Historic Decision by the English Supreme Court


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
In an extraordinary decision, the UK Supreme Court unanimously decided that PM Johnson acted illegally in shutting down Parliament. His decision to do so was yet another twist in the Brexit comedy and as such extends the calamity.
This has no direct effect upon the UK exit from the EU, though an extension is almost certain. Thus, the English remain and leave at the same time, just as they have always done.
A change in government is probable.
It seems, from what he's been saying since the decision, that Johnson would like to repeat the Parliamentary dismissal. He is a feisty one, it must be admitted.
In an extraordinary decision, the UK Supreme Court unanimously decided that PM Johnson acted illegally in shutting down Parliament. His decision to do so was yet another twist in the Brexit comedy and as such extends the calamity.
This has no direct effect upon the UK exit from the EU, though an extension is almost certain. Thus, the English remain and leave at the same time, just as they have always done.
A change in government is probable.
Good thing the citizens gave up their weapons and are now just subjects,that are stuck at the whims of the elitist politicians and their corrupt system. I hope Brexit happens I just don't believe it will.

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