History Channel's Satan Looks A Lot Like Barack Obama

By the way.......................if you want to see what the real face of Jesus may have looked like, you should watch "The Real Face of Jesus" sometime on the History Channel. With all the science and imaging that went into it, I think that the image they took from the Shroud of Turin may be the most accurate representation.
I'm confused......................

Because when Obama was first elected and rode into the WH on a wave of celebrity from all over the world, the right wingers started to call him a "messiah" for the left.

Then................when those attacks couldn't get any traction, they started to say that the left was calling him "messiah", and the right wing then started to call him the anti-Christ.

Now? Because of some vague resembelance to an actor who had the part of Satan in a History Channel series, they're trying to call Obama the devil.

Which is it? Obama can't be a messiah, the anti-Christ and Satan all in one. If Obama is the anti-Christ, then he's supposed to answer to Satan.

And..................he can't be both a messiah and a devil at the same time.

You right wing loons need to get your stories straight.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiG-gz1xt9I]Barack Obama: 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking' - YouTube[/ame]
You po little commie piglet....

Do you know I heard the other day that this bible series on history channel is the number 1 show and Hollywood is trying to figure out how that happened. Isn't that funny? Americas favorite show has become history channel on the bible! Amazing. Liberals probably lost it when they heard that! We are supposed to be close to extinction according to their reports! Guess not, eh? - Jeremiah

Mythology and syfy is always big , can you imagine if a person really believed those bible stories as fact? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is interesting history how Primitive people saw things and attributed to supernatural stuff. For anyone to take the stories of the bible as true and literal in the year 2013 CE they are either uneducated and or have a screw lose:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I won't knowingly hire people like that.
Yeah well Game of Thorn's I believe had a severed head on a pike that looked like George Bush I also remember some movie or documentary where the film maker portrayed Bush being assassinated what can I say Presidents don't get the respect they used to.


Would you like me to list the array of shit done to Bush that barely gets a mention and then list vague shit done to obama that was headline news?

Seriously dude, I heard about that from a friend and just laughed it off. and keep in mind, HC leans left, so...


Feel free.

Most of the major media outlets condemned that sort of behavior. FOX absolutely vilified it.

Charlie Rangel famously condemned Hugo Chavez for referring to Bush as the devil.


FOX regularly calls Obama all sorts of names.

And you guys are chortling about this.

Gotta love it.


The sad thing about the History Channel is that it used to do pretty good programs on history.

Now it's about Pawn shops, UFO's, truckers, lumberjacks, and so on. Oh, yeah, and the "Bible".

True, not as bad as the TLC, which used to be The Learning Channel, but now it's Honey-boo boo, Jon and Kate and Sarah Palin. Oh, yeah. And midgets. Got to have the midgets.

yea and MTV used to be about music videos and Music.....
And The Bible continues to blow the competition to hell. Pun intended. Hollywood continues to seethe in its own juice. Non believers continue to thrash around mewling about all the reasons why no one should watch it.
By the way.......................if you want to see what the real face of Jesus may have looked like, you should watch "The Real Face of Jesus" sometime on the History Channel. With all the science and imaging that went into it, I think that the image they took from the Shroud of Turin may be the most accurate representation.

That was a good program.

But the Shroud of Turin is really Leonardo da Vinci.
It's Leonardo, I tell ya!

A study of facial features suggests the image on the relic is actually da Vinci's own face which could have been projected into the cloth.

The artefact has been regarded by generations of believers as the face of the crucified Jesus who was wrapped in it, but carbon-dating by scientists points to its creation in the Middle Ages.

American artist Lillian Schwartz, a graphic consultant at the School of Visual Arts in New York who came to prominence in the 1980s when she matched the face of the Mona Lisa to a Leonardo self-portrait, used computer scans to show that the face on the Shroud has the same dimensions to that of da Vinci.

“It matched. I'm excited about this,” she said. “There is no doubt in my mind that the proportions that Leonardo wrote about were used in creating this Shroud's face.”

The claims is made in a Channel Five documentary, to be shown on Wednesday night, that describes how da Vinci could have scorched his facial features on to the linen of the Shroud using a sculpture of his face and a camera obscura – an early photographic device.

Turin Shroud is face of Leonardo da Vinci - Telegraph
By the way.......................if you want to see what the real face of Jesus may have looked like, you should watch "The Real Face of Jesus" sometime on the History Channel. With all the science and imaging that went into it, I think that the image they took from the Shroud of Turin may be the most accurate representation.

That was a good program.

But the Shroud of Turin is really Leonardo da Vinci.

the shroud predates Leonardo.....1260–1390......leo was born in 1452......
By the way.......................if you want to see what the real face of Jesus may have looked like, you should watch "The Real Face of Jesus" sometime on the History Channel. With all the science and imaging that went into it, I think that the image they took from the Shroud of Turin may be the most accurate representation.

That was a good program.

But the Shroud of Turin is really Leonardo da Vinci.

the shroud predates Leonardo.....1260–1390......leo was born in 1452......

By the way.......................if you want to see what the real face of Jesus may have looked like, you should watch "The Real Face of Jesus" sometime on the History Channel. With all the science and imaging that went into it, I think that the image they took from the Shroud of Turin may be the most accurate representation.

That was a good program.

But the Shroud of Turin is really Leonardo da Vinci.

I'd say that those who dated the Shroud of Turin may be off by a century or three. Why? Because the cloth they took to date it was from the edge of the cloth, which means that it could have been newer cloth from where the Shroud was repaired due to being displayed so much.

If you want to get an accurate dating, my money would be to take a sample from somewhere where the actual image is, preferably somewhere that also has a blood sample to go with it.
By the way.......................if you want to see what the real face of Jesus may have looked like, you should watch "The Real Face of Jesus" sometime on the History Channel. With all the science and imaging that went into it, I think that the image they took from the Shroud of Turin may be the most accurate representation.

That was a good program.

But the Shroud of Turin is really Leonardo da Vinci.

I'd say that those who dated the Shroud of Turin may be off by a century or three. Why? Because the cloth they took to date it was from the edge of the cloth, which means that it could have been newer cloth from where the Shroud was repaired due to being displayed so much.

If you want to get an accurate dating, my money would be to take a sample from somewhere where the actual image is, preferably somewhere that also has a blood sample to go with it.

The Shroud of Turin: The Shroud of Turin: 2.6. The other marks …


Feb 20, 2013 · I am persuaded by the evidence that the Shroud of Turin is the burial sheet of Jesus ... "The Blood and the Shroud: New Evidence that the World's Most ...

Shroud of Turin - New Evidence - YouTube


Scientists who conducted the first thorough scientific examination of the Shroud of Turin, reconv...
I'm wondering if they are going to do some of my favorite bible stories.

Like Jephthah sacrificing his daughter to God because he made a foolish oath.

Or the bears mauling children to death because they mocked a bald prophet's head.
Stories teach lessons: (1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.


Didn't you guys hear the minister who thought God had done this purposely. It was a rather interesting speculation, he claimed God wanted Obama to be presented as the devil and made the minds of the producers blind to the image until it was shown on screen. This is one fascinating God, don't you think? I can picture him now at the controls, laughing and having a good time. Since God is Black it was all in good fun. No offense meant.

I'm wondering if they are going to do some of my favorite bible stories.

Like Jephthah sacrificing his daughter to God because he made a foolish oath.

Or the bears mauling children to death because they mocked a bald prophet's head.
Stories teach lessons: (1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.



Since Jephthah was doing God's work in freeing his people from the Ammonites, I thought it was a bit over the top for God to INSIST that Jephthah go through with butchering his daughter and then burning her remains on a prior just because he didn't think through an oath in the enthusiasm of a battle.

And seriously, killing kids because they made fun of a bald guy?

You see, this is kind of why I'm not a Christian. The Christian God isn't someone I would want as a friend. He kind of comes off as a sociopath. (And yes, I've had a few friends who were sociopaths, and got them out of my life as quick as possible.) The bible is full of these crazy stories, and for some reason, these are not the ones they tell in Church.

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