History channel presents "little ice age"


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2010
It seems the History channel has went climate skeptic..

They are airing a show soon called "Little Ice Age: Big Chill" where they talk in depth on the effects and a little on the possible causes of the little ice age. This could be a very "inconvenient" bit of truth for some of the pseudo-science being touted by the IPCC and Al Gore's documentary.

By the way Mr.Gore and the IPCC tell the tale of climate one would think the little ice age was a normal period and the Medieval warming period didn't exist. Should be interesting to see how the al gore faithful will try and twist this to their benefit... :lol:
It seems the History channel has went climate skeptic..

The History Channel is an entertainment channel - so who gives a fuck? They've also been known to air shows claiming the following are - or could be and really maybe are - real
1. Ghosts
2. Angels
3. Aliens
4. Big Foot
It seems the History channel has went climate skeptic..

The History Channel is an entertainment channel - so who gives a fuck? They've also been known to air shows claiming the following are - or could be and really maybe are - real
1. Ghosts
2. Angels
3. Aliens
4. Big Foot

LOL, you algorians cracke me up... If they were airing a show about Global Warming you would be praising their honesty and integrity...:lol:

Of course they deny the faith they are evil...:lol:

BTW, we don't know they even disputed AGW theory yet, or that they will. All we know is they are doing a show about the little ice age. But since its not acceptable to bring up any historical periods that do not help with AGW theory, its already getting blasted by you....:lol:
It seems the History channel has went climate skeptic..

The History Channel is an entertainment channel - so who gives a fuck? They've also been known to air shows claiming the following are - or could be and really maybe are - real
1. Ghosts
2. Angels
3. Aliens
4. Big Foot

The shows on those topics are always unsatisfyingly empty.

If the LIA show is the same, it will be disappointing. I'm guessing the little items like the Black Death, the European famines and the mass emigrations to anyplace else might be included in the explanation of why a cool climate ain't so cool after all.

What's interesting here is the Mass Media exposure of this. For 10 years, all we see on TV is the CO2 side the argument and the result is the Sheeple only have one thing to parrot.

I hope they spend a little time on the causes of the drop in the Global Temps at that time and reversal of those causes which ended it.

If they highlight the fact that the warming seems to have started BEFORE the rise of CO2 in the Industrial Revolution started, that would be even better.
It seems the History channel has went climate skeptic..

The History Channel is an entertainment channel - so who gives a fuck? They've also been known to air shows claiming the following are - or could be and really maybe are - real
1. Ghosts
2. Angels
3. Aliens
4. Big Foot

The shows on those topics are always unsatisfyingly empty.

If the LIA show is the same, it will be disappointing. I'm guessing the little items like the Black Death, the European famines and the mass emigrations to anyplace else might be included in the explanation of why a cool climate ain't so cool after all.

What's interesting here is the Mass Media exposure of this. For 10 years, all we see on TV is the CO2 side the argument and the result is the Sheeple only have one thing to parrot.

I hope they spend a little time on the causes of the drop in the Global Temps at that time and reversal of those causes which ended it.

If they highlight the fact that the warming seems to have started BEFORE the rise of CO2 in the Industrial Revolution started, that would be even better.

I am pretty sure the fact it started before the CO2 rise should be pretty evident, given the Little Ice age was between 1550 and 1850. A good bit of time BEFORE the Industrial Revolution.
I am pretty sure the fact it started before the CO2 rise should be pretty evident, given the Little Ice age was between 1550 and 1850. A good bit of time BEFORE the Industrial Revolution.

How does that prove your thesis? Indutrial Revolution begins in the late 1700s. By 1850 Little Ice Age ends. Sure sounds like we have a plausible Industrialization --> Warming timeline here. :eusa_eh:
We all know that periodically the climate has changed in the world.

We also know why the climate has changed and we know that different events can effect the climate.

What we do NOT as yet KNOW, (but certainly some of us suspect) is that mankind's industrial pollution is now causing the climate to change.

Just because the climate changed due to non-manmade events, does not mean that mankind's activities might not also be able to change our climate.

Life itself has changed the world's atmosphere many times and the climate changed as a result of LIFE the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
The History Channel is an entertainment channel - so who gives a fuck? They've also been known to air shows claiming the following are - or could be and really maybe are - real
1. Ghosts
2. Angels
3. Aliens
4. Big Foot

The shows on those topics are always unsatisfyingly empty.

If the LIA show is the same, it will be disappointing. I'm guessing the little items like the Black Death, the European famines and the mass emigrations to anyplace else might be included in the explanation of why a cool climate ain't so cool after all.

What's interesting here is the Mass Media exposure of this. For 10 years, all we see on TV is the CO2 side the argument and the result is the Sheeple only have one thing to parrot.

I hope they spend a little time on the causes of the drop in the Global Temps at that time and reversal of those causes which ended it.

If they highlight the fact that the warming seems to have started BEFORE the rise of CO2 in the Industrial Revolution started, that would be even better.

I am pretty sure the fact it started before the CO2 rise should be pretty evident, given the Little Ice age was between 1550 and 1850. A good bit of time BEFORE the Industrial Revolution.

Golly gee, G-string. Once again trying your best to demonstrate your ignorance for the whole world to see.

81.02.06: The Industrial Revolution

The era known as the Industrial Revolution was a period in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile and metal manufacture, transportation, economic policies and the social structure in England. This period is appropriately labeled “revolution,” for it thoroughly destroyed the old manner of doing things; yet the term is simultaneously inappropriate, for it connotes abrupt change. The changes that occurred during this period (1760-1850), in fact, occurred gradually. The year 1760 is generally accepted as the “eve” of the Industrial Revolution. In reality, this eve began more than two centuries before this date. The late 18th century and the early l9th century brought to fruition the ideas and discoveries of those who had long passed on, such as, Galileo, Bacon, Descartes and others.

The Maunder Minimum ends, and the industrial revolution begins. Both contributing to the end of the little ice age.
I am pretty sure the fact it started before the CO2 rise should be pretty evident, given the Little Ice age was between 1550 and 1850. A good bit of time BEFORE the Industrial Revolution.

How does that prove your thesis? Indutrial Revolution begins in the late 1700s. By 1850 Little Ice Age ends. Sure sounds like we have a plausible Industrialization --> Warming timeline here. :eusa_eh:

LOL, you seriously want to try and make the claim that a less than a hundred years of increased CO2 (nothing like we have today) caused the end of the little Ice Age? Stop being an idiot junior...
The shows on those topics are always unsatisfyingly empty.

If the LIA show is the same, it will be disappointing. I'm guessing the little items like the Black Death, the European famines and the mass emigrations to anyplace else might be included in the explanation of why a cool climate ain't so cool after all.

What's interesting here is the Mass Media exposure of this. For 10 years, all we see on TV is the CO2 side the argument and the result is the Sheeple only have one thing to parrot.

I hope they spend a little time on the causes of the drop in the Global Temps at that time and reversal of those causes which ended it.

If they highlight the fact that the warming seems to have started BEFORE the rise of CO2 in the Industrial Revolution started, that would be even better.

I am pretty sure the fact it started before the CO2 rise should be pretty evident, given the Little Ice age was between 1550 and 1850. A good bit of time BEFORE the Industrial Revolution.

Golly gee, G-string. Once again trying your best to demonstrate your ignorance for the whole world to see.

81.02.06: The Industrial Revolution

The era known as the Industrial Revolution was a period in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile and metal manufacture, transportation, economic policies and the social structure in England. This period is appropriately labeled “revolution,” for it thoroughly destroyed the old manner of doing things; yet the term is simultaneously inappropriate, for it connotes abrupt change. The changes that occurred during this period (1760-1850), in fact, occurred gradually. The year 1760 is generally accepted as the “eve” of the Industrial Revolution. In reality, this eve began more than two centuries before this date. The late 18th century and the early l9th century brought to fruition the ideas and discoveries of those who had long passed on, such as, Galileo, Bacon, Descartes and others.

The Maunder Minimum ends, and the industrial revolution begins. Both contributing to the end of the little ice age.

LOL, you mean when I said "it started.." you thought I meant the little ice age started? I said;
"I am pretty sure the fact it started before the CO2 rise should be pretty evident, given the Little Ice age was between 1550 and 1850."

IN response to another poster.. The response was to point out that the little ice age was ending in 1850 and started in 1550. Meaning it did not cause the warming after it ended you freaking moron....:lol:

Jesus christ socks READ!

Dude why in the hell would I slap a date on the little ice age like that then? Seriously can be anymore of an ignorant non-reading moron?
We all know that periodically the climate has changed in the world.

We also know why the climate has changed and we know that different events can effect the climate.

What we do NOT as yet KNOW, (but certainly some of us suspect) is that mankind's industrial pollution is now causing the climate to change.

Just because the climate changed due to non-manmade events, does not mean that mankind's activities might not also be able to change our climate.

Life itself has changed the world's atmosphere many times and the climate changed as a result of LIFE the chemical composition of the atmosphere.

Ok then why don't you stop the people from your side in this from trying to BS us with misleading information? That graph from an inconvenient truth for example... Kind of odd how it gave the appearance of steady climate right up till 1850 then it skyrocketed.... Gimme a break.. You want us to have faith in a bunch of people who have lied incessantly over this and just go with it... No thanks..
The History Channel is an entertainment channel - so who gives a fuck? They've also been known to air shows claiming the following are - or could be and really maybe are - real
1. Ghosts
2. Angels
3. Aliens
4. Big Foot

The shows on those topics are always unsatisfyingly empty.

If the LIA show is the same, it will be disappointing. I'm guessing the little items like the Black Death, the European famines and the mass emigrations to anyplace else might be included in the explanation of why a cool climate ain't so cool after all.

What's interesting here is the Mass Media exposure of this. For 10 years, all we see on TV is the CO2 side the argument and the result is the Sheeple only have one thing to parrot.

I hope they spend a little time on the causes of the drop in the Global Temps at that time and reversal of those causes which ended it.

If they highlight the fact that the warming seems to have started BEFORE the rise of CO2 in the Industrial Revolution started, that would be even better.

I am pretty sure the fact it started before the CO2 rise should be pretty evident, given the Little Ice age was between 1550 and 1850. A good bit of time BEFORE the Industrial Revolution.

The shows on those topics are always unsatisfyingly empty.

If the LIA show is the same, it will be disappointing. I'm guessing the little items like the Black Death, the European famines and the mass emigrations to anyplace else might be included in the explanation of why a cool climate ain't so cool after all.

What's interesting here is the Mass Media exposure of this. For 10 years, all we see on TV is the CO2 side the argument and the result is the Sheeple only have one thing to parrot.

I hope they spend a little time on the causes of the drop in the Global Temps at that time and reversal of those causes which ended it.

If they highlight the fact that the warming seems to have started BEFORE the rise of CO2 in the Industrial Revolution started, that would be even better.

I am pretty sure the fact it started before the CO2 rise should be pretty evident, given the Little Ice age was between 1550 and 1850. A good bit of time BEFORE the Industrial Revolution.


Yeah nice bit of diversion there ass.... Care to address my post on your BS now or just carry on like a moron still?
Pretty easy. The industrial revolution began in 1760, the LIA ended in 1850. The Maunder Minimum, the cause of the LIA, had it's last major dip just before 1850.

Maunder Minimum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you have the beginning of the burning of fossil fuels and the end of the Maunder Minimum close together. The earth warmed. And continued to warm, as the solar activity increased until about 1950. It has decreased since then, but the earth has been warming at a much faster rate in the last 60 years. Warming with a decrease in solar activity.

Of course, you could try to find some science to prove that the GHGs from fossil fuels has had no effect on the increase in temperature, but the search would be futile. Science as in peer reviewed journals, not the meanderings of an obese drugged out radio jock.
We all know that periodically the climate has changed in the world.

We also know why the climate has changed and we know that different events can effect the climate.

What we do NOT as yet KNOW, (but certainly some of us suspect) is that mankind's industrial pollution is now causing the climate to change.

Just because the climate changed due to non-manmade events, does not mean that mankind's activities might not also be able to change our climate.

Life itself has changed the world's atmosphere many times and the climate changed as a result of LIFE the chemical composition of the atmosphere.

Ok then why don't you stop the people from your side... ..

You presume I have a side.

I am a philosopher, amigo.

The only side I am taking is the side of truth IF I can ascertain what the TRUTH is.

A careful reading of my post (something you clearly haven't done) would lead you to understand that I do not CLAIM to know the truth regarding this issue.

FWIW I seriously doubt anybody KNOWS the truth.
It seems the History channel has went climate skeptic..

They are airing a show soon called "Little Ice Age: Big Chill" where they talk in depth on the effects and a little on the possible causes of the little ice age. This could be a very "inconvenient" bit of truth for some of the pseudo-science being touted by the IPCC and Al Gore's documentary.

By the way Mr.Gore and the IPCC tell the tale of climate one would think the little ice age was a normal period and the Medieval warming period didn't exist. Should be interesting to see how the al gore faithful will try and twist this to their benefit... :lol:


It has always been that way...and always will. :)
It seems the History channel has went climate skeptic..

They are airing a show soon called "Little Ice Age: Big Chill" where they talk in depth on the effects and a little on the possible causes of the little ice age. This could be a very "inconvenient" bit of truth for some of the pseudo-science being touted by the IPCC and Al Gore's documentary.

By the way Mr.Gore and the IPCC tell the tale of climate one would think the little ice age was a normal period and the Medieval warming period didn't exist. Should be interesting to see how the al gore faithful will try and twist this to their benefit... :lol:


It has always been that way...and always will. :)

If you study chaos theory (which actually started out because of meteorology, FYI) you'd realize that it's way WEIRDER than that.

But the climate of this rock defintiely changes with or without mankind's intervention on THAT we certainly agree.

And contrary to what some of the Global Warming theorists often tell you, the changes in Climate that this world has already gone through are not ALWAYS slow, either.

A brief period, for example of serious volcanic or techtonic activity can change the world from a tropical clime to a ball of miles thick ice in almost no time (geologically speaking) at all.

While typically world's climate changes over a long period, it can change in a DAY.

Mankind is now and always has been hanging from a slender thread, folks.
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I am pretty sure the fact it started before the CO2 rise should be pretty evident, given the Little Ice age was between 1550 and 1850. A good bit of time BEFORE the Industrial Revolution.

How does that prove your thesis? Indutrial Revolution begins in the late 1700s. By 1850 Little Ice Age ends. Sure sounds like we have a plausible Industrialization --> Warming timeline here. :eusa_eh:

The LIA temps were lower than needed for good crops and lower than when the cooling started for that period.

However, most proxies indicate that the warming started before 1700. Just as it took a while to reach the bottom, it also took a while to rebound from the bottom.
We all know that periodically the climate has changed in the world.

We also know why the climate has changed and we know that different events can effect the climate.

What we do NOT as yet KNOW, (but certainly some of us suspect) is that mankind's industrial pollution is now causing the climate to change.

Just because the climate changed due to non-manmade events, does not mean that mankind's activities might not also be able to change our climate.

Life itself has changed the world's atmosphere many times and the climate changed as a result of LIFE the chemical composition of the atmosphere.

During the Caroniferous, both temperature and CO2 were much higher than today and then both reduced to levels similar to today while the level of oxygen rose to a very high level.

Insects the size Futons crawled around giving rise to the Orkin-iferous period during which they were systematically killed off.

Okay, I made that period up.

The reason the insects got to be so large was that in the very oxygen rich air they could take in enough oxygen to support their limbs. Today, they cannot so their size is limited.

The atmosphere changes and we can have some effect on it, but the world operates the way it does and if we cause enough aggravation the world will simply shuck us off as it did with the big bugs. However, as happened with the big bugs, things might just change around us to the way things have been for the majority of the world's history and we will suffocate in the poisenous air.

The way things are right now is an anomoly compared to the way things usually are around here.

Planetary Temperature and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
In this case the History Channel is taking research done by several astronomers - with no political/climate change axe to grind I might add - and revealing it to anyone wanting to consider the data beyond the hysteria.

CLICK HERE for a complete history of the scientific studies that lead to the discovery of the Little Ice Age coming out of the studies of astronomers beginning with astronomers Walter Maunder in the 19th century. This was all in place by 1983, preceding the current rage about GW.
The Maunder Minimum is named after the first astonomer to collect data regarding solar activity viz sunspots.
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