History Channel's Satan Looks A Lot Like Barack Obama

Considering Obama's self-promotion as The Messiah, this exercise of poetic license is no big deal. He asked for it.

Actually, the only people I've ever heard refer to Obama as the "messiah" are rightwingers like yourself.
I'm wondering if they are going to do some of my favorite bible stories.

Like Jephthah sacrificing his daughter to God because he made a foolish oath.

Or the bears mauling children to death because they mocked a bald prophet's head.

Ooo....can I choose one, too???

How about....
Dinah, the daughter of Leah and Jacob, went out to visit the women of Shechem, where her people had made camp and where her father Jacob had purchased the land where he had pitched his tent.

Shalem, the son of Hamor, the prince of the land, "seized her and lay with her and humbled her. And his soul was drawn to Dinah ... he loved the maiden and spoke tenderly to her," and Shalem asked his father to obtain Dinah for him, to be his wife.

The episode of her abduction and violation by a Canaanite prince, and the subsequent vengeance of her brothers Simeonand Levi, commonly referred to as "The Rape of Dinah", is told in Genesis 34
Dinah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bill Clinton could star as Shalem......

...or is that typecasting?
Do you know I heard the other day that this bible series on history channel is the number 1 show and Hollywood is trying to figure out how that happened. Isn't that funny? Americas favorite show has become history channel on the bible! Amazing. Liberals probably lost it when they heard that! We are supposed to be close to extinction according to their reports! Guess not, eh? - Jeremiah

Did you like the Ninja Angel at Sodom? :lol: :lol:
and to be clear

Lucipher was the greatest angle and the most beautiful to look upon.

He certainly was when he was with God. When he was cast out, not so much. obama was bestowed with Lucifer's name when he was running in 2008. The lightbringer. obama isn't satan. He isn't Lucifer. He is the latest face of evil.

How Saul Alinsky Taught Barack Obama Everything He Knows About Civic Upheaval

2. "Saul Alinsky Dedicated His Book To Satan"
Saul Alinsky Dedicated His Book To Satan | Sweetness & Light
ya just gotta love the Trayvon hoodie

I mean, comeON

All we need now is a light skinned spanish dood named Gabriel to show up and pops some caps in his ass.

Seems you guys weren't so gleeful when it was Bush..

?Game of Thrones,? HBO apologize for depicting decapitated George W. Bush head - Washington Post


Would you like me to list the array of shit done to Bush that barely gets a mention and then list vague shit done to obama that was headline news?

Seriously dude, I heard about that from a friend and just laughed it off. and keep in mind, HC leans left, so...


Feel free.

Most of the major media outlets condemned that sort of behavior. FOX absolutely vilified it.

Charlie Rangel famously condemned Hugo Chavez for referring to Bush as the devil.


FOX regularly calls Obama all sorts of names.

And you guys are chortling about this.

Gotta love it.
ya just gotta love the Trayvon hoodie

I mean, comeON

All we need now is a light skinned spanish dood named Gabriel to show up and pops some caps in his ass.

Seems you guys weren't so gleeful when it was Bush..

?Game of Thrones,? HBO apologize for depicting decapitated George W. Bush head - Washington Post

Your comparison is absurd.

See if you can come up with a comparison with the following:

"The American Left has become increasingly hysterical since September 11th. The symptoms of a new, disturbing extremism are manifest in a variety of forums that transcend legitimate political opposition to the war or grassroots politicking to vote out an incumbent party. Last year the comedian Rick Hall played to full houses abroad, performing his newest composition, “Let's Get Together And Kill George Bush.” As the Republicans assembled for their August national convention in New York, a pacifist group known as “United For Peace and Justice,” nevertheless announced its sponsorship of a rather violent-sounding, off-Broadway “guerilla comedy” entitled, “I’m Gonna Kill the President.”

The 2002 winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award, Nicholson Baker, just published Checkpoint. It is an extended dialogue about killing (in a variety of strange ways) George Bush. Jay, the protagonist of the novel, characterizes the potential targeted President as a “drunken oilman.” Vice President Cheney and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld are portrayed as “bog creatures” with “grubs scurrying out of their noses.” Such venom filters down. Sue Niederer, the mother of a soldier recently killed in Iraq, recently scoffed in an interview: “I think if I had him in front of me I would shoot him in the groined area. Let him suffer. And just continue shooting him there.”
VDH's Private Papers :: The Perfect Storm Part One
and to be clear

Lucipher was the greatest angle and the most beautiful to look upon.

He certainly was when he was with God. When he was cast out, not so much. obama was bestowed with Lucifer's name when he was running in 2008. The lightbringer. obama isn't satan. He isn't Lucifer. He is the latest face of evil.

How Saul Alinsky Taught Barack Obama Everything He Knows About Civic Upheaval

2. "Saul Alinsky Dedicated His Book To Satan"
Saul Alinsky Dedicated His Book To Satan | Sweetness & Light

Oh yeah..

Saul Alinsky..the man who helped house and feed poor people.

The very face of evil.

He certainly was when he was with God. When he was cast out, not so much. obama was bestowed with Lucifer's name when he was running in 2008. The lightbringer. obama isn't satan. He isn't Lucifer. He is the latest face of evil.

How Saul Alinsky Taught Barack Obama Everything He Knows About Civic Upheaval

2. "Saul Alinsky Dedicated His Book To Satan"
Saul Alinsky Dedicated His Book To Satan | Sweetness & Light

Oh yeah..

Saul Alinsky..the man who helped house and feed poor people.

The very face of evil.


You know so little.....

.....that must be why you have no standards.

1. [Saul] Alinsky, echoing Lenin, justifies almost any immoral act, especially dishonesty and hypocrisy: “…a true community organizer "does not have a fixed truth truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing. He is a political relativist.” Is there a Saul Alinsky Portrait in the White House?

a. “To see the secular socialist building of [Saul Alinsky’s] machine, one need only note the appeal to the self-interest of each of their various interest groups rather than appealing to any unifying vision for the future of the nation. The reason for ‘identity politics’ is that the intellectual mindset of the Leftists is hardly the same as that of the vast majority of Americans.” Gingrich, “To Save America,” chapter two.
“...grubs scurrying out of their noses.”

Aw, c'mon! Grubs can't 'scurry'!
Obama is certainly not 'the face of evil', merely the face of the most recent Democratic president. Bush, though worse, was only the face of the most recent Republican president.

This exaggeration of things is only laughable. Nothing will change until the present representatives (and it is obvious whom they serve) are replaced with the people's representatives.
He certainly was when he was with God. When he was cast out, not so much. obama was bestowed with Lucifer's name when he was running in 2008. The lightbringer. obama isn't satan. He isn't Lucifer. He is the latest face of evil.

How Saul Alinsky Taught Barack Obama Everything He Knows About Civic Upheaval

2. "Saul Alinsky Dedicated His Book To Satan"
Saul Alinsky Dedicated His Book To Satan | Sweetness & Light

Oh yeah..

Saul Alinsky..the man who helped house and feed poor people.

The very face of evil.


Che Guevara was a doctor who healed the sick. He was also a mass murderer. John Wayne Gacy was a clown who performed at children's parties and made them all happy. Hamas and Hezbollah feed the poor and build hospitals for the sick. Unless evil has the capacity to appear as beneficial, it cannot possibly rise to the level of true evil.
History Channel's Satan Looks A Lot Like Barack Obama

I'm sure the devil and Owe Bama are closely related.
Well then..I'm totally convinced.

And Jesus probably looks much like Tab Hunter, too, right?

Tab Hunter? He's around 80 isn't he?

Yeah, if he's not dead.

I probably have the wrong name of the actor from the 60's who was cast as Jesus.

Whoever he was he was blonde and blue eyed and drop dead handsome.

Now I realize that my response was silly, but this thread deserves no serious responses.
I'm confused......................

Because when Obama was first elected and rode into the WH on a wave of celebrity from all over the world, the right wingers started to call him a "messiah" for the left.

Then................when those attacks couldn't get any traction, they started to say that the left was calling him "messiah", and the right wing then started to call him the anti-Christ.

Now? Because of some vague resembelance to an actor who had the part of Satan in a History Channel series, they're trying to call Obama the devil.

Which is it? Obama can't be a messiah, the anti-Christ and Satan all in one. If Obama is the anti-Christ, then he's supposed to answer to Satan.

And..................he can't be both a messiah and a devil at the same time.

You right wing loons need to get your stories straight.

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