History Channel's Satan Looks A Lot Like Barack Obama

I'm wondering if they are going to do some of my favorite bible stories.

Like Jephthah sacrificing his daughter to God because he made a foolish oath.

Or the bears mauling children to death because they mocked a bald prophet's head.
Stories teach lessons: (1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.



Since Jephthah was doing God's work in freeing his people from the Ammonites, I thought it was a bit over the top for God to INSIST that Jephthah go through with butchering his daughter and then burning her remains on a prior just because he didn't think through an oath in the enthusiasm of a battle.

And seriously, killing kids because they made fun of a bald guy?

You see, this is kind of why I'm not a Christian. The Christian God isn't someone I would want as a friend. He kind of comes off as a sociopath. (And yes, I've had a few friends who were sociopaths, and got them out of my life as quick as possible.) The bible is full of these crazy stories, and for some reason, these are not the ones they tell in Church.

First of all, God is invisible and does not speak to everybody.

A man made an oath to kill somebody who greeted him to show his precocious love for God.

The virgin daughter shows up first, enthusiastically and hugs her father to welcome him home.

He eventually observes his oath and kills the young woman after a couple of months.

Man was the inventor of the idea, man put somebody else's life in jeopardy without a second thought. When his daughter showed up, his mistake came home and kicked him in the balls.

His story: he killed his daughter for God.

Idiots are still killing their daughters for God.

They do it every day in the greater regional map where the man lived.

End of story.

Now that you know God had nothing to do with this moron's idiotic life, and even though I hate to quote myself, does this make better sense now:

(1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.
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First of all, God is invisible and does not speak to everybody.

A man made an oath to kill somebody who greeted him to show his precocious love for God.

The virgin daughter shows up first, enthusiastically and hugs her father to welcome him home.

He eventually observes his oath and kills the young woman after a couple of months.

Man was the inventor of the idea, man put somebody else's life in jeopardy without a second thought. When his daughter showed up, his mistake came home and kicked him in the balls.

His story: he killed his daughter for God.

Idiots are still killing their daughters for God.

They do it every day in the greater regional map where the man lived.

End of story.

Now that you know God had nothing to do with this moron, and even though I hate to quote myself, does this make better sense now:

(1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.

NO, it really doesn't. God Isn't Osama Bin Crazy in the story. He is someone who directly interacts with his people.

In the Story, God had abandoned the Israelites and let their enemies have sway over them.

Then they prayed for a deliverer, and Jephthah showed up. And he prayed for victory over the Ammonites, and God gave it to them.

Now frankly, if you pray for victory because you offered something, and you got what you prayed for, and you were still in a pretty precarious situation vis-a-vis the Ammonites, you did what you promised to do. Because God had already handed "his people" over to their enemies several times in the Book of Judges already.

But it would be incumbant on a merciful, kind God to step in and stop that from happening, like he did with Abraham and Isaac.

Except this time, God didn't.

So God was there to help him whup the Ammonites, but didn't show up to stop him from murdering his daughter? Seriously?
First of all, God is invisible and does not speak to everybody.

A man made an oath to kill somebody who greeted him to show his precocious love for God.

The virgin daughter shows up first, enthusiastically and hugs her father to welcome him home.

He eventually observes his oath and kills the young woman after a couple of months.

Man was the inventor of the idea, man put somebody else's life in jeopardy without a second thought. When his daughter showed up, his mistake came home and kicked him in the balls.

His story: he killed his daughter for God.

Idiots are still killing their daughters for God.

They do it every day in the greater regional map where the man lived.

End of story.

Now that you know God had nothing to do with this moron, and even though I hate to quote myself, does this make better sense now:

(1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.

NO, it really doesn't. God Isn't Osama Bin Crazy in the story. He is someone who directly interacts with his people.

In the Story, God had abandoned the Israelites and let their enemies have sway over them.

Then they prayed for a deliverer, and Jephthah showed up. And he prayed for victory over the Ammonites, and God gave it to them.

Now frankly, if you pray for victory because you offered something, and you got what you prayed for, and you were still in a pretty precarious situation vis-a-vis the Ammonites, you did what you promised to do. Because God had already handed "his people" over to their enemies several times in the Book of Judges already.

But it would be incumbant on a merciful, kind God to step in and stop that from happening, like he did with Abraham and Isaac.

Except this time, God didn't.

So God was there to help him whup the Ammonites, but didn't show up to stop him from murdering his daughter? Seriously?

You're comparing oranges and apples.

It's like a political conversation about oh, let's say flag care.

Wise guy #1 says "I hate the flag" to a roomful of flag wavers. They beat the living daylights out of him for hating the flag, and he has a black eye.

It had nothing to do with care of the flag.

Stories take twists that have nothing to do with the same.

The deliverer of good things to an oppressed people just happened to be a lousy father who put his daughter in jeopardy out of just NOT THINKING FIRST.

The moral of the story was:
(1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.

It had nothing to do with a possibly fictitious story (or not). It merely was presented to people to have them avoiding making perilous oaths that endanger OTHER PEOPLE"S LIVES.

Does that make it a little clearer to you, [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] ? The Jewish people today do not kill their daughters because of their story. Their fellows in the general geographical region still do, and they do it in the name of Allah. The Jewish people departed from the tactic of murdering women on a whim.

Which method do you prefer? Murdering women and getting away with it, or not declaring you will kill someone because you are a precocious asshole? (not you personally, we're speaking of "Jasociopathic" as a general character.) :D

Moral teaching stories are not like other stories. They just want their followers to observe certain behaviors, and murdering family women for God is something they will no longer tolerate due to this teaching. Get it now?
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Do you know I heard the other day that this bible series on history channel is the number 1 show and Hollywood is trying to figure out how that happened. Isn't that funny? Americas favorite show has become history channel on the bible! Amazing. Liberals probably lost it when they heard that! We are supposed to be close to extinction according to their reports! Guess not, eh? - Jeremiah

Mythology and syfy is always big , can you imagine if a person really believed those bible stories as fact? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is interesting history how Primitive people saw things and attributed to supernatural stuff. For anyone to take the stories of the bible as true and literal in the year 2013 CE they are either uneducated and or have a screw lose:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I won't knowingly hire people like that.
Fine. You're not at the top of my list for job candidates either.

You're comparing oranges and apples.


The deliverer of good things to an oppressed people just happened to be a lousy father who put his daughter in jeopardy out of just NOT THINKING FIRST.

The moral of the story was:
(1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.

It had nothing to do with a possibly fictitious story (or not). It merely was presented to people to have them avoiding making perilous oaths that endanger OTHER PEOPLE"S LIVES.

Does that make it a little clearer to you, ? The Jewish people today do not kill their daughters because of their story. Their fellows in the general geographical region still do, and they do it in the name of Allah. The Jewish people departed from the tactic of murdering women on a whim.

Which method do you prefer? Murdering women and getting away with it, or not declaring you will kill someone because you are a precocious asshole? (not you personally, we're speaking of "Jasociopathic" as a general character.) :D

Moral teaching stories are not like other stories. They just want their followers to observe certain behaviors, and murdering family women for God is something they will no longer tolerate due to this teaching. Get it now?

I love the Jephthah story, because it absolutely ties Religionists in knots. Besides your whackadoodle crazy need to make another slam on Muslims, let's review the story one more time.

God Delivers the Israelites in the hands of the ammonites. Why? Weren't kissing his ass enough. There was really an Omnipotent, Eternal being who worries about one tribe of bronze age savages kissing his butt.

They get all weepy and pray for a deliverer, and Jephthah shows up. And he says if God lets him SLAUGHTER THE AMMONITES, he will sacrifice the first thing he encounters when he comes home. Probably thought it'd be a lamb or one of those other meaty treats God spends so much time telling his followers to slaughter for no good reason.

But WHOOOOOOOOOPS- it was his daughter.

Yeah, God didn't do anything to prevent that disaster from happening.

You're comparing oranges and apples.


The deliverer of good things to an oppressed people just happened to be a lousy father who put his daughter in jeopardy out of just NOT THINKING FIRST.

The moral of the story was:
(1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.

It had nothing to do with a possibly fictitious story (or not). It merely was presented to people to have them avoiding making perilous oaths that endanger OTHER PEOPLE"S LIVES.

Does that make it a little clearer to you, ? The Jewish people today do not kill their daughters because of their story. Their fellows in the general geographical region still do, and they do it in the name of Allah. The Jewish people departed from the tactic of murdering women on a whim.

Which method do you prefer? Murdering women and getting away with it, or not declaring you will kill someone because you are a precocious asshole? (not you personally, we're speaking of "Jasociopathic" as a general character.) :D

Moral teaching stories are not like other stories. They just want their followers to observe certain behaviors, and murdering family women for God is something they will no longer tolerate due to this teaching. Get it now?

I love the Jephthah story, because it absolutely ties Religionists in knots. Besides your whackadoodle crazy need to make another slam on Muslims, let's review the story one more time.

God Delivers the Israelites in the hands of the ammonites. Why? Weren't kissing his ass enough. There was really an Omnipotent, Eternal being who worries about one tribe of bronze age savages kissing his butt.

They get all weepy and pray for a deliverer, and Jephthah shows up. And he says if God lets him SLAUGHTER THE AMMONITES, he will sacrifice the first thing he encounters when he comes home. Probably thought it'd be a lamb or one of those other meaty treats God spends so much time telling his followers to slaughter for no good reason.

But WHOOOOOOOOOPS- it was his daughter.

Yeah, God didn't do anything to prevent that disaster from happening.
Jephtath's story doesn't tie me in your knots. I have a theory I learned from a very smart mathematician who said "There are fewer horses heads than there are horses." :lol: :lol: :lol:

God gave man the keys to the kingdom when he was sent from Eden. And you're blaming God for what man does? :cuckoo:

Muslims do "honor killings." I oppose that and call it premeditated murder. In this country, I have a right to oppose the intimidation of helpless women to death for doing the same thing men do, and I intend to make certain murder stays against the law.

You're comparing oranges and apples.


The deliverer of good things to an oppressed people just happened to be a lousy father who put his daughter in jeopardy out of just NOT THINKING FIRST.

The moral of the story was:
(1) Do not make perilous oaths causing wrongful death and (2) Do not mock the righteous who speak of God's beneficent laws.

It had nothing to do with a possibly fictitious story (or not). It merely was presented to people to have them avoiding making perilous oaths that endanger OTHER PEOPLE"S LIVES.

Does that make it a little clearer to you, ? The Jewish people today do not kill their daughters because of their story. Their fellows in the general geographical region still do, and they do it in the name of Allah. The Jewish people departed from the tactic of murdering women on a whim.

Which method do you prefer? Murdering women and getting away with it, or not declaring you will kill someone because you are a precocious asshole? (not you personally, we're speaking of "Jasociopathic" as a general character.) :D

Moral teaching stories are not like other stories. They just want their followers to observe certain behaviors, and murdering family women for God is something they will no longer tolerate due to this teaching. Get it now?

I love the Jephthah story, because it absolutely ties Religionists in knots. Besides your whackadoodle crazy need to make another slam on Muslims, let's review the story one more time.

God Delivers the Israelites in the hands of the ammonites. Why? Weren't kissing his ass enough. There was really an Omnipotent, Eternal being who worries about one tribe of bronze age savages kissing his butt.

They get all weepy and pray for a deliverer, and Jephthah shows up. And he says if God lets him SLAUGHTER THE AMMONITES, he will sacrifice the first thing he encounters when he comes home. Probably thought it'd be a lamb or one of those other meaty treats God spends so much time telling his followers to slaughter for no good reason.

But WHOOOOOOOOOPS- it was his daughter.

Yeah, God didn't do anything to prevent that disaster from happening.

What a fraud this guy is ^^^^^

I never got that.....coming onto a mesage board and portraying yourself as one thing and being quite another. Here is a guy who is a hard core secular progressive and pans himself of as a Republican.:coffee:

Talk about being a weenie............


Like a couple of dopes on here that pawn themselves off as former military.:clap2:
Jephtath's story doesn't tie me in your knots. I have a theory I learned from a very smart mathematician who said "There are fewer horses heads than there are horses."

God gave man the keys to the kingdom when he was sent from Eden. And you're blaming God for what man does? :cuckoo:

Muslims do "honor killings." I oppose that and call it premeditated murder. In this country, I have a right to oppose the intimidation of helpless women to death for doing the same thing men do, and I intend to make certain murder stays against the law.

Let's get this straight. I don't blame God because God doesn't exist.

I blame RELIGION for creating these horrible stories, and then trying to blame all the bad stuff that happens on their magic sky man like some kind of cosmic case of Stockholm syndrome.

The point is, you wouldn't want to worship the bible God.

12 years of Catholic hard core indoctrination, never heard of Jephthah. it wasn't something the Priests and the Nuns even wanted to talk about. In fact, the ENTIRE book of Judges was ignored except for a Disneyfied version of Samson's story. (The actual story is much worse. Samson was the Osama Bin Laden of his day.)
Do you know I heard the other day that this bible series on history channel is the number 1 show and Hollywood is trying to figure out how that happened. Isn't that funny? Americas favorite show has become history channel on the bible! Amazing. Liberals probably lost it when they heard that! We are supposed to be close to extinction according to their reports! Guess not, eh? - Jeremiah

Mythology and syfy is always big , can you imagine if a person really believed those bible stories as fact? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is interesting history how Primitive people saw things and attributed to supernatural stuff. For anyone to take the stories of the bible as true and literal in the year 2013 CE they are either uneducated and or have a screw lose:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I won't knowingly hire people like that.

One could believe that you'd also be partial to setting that crucifix alight.

What a fraud this guy is ^^^^^

I never got that.....coming onto a mesage board and portraying yourself as one thing and being quite another. Here is a guy who is a hard core secular progressive and pans himself of as a Republican.:coffee:

Talk about being a weenie............

Like a couple of dopes on here that pawn themselves off as former military.:clap2:

Guy, just because the CRAZIES have taken over the GOP doesn't mean that there aren't a few sane people left.

This is kind of what you guys don't get. The GOP has admitted to itself the inmates have taken over the asylum. (Getting you all back in your cells is going to be the real trick.)

We shouldn't make policy based on 3000 year old bronze age fairy tales.
Jephtath's story doesn't tie me in your knots. I have a theory I learned from a very smart mathematician who said "There are fewer horses heads than there are horses."

God gave man the keys to the kingdom when he was sent from Eden. And you're blaming God for what man does? :cuckoo:

Muslims do "honor killings." I oppose that and call it premeditated murder. In this country, I have a right to oppose the intimidation of helpless women to death for doing the same thing men do, and I intend to make certain murder stays against the law.

Let's get this straight. I don't blame God because God doesn't exist.

I blame RELIGION for creating these horrible stories, and then trying to blame all the bad stuff that happens on their magic sky man like some kind of cosmic case of Stockholm syndrome.

The point is, you wouldn't want to worship the bible God.

12 years of Catholic hard core indoctrination, never heard of Jephthah. it wasn't something the Priests and the Nuns even wanted to talk about. In fact, the ENTIRE book of Judges was ignored except for a Disneyfied version of Samson's story. (The actual story is much worse. Samson was the Osama Bin Laden of his day.)
You had religious upbringing, which means you know what right and wrong is, and you will know it for the rest of your life.
It's the children and grandchildren of those who forget early teachings who get in trouble because they're missing that daily back and forth about right and wrong.
I didn't make the rules, but I do know what they are. And I love the God of my fathers and mothers with all my heart soul and mind. I can't do enough for him and his true people--the lonely, the widowed, the fatherless, the abused, the lonely soldier on night watch away from all he knows and loves to defend the freedom of people who spit on him. I didn't feel this way when I was 12 or 20. But I feel that way now.
You had religious upbringing, which means you know what right and wrong is, and you will know it for the rest of your life.
It's the children and grandchildren of those who forget early teachings who get in trouble because they're missing that daily back and forth about right and wrong.
I didn't make the rules, but I do know what they are. And I love the God of my fathers and mothers with all my heart soul and mind. I can't do enough for him and his true people--the lonely, the widowed, the fatherless, the abused, the lonely soldier on night watch away from all he knows and loves to defend the freedom of people who spit on him. I didn't feel this way when I was 12 or 20. But I feel that way now.

The thing is, you don't need a bunch of fairy tales to tell you right from wrong.

My moral code is kind of a simple one. If what I am doing is harming somene without a just cause, then it's immoral.

It's really kind of simple as that.

The problem in our society today is that we rationalize too much immoral behavior. No, I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about greed.

Even the Churches realize that the Bible is a poor guide for morality. Which is why they cherry pick the stories they want to tell.

Going back to our boy Jephthah, let's stipulate that he did a horrible thing, regardless of God's action or inaction in the story. Yet in the NEW Testament, you have this passage.

Hebrews 11:32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
11:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.

So Jephthah, who right after butchering his daughter, went on to kill 42,000 of his fellow Israelites because they could not pronounce the word Shibboleth correctly, is considered to be up there with the all time great Old Testament Super-Heroes..
You had religious upbringing, which means you know what right and wrong is, and you will know it for the rest of your life.
It's the children and grandchildren of those who forget early teachings who get in trouble because they're missing that daily back and forth about right and wrong.
I didn't make the rules, but I do know what they are. And I love the God of my fathers and mothers with all my heart soul and mind. I can't do enough for him and his true people--the lonely, the widowed, the fatherless, the abused, the lonely soldier on night watch away from all he knows and loves to defend the freedom of people who spit on him. I didn't feel this way when I was 12 or 20. But I feel that way now.

The thing is, you don't need a bunch of fairy tales to tell you right from wrong.

My moral code is kind of a simple one. If what I am doing is harming somene without a just cause, then it's immoral.

It's really kind of simple as that.

The problem in our society today is that we rationalize too much immoral behavior. No, I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about greed.

Even the Churches realize that the Bible is a poor guide for morality. Which is why they cherry pick the stories they want to tell.

Going back to our boy Jephthah, let's stipulate that he did a horrible thing, regardless of God's action or inaction in the story. Yet in the NEW Testament, you have this passage.

Hebrews 11:32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
11:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.

So Jephthah, who right after butchering his daughter, went on to kill 42,000 of his fellow Israelites because they could not pronounce the word Shibboleth correctly, is considered to be up there with the all time great Old Testament Super-Heroes..
I think you lost something in the translation. Why are you so hot and bothered about a system you rejected all by yourself.

No one can do anything about it.
Going back to our boy Jephthah, let's stipulate that he did a horrible thing, regardless of God's action or inaction in the story. Yet in the NEW Testament, you have this passage.

Hebrews 11:32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
11:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.

So Jephthah, who right after butchering his daughter, went on to kill 42,000 of his fellow Israelites because they could not pronounce the word Shibboleth correctly, is considered to be up there with the all time great Old Testament Super-Heroes..
I think you lost something in the translation. Why are you so hot and bothered about a system you rejected all by yourself.

No one can do anything about it.

I think there's a lot we can do about it. Top of my list is challenging it, which I first started doing when I was 11 and a nun tried to tell me God drowned babies because they were WICKED!.

Now, I will get the evasions like "Well, God has a reason". A nun actually said that at my mother's funeral. She was lucky God didn't have a reason for me to slam her head into a wall. Because I would have found it as funny as hell if I did it.
Going back to our boy Jephthah, let's stipulate that he did a horrible thing, regardless of God's action or inaction in the story. Yet in the NEW Testament, you have this passage.

Hebrews 11:32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
11:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.

So Jephthah, who right after butchering his daughter, went on to kill 42,000 of his fellow Israelites because they could not pronounce the word Shibboleth correctly, is considered to be up there with the all time great Old Testament Super-Heroes..
I think you lost something in the translation. Why are you so hot and bothered about a system you rejected all by yourself.

No one can do anything about it.

I think there's a lot we can do about it. Top of my list is challenging it, which I first started doing when I was 11 and a nun tried to tell me God drowned babies because they were WICKED!.

Now, I will get the evasions like "Well, God has a reason". A nun actually said that at my mother's funeral. She was lucky God didn't have a reason for me to slam her head into a wall. Because I would have found it as funny as hell if I did it.
I'm sorry people say stupid things at funerals, and that none of us are perfect.
I'm sorry people say stupid things at funerals, and that none of us are perfect.

No, the problem wasn't that she said stupid things.

It was that she had stupid beliefs.

Now, I'll admit, the fact my mom died agonizingly of liver cancer hoping her prayers would save her did a lot to turn me off to religous stupidity. But the fact is, it's all stupid.

When they couldn't use fairy tales to scare us about plagues and earthquakes because we figured out how those worked, they just moved the goal posts to the thing we can't fix- Death.

Religion is fraud. That's why I hate it with such a passion.
I'm sorry people say stupid things at funerals, and that none of us are perfect.

No, the problem wasn't that she said stupid things.

It was that she had stupid beliefs.

Now, I'll admit, the fact my mom died agonizingly of liver cancer hoping her prayers would save her did a lot to turn me off to religous stupidity. But the fact is, it's all stupid.

When they couldn't use fairy tales to scare us about plagues and earthquakes because we figured out how those worked, they just moved the goal posts to the thing we can't fix- Death.

Religion is fraud. That's why I hate it with such a passion.
Would you have deprived your mother of the wonderful hope and comfort her prayers brought her in her battle with the inevitable, Joe? I've read actual medical studies that show that a positive attitude reduces pain somewhat and increases the chances of a modicum of comfort to dying patients.

Religion is not fraud to believers. When they embrace God, they become aware they are not alone and that there is a caring presence.

That was so little to ask for on your mother's part. She deserved comfort. And no, we can't have our parents forever and it hurts like everything when our best friend leaves us long before we're prepared for anything like that kind of a loss. I'm sorry you lost her.
[ Would you have deprived your mother of the wonderful hope and comfort her prayers brought her in her battle with the inevitable, Joe? I've read actual medical studies that show that a positive attitude reduces pain somewhat and increases the chances of a modicum of comfort to dying patients.

Religion is not fraud to believers. When they embrace God, they become aware they are not alone and that there is a caring presence.

That was so little to ask for on your mother's part. She deserved comfort. And no, we can't have our parents forever and it hurts like everything when our best friend leaves us long before we're prepared for anything like that kind of a loss. I'm sorry you lost her.

Both of my parents passed before I was 20.

My Dad was more philosophical about the whole thing. He survived WWII and dozens of pre-OSHA near hits.

Ironically, my mother converted to Catholicism to marry my dad, but 2 of her five kids are now atheists. Go figure.

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