, so how could it be "problematic" to oppose him? I mean, aside from the fact that you guys are going to vociferously lie and sling mud to avoid having to discuss the noxiousness you're supporting.
At a single stroke the President has taken the political momentum away from the Republicans, thrown them off balance and into even deeper confusion. They have no idea what to do now.

You might be right....

But it won't be long before he'll be looking up from the mat.
No matter how praiseworthy the policy he has dictated may be, the point is that this is a brazen violation of the Constitution and sets a horrible precedent for future presidents to simply rule by edict when they don't get their way with Congress. Is that REALLY want you want, liberals? So when a Republican is president and starts ruling by edict, you won't scream bloody murder?

And what a terrible way to get started with the incoming GOP-controlled Congress, to act unilaterally in an area that the Constitution clearly assigns to Congress.

Too bad that fucker Reagan had to establish such a terrible precedent.

Nice try, but not even close. As someone said, the signs that you're being swindled are not so much in what the con man tells you, as in what he doesn't. Reagan has nothing to do with what Obama has done, and saying, "A Republican did it first!" only justifies it if you believe Republicans are automatically good and righteous. Is that what you're telling us you believe?
Really? Did you measure that according to your own completely unbiased and even handed methods of gathering statistics?

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year If you like your health care plan you can keep it PolitiFact
There have been many politicans, that lied, in all the years of this country's 200+ years besides that one.

If you'd make a compelling case that what you think is a lie...is the biggest one of all time, or even in the top 10 of all time...that might be something

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Of course Republicans are convinced what Obama did last night offends the constitution, but the SCOTUS is the judge on that, and they haven't spoken yet.

If they do, and decide what he did was an overreach, I'll agree that it's an overreach...but if you think that will sway swing voters and lefties into the GOP camp, you'll be dissapointed.

It's not as big a deal as the GOP is trying to make it.
So that's what this was all about: expanding the democrat base of voters. Who give a fuck what it does to the country?
Exactly...and the Republican concerns about the constitutionality of what Obama did don't have "what it does to the country" in mind.

Welcome to constant electioneering from both sides.
'During an interview with White House press secretary Josh Earnest, “Fox and Friends” host Elizabeth Hasslbeck asked him if President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty was taking his “executive pen” and “slapping it right across the face” of legal immigrants.'

Hasselbeck Amnesty Slap To The Face For Legal Immigrants The Daily Caller
I saw that interview.

Hasselbeck asked the tough questions Fox gave her to ask with well portrayed conviction. Bit Earnest had a plausible answer for every question. The people feeding Hasselbeck questions through her teleprompter tried to turn up the heat, and Earnest answered them all, cool as a cucumber. He did because of the overwhelmingly favorable reactions to Obama's speech from the Latino communities across America.

This is a losing issue for the GOP, as evidenced by the fact that mainstream media is covering it non stop, and Fox has pivoted back to covering Lois Learner's emails, Obamacare law suits, and Ferguson.

The rule of thumb is very precise........if Fox or MSNBC does not cover something like the others do......that means the associated party strategists have declared the issue a loser.
If any of you righties think that the mid term victory has 2016 all sealed up, you've come to a premature conclusion. Obama will get an approval bump from his speech...and then all the energy the GOP has Fox News wasting on Obama, will have been found to be better spent on Hillary.

If any of you should have learned one thing from November 2012...it was just how wrong Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh were..."Romney by a land slide"

2016 Presidential Race
General Election: Christie vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Christie (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/6 - 9/29 -- 48.3 38.9 Clinton +9.4
McClatchy/Marist 9/24 - 9/29 884 RV 51 42 Clinton +9
FOX News 7/20 - 7/22 1057 RV 50 40 Clinton +10
Quinnipiac 6/24 - 6/30 1446 RV 47 38 Clinton +9
Rasmussen Reports 6/14 - 6/15 1000 LV 47 33 Clinton +14
Bloomberg 6/6 - 6/9 723 LV 45 38 Clinton +7
Bloomberg 3/7 - 3/10 678 LV 52 39 Clinton +13
PPP (D) 3/6 - 3/9 1152 RV 46 42 Clinton +4
More Polling Data | News
General Election: Paul vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Paul (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/6 - 9/29 -- 49.4 40.9 Clinton +8.5
McClatchy/Marist 9/24 - 9/29 884 RV 52 43 Clinton +9
FOX News 7/20 - 7/22 1057 RV 52 41 Clinton +11
Quinnipiac 6/24 - 6/30 1446 RV 49 40 Clinton +9
Rasmussen Reports 6/16 - 6/17 1000 LV 46 39 Clinton +7
Bloomberg 6/6 - 6/9 723 LV 47 38 Clinton +9
ABC News/Wash Post 5/29 - 6/1 851 RV 53 43 Clinton +10
PPP (D) 3/6 - 3/9 1152 RV 47 42 Clinton +5
More Polling Data | News
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/4 - 9/29 -- 49.6 39.7 Clinton +9.9
McClatchy/Marist 9/24 - 9/29 884 RV 53 42 Clinton +11
FOX News 7/20 - 7/22 1057 RV 52 39 Clinton +13
Quinnipiac 6/24 - 6/30 1446 RV 48 41 Clinton +7
Bloomberg 6/6 - 6/9 723 LV 47 38 Clinton +9
ABC News/Wash Post 4/24 - 4/27 855 RV 53 41 Clinton +12
PPP (D) 3/6 - 3/9 1152 RV 47 44 Clinton +3
Rasmussen Reports 3/4 - 3/5 1000 LV 47 33 Clinton +14
More Polling Data | News
General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Huckabee (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/6 - 6/30 -- 50.3 40.7 Clinton +9.6
Quinnipiac 6/24 - 6/30 1446 RV 49 40 Clinton +9
McClatchy/Marist 4/7 - 4/10 518 RV 53 40 Clinton +13
PPP (D) 3/6 - 3/9 1152 RV 49 42 Clinton +7
More Polling Data | News
General Election: Ryan vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Ryan (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/6 - 6/30 -- 49.0 42.3 Clinton +6.7
Quinnipiac 6/24 - 6/30 1446 RV 48 41 Clinton +7
McClatchy/Marist 4/7 - 4/10 518 RV 51 43 Clinton +8
PPP (D) 3/6 - 3/9 1152 RV 48 43 Clinton +5
More Polling Data | News
General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/2 - 6/15 -- 51.8 38.0 Clinton +13.8
Rasmussen Reports 6/14 - 6/15 1000 LV 50 37 Clinton +13
McClatchy/Marist 4/7 - 4/10 518 RV 54 39 Clinton +15
PPP (D) 3/6 - 3/9 1152 RV 51 40 Clinton +11
FOX News 3/2 - 3/4 1002 RV 52 36 Clinton +16
More Polling Data | News
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample Clinton (D) Rubio (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/6 - 6/21 -- 49.0 37.5 Clinton +11.5
Rasmussen Reports 6/20 - 6/21 1000 LV 47 36 Clinton +11
Bloomberg 6/6 - 6/9 723 LV 47 36 Clinton +11
McClatchy/Marist 4/7 - 4/10 518 RV 54 38 Clinton +16
PPP (D) 3/6 - 3/9 1152 RV 48 40 Clinton +8
Perhaps this provides a precedent for the Congress to usurp presidential powers that Obama has failed to use properly.
Did you know that our contry's history is repleat with one of the three branches having dissproportianate influence?

I don't really care. Just sounds like a good excuse to kick his ass if anyone needs one.
Oh you're brilliant...you don't want to understand history....and kicking someone's ass is your position, and to worsen it, Politicalchic agrees with you.

Uhhh boy.....

On Thursday night, Obama gained millions of motivated voters for Hillary, and presidential elections have been won or lost by that margin. The GOP has some damage control to get done.
'During an interview with White House press secretary Josh Earnest, “Fox and Friends” host Elizabeth Hasslbeck asked him if President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty was taking his “executive pen” and “slapping it right across the face” of legal immigrants.'

Hasselbeck Amnesty Slap To The Face For Legal Immigrants The Daily Caller
I saw that interview.

Hasselbeck asked the tough questions Fox gave her to ask with well portrayed conviction. Bit Earnest had a plausible answer for every question. The people feeding Hasselbeck questions through her teleprompter tried to turn up the heat, and Earnest answered them all, cool as a cucumber. He did because of the overwhelmingly favorable reactions to Obama's speech from the Latino communities across America.

This is a losing issue for the GOP, as evidenced by the fact that mainstream media is covering it non stop, and Fox has pivoted back to covering Lois Learner's emails, Obamacare law suits, and Ferguson.

The rule of thumb is very precise........if Fox or MSNBC does not cover something like the others do......that means the associated party strategists have declared the issue a loser.

"He did because of the overwhelmingly favorable reactions to Obama's speech from the Latino communities across America."

Had Obama used executive orders to offer indemnity from prison time, what do you think the response from bank robbers would have been, Captain Obvious?

BTW....did you know that Hispanics are not the fastest growing demographic?

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