Historic blizzard whallops midwest!!

Wouldnt a blizzard like this, this time of year, possibky be a sign of a changing climate?
I dont believe in AGW but i do believe the climate changes. If you dont, well, you are a complete dumbfuck.
Wouldnt a blizzard like this, this time of year, possibky be a sign of a changing climate?

Erratic weather patterns are one of the things climate scientists are saying we will see more of. That doesn't always mean hot weather. An imbalance is being created. That means we'll see unusual cold weather too.
Wouldnt a blizzard like this, this time of year, possibky be a sign of a changing climate?

Erratic weather patterns are one of the things climate scientists are saying we will see more of. That doesn't always mean hot weather. An imbalance is being created. That means we'll see unusual cold weather too.

Well that's might be the take of the climate crusader types but the public isn't buying that in the least. Tons of evidence to support that!

Not to mention.....THIS >>>:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Climate Change Skepticism Fueled by Gut Reaction to Local Weather

Climate alarmists get so wrapped up in social dogma shit and PC zombieism.......its fascinating.
Wouldnt a blizzard like this, this time of year, possibky be a sign of a changing climate?

Erratic weather patterns are one of the things climate scientists are saying we will see more of. That doesn't always mean hot weather. An imbalance is being created. That means we'll see unusual cold weather too.

Well that's might be the take of the climate crusader types but the public isn't buying that in the least. Tons of evidence to support that!

Not to mention.....THIS >>>:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Climate Change Skepticism Fueled by Gut Reaction to Local Weather

Climate alarmists get so wrapped up in social dogma shit and PC zombieism.......its fascinating.

Do you read your own links?

That, of course, doesn’t mean climate science is wrong, since it doesn’t claim that all parts of the planet will warm in the same way. But the study shows that people’s daily weather experiences does lead to skepticism in areas not breaking heat records, he said.

They're basically pointing out that idiots like you don't understand that anecdotal experiences amount to nothing.
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Wouldnt a blizzard like this, this time of year, possibky be a sign of a changing climate?

Erratic weather patterns are one of the things climate scientists are saying we will see more of. That doesn't always mean hot weather. An imbalance is being created. That means we'll see unusual cold weather too.

Well that's might be the take of the climate crusader types but the public isn't buying that in the least. Tons of evidence to support that!

Not to mention.....THIS >>>:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Climate Change Skepticism Fueled by Gut Reaction to Local Weather

Climate alarmists get so wrapped up in social dogma shit and PC zombieism.......its fascinating.

Do you read your own links?

That, of course, doesn’t mean climate science is wrong, since it doesn’t claim that all parts of the planet will warm in the same way. But the study shows that people’s daily weather experiences does lead to skepticism in areas not breaking heat records, he said.

They're basically pointing out that idiots like you don't understand that your anecdotal experiences amount to nothing.

LOL........again s0n.....youre not getting it. Didn't you ever hear about the whole "Opinions are like assholes........." OR "reality is 95% perception"?

Peoples perceptions are the only thing that matters and we know ( its not debatable ) that they don't buy the whole alarmist narrative. How do we know that?

1) Climate change has never been a ? at any presidential debate......ever!
2) Every climate treaty has been an utter failure.
3) Congress has shown zero interest in climate change action.......because the constituents are not caring.
4) Climate skepticism is on the rise
5) Every DUM candidate running on a climate change platform during the 2016 and 2018 midterms got their clock cleaned despite over 100 million in support.
6) Nobody is buying EV's
7) Cap and Trade is dead as a doornail
8) Every poll on "voters concerns" ( see Pew ) over the past 10 years ranks climate change waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list.

s0n..........time to come to the side of the winners!!:2up::113::113:

Evidently, anecdotal experiences trump the science......yuk.....yuk.....
anecdotal experiences trump the science

These are the people calling the scientists frauds.


Who cares?

Certainly not me.......only thing that matters to me and every skeptic in here is that renewable energy remains fringe. Not sure what they are calling the scientists........but clearly, they aren't caring about the science.:hello77:If they cared, none of those 8 listed items above would apply.

anecdotal experiences trump the science

These are the people calling the scientists frauds.


Who cares?

Certainly not me.......only thing that matters to me and every skeptic in here is that renewable energy remains fringe. Not sure what they are calling the scientists........but clearly, they aren't caring about the science.:hello77:If they cared, none of those 8 listed items above would apply.


Thank you for demonstrating your abject ignorance.
During the cooling cycles previously this was normal, the weather we are seeing today is within normal's. Nothing odd or unusual happening here.. A Gentleman, about 30 years older than me, reminded me that these are the storms he remembered as a kid..
anecdotal experiences trump the science

These are the people calling the scientists frauds.


Who cares?

Certainly not me.......only thing that matters to me and every skeptic in here is that renewable energy remains fringe. Not sure what they are calling the scientists........but clearly, they aren't caring about the science.:hello77:If they cared, none of those 8 listed items above would apply.


Thank you for demonstrating your abject ignorance.
Coming from you this is fucking hilarious... Talking about and abject ignorant fool... You still believe everything your gods say?
Yes. Fucking hilarious

Yes. Fucking hilarious


This same graph has been posted a billion times over the past 10 years......in this forum alone! My question is........why? What purpose does it serve? Every regular in this forum is very aware of the data from NASA. The temperature data has been well established for a long, long time.......but has not swayed most people in the general public who could not care less. So why post it 65 times/month? Its like saying, "Hey........my poop smells!"
And we are approaching April!!! Who's not winning? The optics on this for the global warming religion? Not so good!!


Top stories on DRUDGE right now!!!

1,000+ drivers stranded in Colorado as blizzard paralyzes...


Central US blasted with 100-mph winds...



And we wonder why there is no support in the public out there to do any climate change action?

There ya go s0ns!!!:deal:
Cold = Hot
War = Peace
Slavery = Liberty

The Left have taken Orwell’s 1984 warning and turned it into a how-to guide.
And we are approaching April!!! Who's not winning? The optics on this for the global warming religion? Not so good!!


Top stories on DRUDGE right now!!!

1,000+ drivers stranded in Colorado as blizzard paralyzes...


Central US blasted with 100-mph winds...



And we wonder why there is no support in the public out there to do any climate change action?

There ya go s0ns!!!:deal:

Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat
Yes. Fucking hilarious


This same graph has been posted a billion times over the past 10 years......in this forum alone! My question is........why? What purpose does it serve? Every regular in this forum is very aware of the data from NASA. The temperature data has been well established for a long, long time.......but has not swayed most people in the general public who could not care less. So why post it 65 times/month? Its like saying, "Hey........my poop smells!"

Letely, I've been posting it to counter people who tell us that because it's cold in Kansas City, the world cannot be getting warmer. Have I been too subtle?
"getting warmer"

Define please.....do you understand what that means? We never get a response....ever....so it occurred to me maybe this guy doesnt understand what it means to provide an operational definition of something.
Warmer = at a higher temperature

So, it occurred to me that maybe skookerasbil doesn't understand basic English.

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