History of Climate Science

Flac used to call it a step-function-response to solar forcing. But the current acceleration in warming conclusively disproves that, so he's left with more of a vague handwaving that it just has to be the sun because he wants it to be the sun.

Another warmer here that doesn't know the meaning of the word acceleration..

In terms of climate time scale -- that solar radiation chart IS a step function. And the more recent Climate science backs up every assertion I've made on the topic. The Earth's climate does not turn on dime..
Climate Change deniers: obfuscate, lie, divert, flail, scream, plead, cloud.

Ignore them.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The science is settled.
I'd say ole Issac is getting paid a pretty shiny penny to push GLOBULL warming aka today they call it, climate change.

they take you all as being to stupid too notice how they changed it right in front of your eyes.

poll after poll shows: this is the lowest thing on the list of people's priorities to worry over. so instead they come out with more BS of how we are: ALL GOING TO DIE die die die if they don't get enough monies to buy their magic wands to CHANGE THE CLIMATE.

Freaks believe they are G-d and can change the gawddam Climate of Mother Earth.

fall for it at ALL OUR PERILS AND livelihoods and pocketbooks.
The Global Warming denial cult has spent 1 billion dollars the last 15 years to confuse people.

The fact that much of the public is confused is a feather in the cap of these lowlifes. But that is changing. You can only deny reality for so long.

Ignore these Global Warming deniers. They are acting in direct opposition to the best interests of humanity. For a little bit of money.
Introduction - Summary

Global Warming Timeline Timeline - Of note 1989, 2000, 2001 and forward. But well worth reading the whole thing.

Global Warming is not something anyone wants to be real. But it is. And the clock is ticking on our ability to avert the worst affects.

Even if ALL of the human produced greenhouse gases stopped being put into the atmosphere tomorrow, the effects of what is already in the atmosphere would continue for hundreds or thousands of years.

Get educated people. This isn't a political matter AT ALL.

You are completely wrong.

The End.
Again, these globull warmers are fully convinced it's being caused by humans.

then I think they should "OFF" themselves to relieve the stress on the Mother earth.

lead by example. no?
I check every day to see if Guam is still upright. At this point I have to wonder if Guam is a DENIER!!?

I checked -- It's still upright. And the tundra hasn't floating off yet today.. You check tomorrow "K"???? ?

Yeah, and your hero got a snowball and tossed it in Congress and proclaimed "how can there be Global Warming, look at this snowball".

Pour yourself a glass of water and stand in your kitchen, "there can't possibly be a drought anywhere, look at this glass of water".

You argue at the level of a 6 year old child. Because you have no argument.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. There is no debate.
Did anyone notice..........they now say most of the world is going to get worse this year, except for the United States, lol. You want to know why? Because in the United States, we question everything, and climate freaks do not like us. And so, it is the divide strat now........if we convince everyone else, the "mob" will make the United States buckle under.

Did you climate mongers understand that science is not based on consensus? Scientists when facts are proven agree. What we have now is a debate, so the science is not settled as there are as many scientists who claim you guys are as full of crap as a thanksgiving turkey, as there are that agree with you.

I love it........my ideologue scientist says we are the cause, so it must be true! How pathetic, lol. The Pope says it is true, see, even God knows, lol. Yeah, and one of the Popes put up Adolf Hitler for the nobel peace prize too, or didn't you know that, lol.

None of their predictions have come true, not one! Go watch one of their fearless spokes people, Al Gore's movie. He won great praise for that, didn't he mongers, lol. Oh yes, they all agreed, he was correct. All of their EXPERTS agreed with good ole Al. Guess what, it was 100% wrong, lololololol.

Phoney baloney, good time rock-n-rollers are all these people are. They have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, and are constantly claiming the sky is falling. They enjoy scaring people into giving things away, don't listen to anything they say. They are like the scam artists who call you on the phone and claim they are going to fix your computer because it has a terrible problem, just let them connect to it, lololol. You people really are pathetic, and do nothing more than attempt to prey upon peoples fear.
I check every day to see if Guam is still upright. At this point I have to wonder if Guam is a DENIER!!?

I checked -- It's still upright. And the tundra hasn't floating off yet today.. You check tomorrow "K"???? ?

Yeah, and your hero got a snowball and tossed it in Congress and proclaimed "how can there be Global Warming, look at this snowball".

Pour yourself a glass of water and stand in your kitchen, "there can't possibly be a drought anywhere, look at this glass of water".

You argue at the level of a 6 year old child. Because you have no argument.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. There is no debate.
You are NOTHING but a fear monger, and have no more scientists that agree with you, than disagree with you. It just fits your agenda, and from what I see, you like to scare people, even when you are not a scientist, and can't more than 50% to agree with you, yet you claim it is fact.

What makes you so smart that your guys are right? What degree do you have? I betcha it is the degree of socialism, lol. You phoney baloney.
97% of the PH.D's on Earth have agreed, there is no debate any more. PH.D means they have a doctorate, just like a medical doctor, in their chosen field. These are the smartest people alive.

Global Warming is real and accelerating.
my gawd wake up before it's too late. this is what Globull warming aka Climate change IS ALL ABOUT.

Chuck Schumer: Carbon tax has a chance if Clinton wins

6/23/15 7:28 PM EDT

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) outlined a path Tuesday for Hillary Clinton to enact a carbon tax if the Democrats prevail in the 2016 elections.

Schumer, the Senate Democrats’ leader-in-waiting, said that a Clinton presidency and the return of his party to the Senate majority in 2017 could pave the way for lawmakers to enact a carbon tax to help fund the government.

Read more:Chuck Schumer Carbon tax has a chance if Clinton wins - Elana Schor - POLITICO
I check every day to see if Guam is still upright. At this point I have to wonder if Guam is a DENIER!!?

I checked -- It's still upright. And the tundra hasn't floating off yet today.. You check tomorrow "K"???? ?

Yeah, and your hero got a snowball and tossed it in Congress and proclaimed "how can there be Global Warming, look at this snowball".

Pour yourself a glass of water and stand in your kitchen, "there can't possibly be a drought anywhere, look at this glass of water".

You argue at the level of a 6 year old child. Because you have no argument.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. There is no debate.


Guam. Note the upright position of this DENIER!!! of an Island

Hey Guam, the science is settled! They have "Consensus"!
Another warmer here that doesn't know the meaning of the word acceleration..

I used it accurately. That acceleration wasn't supposed to happen under your theory, which said warming would be decelerating. Yet it did happen. Therefore, your theory is wrong.

In terms of climate time scale -- that solar radiation chart IS a step function. And the more recent Climate science backs up every assertion I've made on the topic. The Earth's climate does not turn on dime..

And your theory is still wrong, according to the evidence. Waving your hands around and reiterating the wrongness won't make it less wrong.
Really, Mr. Flacaltenn? And just what is preventing you from posting all these new findings? You know, articles like these;

Deriving global climate sensitivity from palaeoclimate reconstructions

Deriving global climate sensitivity from palaeoclimate reconstructions


* Earth Systems Group, Department of Applied Science, New York University, New York 10003, USA
† Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94551, USA

To assess the future impact of anthropogenic greenhouse gases on global climate, we need a reliable estimate of the sensitivity of the Earth's climate to changes in radiative forcing. Climate sensitivity is conventionally defined as the equilibrium surface temperature increase for carbon dioxide doubling, ΔT 2x. Uncertainties in cloud processes spread general circulation model (GCM) estimates of this parameter over the range 1.5< ΔT 2x <4.5°C (refs 1, 2). An alternative to model-based estimates is in principle available from the reconstruction of past climates3–6, which implicitly includes cloud feedback. Here we retrieve the sensitivity of two palaeoclimates, one colder and one warmer than present, by independently reconstructing both the equilibrium surface tem-perature change and the radiative forcing. Our results yield ΔT 2x = 2.3 ±0.9 °C. This range is comparable with estimates from GCMs and inferences from recent temperature observations and ocean models7,8. Future application of the method to additional climates in the geological record might constrain climate sensitivity enough to narrow the model uncertainties of global warming predictions.

someone better be narrowing the range of climate sensitivities. Otherwise we will never know if we are gonna warm up or broil by 2050. But I doubt that you are gonna resolve a SINGLE MINDLESS NUMBER that purports to represent the entire globe and the dozens of ultra complex feedbacks that make ip climate sensitivity..

Lets discuss. You think a single number describes the entire short term and long term effects of feedbacks and storage and delays for every climate zone on the planet? Think those descriptions are LIKELY to come from paleo studies or actual thermo analysis of observed heat flows?

NIPCC has narrowed the range between 1.35 Deg C and 0.35 Deg C per doubling of CO2. Empirically speaking we are sitting at 0.47 deg C since 1950.

I sincerely doubt that any of the alarmists will admit that their predictions of 4-6 deg C are total fallacy.
Ignore Global Warming deniers. The science is settled and scientists are in agreement. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

They are like Flat Earthers, UFO abductees, Birthers...
Ignore Global Warming deniers. The science is settled and scientists are in agreement. Global Warming is real and accelerating.

They are like Flat Earthers, UFO abductees, Birthers...

97% consensus is a total fiction. You don't have a single Experiment, have to hide the decline and fudge the data, so we fully expect that you'll play fast and loose with the facts

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