History in the Future


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015

Will Germany cause the next few World Wars? Will America collapse due to the bathroom debate? Will the same happen to Canada? Will religious tolerance cease to exist? So many issues are addressed in this video? Are the predictions consistent with the historical data we have now in order to find a predictable pattern? What do you guys think?
Will Germany cause the next few World Wars? ...

Sure. Since decades we recruit Ballermänner (~"bangmen") and hide them in Spain where they will never learn to play "hangman". But if then ...


Terrible, isn't it?


Here an original Bavarian song on reason to repair now the node in the ears:

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... Will Germany cause the next few World Wars? ...

It could be by the way a good idea to learn something about real history. Germany did not start world war 1 at all.

Short explanation: The Prussian emperor of Germany had been the Brit William II who had been educated from his grandma Queen Victoria. It had specially his weird criminal British ideas which drove the Brits mad - and with them the USA. But also he had nothing to do with the begin of world war 1. World war 1 started because Serbs murdered the Austrian heir of the throne. Austria threatened Serbia with war - and also this was relativelly unimportant. But then Russia suddenly played the role to be the protecting power of all Slaws in Europe - what was by the way a sadistic joke because specially because of the brutal behavior of the Russians against the Poles a German poet had created some long years ago the new word "Völkermord" (=genocide). Whatever. Now world war 1 started in a kind of very complex domino effect and no one was able to stop this war any longer.

The only point why Germany was chosen from the allies and winners of world war 1 to be the cause for world war 1 had been their own extremely criminal behavior and their unsatiable greed.

So how could someone be able to find out what will be the "history" of the future when he has not any plausible idea about what the real history of the past had been?

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Not really.

You realize this thread does not even really belong in here, right? You are claiming that a satire piece actually means something.

Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. This gentleman has attempted to recognize some of the patterns of humanity so that we can avoid the same mistakes. It isn’t a prediction of the future. It is just a picture based on the current trajectory of humanity. We can stop the things in the video if enough people are educated on historical matters.

And you think it is all a joke? Ha Humor is just a communication tool.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

That is not actually the quote.


And once again, that entire video is satire.

Will Germany cause the next few World Wars? Will America collapse due to the bathroom debate? Will the same happen to Canada? Will religious tolerance cease to exist? So many issues are addressed in this video? Are the predictions consistent with the historical data we have now in order to find a predictable pattern? What do you guys think?

I think you should read "The Fourth Turning."

And I think you are too clever for your own good.
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I think you should read "The Fourth Turning."

And I think you are too clever for your own good.

I didn’t make this video. That should be obvious. I think you mix threads in favor of stalking a poster you don’t like. Stay on topic and stop bringing drama from other threads to appease your desire to stalk people. Discuss the topic at hand please.
I didn’t make this video. That should be obvious. I think you mix threads in favor of stalking a poster you don’t like. Stay on topic and stop bringing drama from other threads to appease your desire to stalk people. Discuss the topic at hand please.
But I do like you. You are fun. You really should read the Fourth Turning because it is relevant to the topic at hand. Quite relevant. Extremely relevant. I mean if you are looking for predictable patterns The Fourth Turning is the book for you. :)

But I'm curious... you don't believe you are clever? Or is it that you don't believe you are too clever for your own good?

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