Historians agree: In his first 100 days, Trump excels at being 'an utter failure'

So far, this thread is a liberal circle jerk and you guys are getting cum all over your keyboards. Ewww!!!
As it turns out, he couldn't just show up and get everything he wanted and he didn't just know everything like he thought he did. This is way more complicated than he ever thought.
you mean the man that was handed everything doesn't know how to work for it?
the man that wants to rule the country like hes the CEO and not the PEOPLE'S EMPLOYEE, is getting a hard time? good.
So far, this thread is a liberal circle jerk and you guys are getting cum all over your keyboards. Ewww!!!
so basically like what you guys do in every other thread lol. Let us have some fun we are surrounded by nuts in this nut house!
What "historians"? The dirty little secret is that "100 days" is the only thing the radical left has to talk about before the Trump administration steamrolls over the lot of them in the next three years and eight months.
What "historians"? The dirty little secret is that "100 days" is the only thing the radical left has to talk about before the Trump administration steamrolls over the lot of them in the next three years and eight months.
First 100 days are important, all presidents are judged by it. Especially with control of both houses the great negotiator should be experiencing a honeymoon period and getting a lot passed. But he can't, because his campaign chants and slogans, were just that, chants and slogans. They are unrealistic and he is showing us that he doesn't have what it takes to negotiate and unite both sides. Can't even united the GOP enough to repeal and replace. Extremely embarrassing for the GOP, considering the bragging he is constantly doing.
100 days is a bullshit measure. Trump is going to be President for another 7 years, 8 months. Liberals who don't like it can cut their bellies open and hang themselves with their own intestines.

Trump has already succeeded beyond Obama, accomplishing things that have not been seen since before Obama was President.

Snowflakes continue to be trapped in propaganda and hate-filled, butt-hurt-driven jealousy, denial, delusion, and partisan hatred.

You know, the first 100 days of modern day presidents has been considered a benchmark to determine how they will govern. ALL presidents have been held to that yardstick, but now that it's Trump, you guys wanna throw that out the window because you think it's "arbitrary".

You guys also bitched constantly during the first part of Obama's presidency that he was unqualified because he'd only been a senator for 3 years. Now? When it comes to Trump, you guys make excuses for him and say that being president is a tough job that must be learned as you go. You never gave Obama that excuse, so why Trump?
100 days is a bullshit measure. Trump is going to be President for another 7 years, 8 months. Liberals who don't like it can cut their bellies open and hang themselves with their own intestines.
He will be lucky to finish 4 years without being impeached or removed from office on the basis of the 25th Amendment.

Trump has already succeeded beyond Obama, accomplishing things that have not been seen since before Obama was President.

Snowflakes continue to be trapped in propaganda and hate-filled, butt-hurt-driven jealousy, denial, delusion, and partisan hatred.

LOL What piece of legislation has been passed? Trumpcare? Border wall? How about his EO's? How many in court right now? Well, he has cut regulations so the coal companies can pollute the watersheds and the air. Hooray for pollution!

Trump has already succeeded beyond Obama, accomplishing things that have not been seen since before Obama was President.

Snowflakes continue to be trapped in propaganda and hate-filled, butt-hurt-driven jealousy, denial, delusion, and partisan hatred.

LOL What piece of legislation has been passed? Trumpcare? Border wall? How about his EO's? How many in court right now? Well, he has cut regulations so the coal companies can pollute the watersheds and the air. Hooray for pollution!
Poor ranting, jealous, hate-filled, butt-hurt snowflake. Need a hanky? How's that 'Popular Vote Win' working out?

98% of Trump voters would still vote for Trump today compared to only 85% of Hillary Voters. 15% of once-delusional snowflakes have freed their minds. Join them...give up your denial and partisan-fueled hatred!
The only thing Trump has done so far is sign a bunch of EO's that really don't do anything for this country, and has gotten a SCOTUS appointed, but that only happened because Pence cast the deciding vote as head of the Senate.

Legislation passed? Zero. Things he can get done without congress? About the same.
I'm no fan of president trump, but this nitpicking him on his first 100 days seems like it is just meant to be hurtful, especially knowing how crazy sensitive he is on ratings...

I'm honestly glad his agenda has not been fulfilled by him and could not be more pleased with much of his or Ryan's agenda not going through....like the health care bill they had.... :p

He set himself up for it. He's a fucking dope. Here's his Contract with America.

Yup...this is a case of "Why you hitting yourself, Donnie Doll hands"
Will things get better for Trump? I don't know, but what he's been doing the past 100 days isn't working.
What hasn't been working?

Trying to get his agenda passed hasn't worked. Nor has his foreign policy, really. His own White House has been at odds with each other and he is saying things contradictory to his cabinet members.

And still, he's already done a lot of damage to the poor and middle class, coal workers, vets and military and -

But he's given free money to his 1%cronies and there's lots more where that came from. Just like he's lining his own pockets with millions and will take many millions more.


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Trump's First 100 Days Deemed An 'Entry-Level' Presidency

With any new president, there's a learning curve. But for President Trump, it's been steeper than others.

"Mount Everest" is how Barbara Perry, director of presidential studies at the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, described it ahead of Trump's 100th day in office, which is coming up Saturday, April 29. "It's as steep as they come and ice-covered, and he didn't bring very many knowledgeable Sherpas with him."

....it's the "Who knew?" learning curve of revelations for donnie, sad

Trump's First 100 Days: An 'Entry-Level' Presidency
The really sad part of it is is that he has no interest in learning.

Apparently, it's not just that he doesn't read. He's really not literate.he doesn't read well and understands even less.

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Trump's First 100 Days Deemed An 'Entry-Level' Presidency

With any new president, there's a learning curve. But for President Trump, it's been steeper than others.

"Mount Everest" is how Barbara Perry, director of presidential studies at the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, described it ahead of Trump's 100th day in office, which is coming up Saturday, April 29. "It's as steep as they come and ice-covered, and he didn't bring very many knowledgeable Sherpas with him."

....it's the "Who knew?" learning curve of revelations for donnie, sad

Trump's First 100 Days: An 'Entry-Level' Presidency
"Historians" are all leftwing douche bags. I would sooner expect EPA employees to give him a good review.

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This is one of the reasons that I said Trump couldn't be a good president is because he's a CEO who owns his own business.

In cases like that, your word is law, and you don't have to compromise with anyone, because you own the company.

In politics, you have to know how to use diplomacy and compromise.
Yeah, like the way Obama and the dims were so good at compromising . . . . er, no, that's not right.

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