Hispanic KKK - You are white, you don't belong in America


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Gee, listening to this woman just makes you want to support illegal immigration, doesn't it? How lovely that the Obama administration is fighting hard to ensure that we have more people like this in our country. I guess there just isn't enough hate here already, so time to import some more.

I agree with the protesters that we need to stop illegal immigration. As long as the borders are so easily crossed, the worst of the worst has full access to us so they can carry out terrorist attacks or any other crime. I just don't agree that we can't do more. If we can send billions in foreign aid to the fucking Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda led Syrian rebels, then we can secure our own borders. Take away all benefits from those here illegally, no more automatic citizenship unless parents are here legally and at least one is a citizen. E-verify needs to be implemented across the country to ensure jobs go to legal residents. Those illegals who have worked hard, assimilated and show respect for us and our laws should be given a chance, though no voting for 10 years and repay any damages if you stole someone else's identity. Anyone not respecting us, anyone committing crimes or acting hostile and disrespectful can leave now. No more funding illegal aliens and encouraging more to sneak under the fence.

I am sick of seeing illegals burn our flag, yet if we burn theirs it's considered a hate crime. I am also sick of seeing Muslims disrespect the bible, kill Christians, yet act as if burning a koran is a crime punishable by death. Our own government treats any disrespect toward hostiles as a hate crime, yet we are expected to suck it up and put up with hateful rhetoric and vicious attacks. We Americans are always the ones told to accept people and give them a chance, yet the ones who are downright assholes and hateful are never asked to calm down or tone down their hate speech and their hate crimes. Enough already.

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The woman says whites should go back to Europe, that Arizona belongs to Mexico. Apparently she does not realize that Mexico was also conquered by Europeans. From Spain.

Arizona was indeed stolen from Mexico. The Mexican-American war was started under entirely bogus circumstances on the part of the US. Ulyssess S. Grant later said he was ashamed at how our country behaved during that time and he was embarrassed that he took part in it.

But a modern day Mexican using that as an excuse for whatever rant she is making is like a Southerner complaining about the "War of Northern Aggression".
The woman says whites should go back to Europe, that Arizona belongs to Mexico. Apparently she does not realize that Mexico was also conquered by Europeans. From Spain.

Arizona was indeed stolen from Mexico.

Lol, so you think the treaty the Mexican government signed was illegal? That is the only way for it to have been 'stolen' instead of simply ceded to the US as compensation for its harassment and attacks on the US that started the war and continued after in the form of raiders like Pancho Villa.

The Mexican-American war was started under entirely bogus circumstances on the part of the US.

The Mexican's head of state signed a treaty at the end of a losing battle that ceded Texas its independence and recognized the former province as everything north of the Rio Grande. At the time, Santa Anna had the authority to do this as the dictator of Mexico.

Ulyssess S. Grant later said he was ashamed at how our country behaved during that time and he was embarrassed that he took part in it.

What was he specifically 'ashamed of'?

Google returns two irrelevant hits on a search on phrases "Grant ashamed" and "Mexican American War". So what did Grant actually say and please give a link.

But a modern day Mexican using that as an excuse for whatever rant she is making is like a Southerner complaining about the "War of Northern Aggression".

No, it is not. The North invaded the South, so the title "War of Northern Aggression" is entirely accurate. What she is claiming is a racist lie.

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