History repeating itself and why Blacks left the GOP


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
I heard about this on the Weather Channel. I guess it's a liberal station too?:badgrin:

Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Great Mississippi Flood of 1927

During the disaster, 700,000 people were displaced, including 330,000 African-Americans who were moved to 154 relief camps. Over 13,000 evacuees near Greenville, Mississippi, were gathered from area farms and evacuated to the crest of an unbroken levee, and stranded there for days without food or clean water, while boats arrived to evacuate white women and children. Many blacks were detained and forced to labor at gunpoint during flood relief efforts. Population was not recognized as requiring relief aid.

Several reports on the terrible situation in the refugee camps, including one by the Colored Advisory Commission by Robert Russa Moton, were kept out of the media at the request of Herbert Hoover, with the promise of further reforms for blacks after the presidential election. When he failed to keep the promise, Moton and other influential African-Americans helped to shift the allegiance of Black Americans from the Republican party to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Democrats.
Blacks were screwed a hell of lot sooner than that.

The Jim Crow laws were mostly used to legally re-enslave blacks in the South.

Young men were imprisoned on specious charges and worked like slaves as prisoners.

That is one of the reasons I insist that forced prison labor that is contracted out to private inudstry is the road to totalitarianism for Americans.
Blacks were screwed a hell of lot sooner than that.

The Jim Crow laws were mostly used to legally re-enslave blacks in the South.

Young men were imprisoned on specious charges and worked like slaves as prisoners.

That is one of the reasons I insist that forced prison labor that is contracted out to private inudstry is the road to totalitarianism for Americans.

I just found it amazing how similar Katrina was to this flood that happened in 1927. I've been noticing a lot of similarities between what the GOP have done the last 8 years to things that happened in the past.

The Guilded Age & Great Depression vs. today and how the rich got rich while the poor got poorer, Viet Nam similar to Iraq. This flood compared to Katrina, Pearl Harbor compared to 9-11. Bush's family doing business with the Nazi's back in WW2 and today they do business with the Bin Ladin's.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
When recently accused of voting against Obama because he was black I made the statement that "I have not noticed he was black". This angered the individual that I was speaking to. Would this not be what all Americans are seeking. Why should the color of his skin be so important? Should we not all be colored blind?
When recently accused of voting against Obama because he was black I made the statement that "I have not noticed he was black". This angered the individual that I was speaking to. Would this not be what all Americans are seeking. Why should the color of his skin be so important? Should we not all be colored blind?

I'm am color blind when it comes to picking the best man for the job. If Obama wins, it will prove America has come a long way in this respect.

What do you think of the similarities between the 1927 flood and Katrina? Do you blame blacks for switching parties after what Hoover did? Can you see why Kanye West thinks GW doesn't care about black people?
lol, did you just throw in Kanye West in your arguement?

People speak of racism and howif you don't vote Obama you are racist, yet over 90% of the black vote is going Obama yet there is no signs of racism there?

I love the double standard
lol, did you just throw in Kanye West in your arguement?

People speak of racism and howif you don't vote Obama you are racist, yet over 90% of the black vote is going Obama yet there is no signs of racism there?

I love the double standard

Catholics overwhelmingly voted for Kennedy. Greeks overwhelmingly voted for Dukakis.

And it would be racism if they went and voted for Condy Rice, because that isn't their party. Blacks turning up in droves to vote is black pride, not racism.

And I'm sure whites that WONT vote for him because he is black will undo the blacks that are voting for him just because he is black.

I myself am voting for him because he is half white.
I'm am color blind when it comes to picking the best man for the job. If Obama wins, it will prove America has come a long way in this respect.

What do you think of the similarities between the 1927 flood and Katrina? Do you blame blacks for switching parties after what Hoover did? Can you see why Kanye West thinks GW doesn't care about black people?

As far a Katrina I believe that people have to accept responsibility for their actions or in the case of Katrina their inactions. All were given warning of the dangers and told to leave yet they decided to stay. It could be true that many did not have the financial or physical ability to leave without help. My question is how easy would it have been to rescue them if all that had the ability to leave had left as told to do so?

I have the same negative feelings for those in Galveston that recently decided they would stick it out. It places such a hardship and danger for those that try to get them out. It always amazes me that just before one of these big storms comes in there are nutcases trying to surf the waves. Is the government responsible to throw a net over them and drag them to safety?

Do you think that Kanye West really cares about black people? How many of the poor or disabled did Kanye West haul out of New Orleans prior to Katrina striking? He and his money could have helped so many people black and white after all many of them needed no more than transportation.
I just found it amazing how similar Katrina was to this flood that happened in 1927. I've been noticing a lot of similarities between what the GOP have done the last 8 years to things that happened in the past.

The Guilded Age & Great Depression vs. today and how the rich got rich while the poor got poorer, Viet Nam similar to Iraq. This flood compared to Katrina, Pearl Harbor compared to 9-11. Bush's family doing business with the Nazi's back in WW2 and today they do business with the Bin Ladin's.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

I've been noticing parallels too, I just posted that in the history education thread, in a nutshell the market crashed in 1929, during the 1930's because the world was suffering with unemployement, hunger and no shelter, fear allowed people to let dangerous folks rise in power, look at the time frames in the 1930's Hitler (nazism) Germany, Stalin (the Great Purge) Soviet, & Mussolini (Fascism) Italy, eventually leading up to World War II. Also Organized Crime rose in power do to Prohibition (1922-1933)
I've been noticing parallels too, I just posted that in the history education thread, in a nutshell the market crashed in 1929, during the 1930's because the world was suffering with unemployement, hunger and no shelter, fear allowed people to let dangerous folks rise in power, look at the time frames in the 1930's Hitler (nazism) Germany, Stalin (the Great Purge) Soviet, & Mussolini (Fascism) Italy, eventually leading up to World War II. Also Organized Crime rose in power do to Prohibition (1922-1933)

I think people are sufficently worried about Obama or McCain getting in power.
What's your point ?
I think people are sufficently worried about Obama or McCain getting in power.
What's your point ?

my point was to the poster sealybobo that I also see similiarities from history to present day.
As far a Katrina I believe that people have to accept responsibility for their actions or in the case of Katrina their inactions. All were given warning of the dangers and told to leave yet they decided to stay. It could be true that many did not have the financial or physical ability to leave without help. My question is how easy would it have been to rescue them if all that had the ability to leave had left as told to do so?

I have the same negative feelings for those in Galveston that recently decided they would stick it out. It places such a hardship and danger for those that try to get them out. It always amazes me that just before one of these big storms comes in there are nutcases trying to surf the waves. Is the government responsible to throw a net over them and drag them to safety?

Do you think that Kanye West really cares about black people? How many of the poor or disabled did Kanye West haul out of New Orleans prior to Katrina striking? He and his money could have helped so many people black and white after all many of them needed no more than transportation.
The difference between Galveston and katrina is the people in Galveston had the means to get out of there while most of the people who were stranded during Katrina did not. The people in the 9th Ward did not have the means to move or even relocate after or before the Hurricane. While I fill bad for the people who lost their homes in Galveston, most were high end homes and my question is why would you build your home on a shore that had been washed out and the shoreline pushed back in another hurricane. The people in the 9th ward probably lived their most of their lives and families had been their for generation because they never had the means to move. These homes were not vacation homes, it was a ghetto so to speak.
These people were never given the education and means etc to get out of there.
The difference between Galveston and katrina is the people in Galveston had the means to get out of there while most of the people who were stranded during Katrina did not. The people in the 9th Ward did not have the means to move or even relocate after or before the Hurricane. While I fill bad for the people who lost their homes in Galveston, most were high end homes and my question is why would you build your home on a shore that had been washed out and the shoreline pushed back in another hurricane. The people in the 9th ward probably lived their most of their lives and families had been their for generation because they never had the means to move. These homes were not vacation homes, it was a ghetto so to speak.
These people were never given the education and means etc to get out of there.

Only because the State of Texas provided them with it if they didn't already have it and the information you have regarding those who lost their homes in hurricane Ike sucks. People are STILL living in tent shelters down there and we ain't talking about rich folks.
I've been noticing parallels too, I just posted that in the history education thread, in a nutshell the market crashed in 1929, during the 1930's because the world was suffering with unemployement, hunger and no shelter, fear allowed people to let dangerous folks rise in power, look at the time frames in the 1930's Hitler (nazism) Germany, Stalin (the Great Purge) Soviet, & Mussolini (Fascism) Italy, eventually leading up to World War II. Also Organized Crime rose in power do to Prohibition (1922-1933)

I'm saying the more I learn about times like the guilded age, great depression and nam, the more I think they do this shit on purpose. And you know who usually calls me crazy? Guys like the jackass who replied to you before I did. He didn't read those really old history books, I did. But he'll be quick to write it off.

I saw a documentary about viet nam on pbs and the details were too similar to iraq, and then they show a young rumsfeld and chaney with nixon. Scary.

You do know bush looked for cheap land in new orleans after katrina? plus they ran poor people out.
lol, did you just throw in Kanye West in your arguement?

People speak of racism and howif you don't vote Obama you are racist, yet over 90% of the black vote is going Obama yet there is no signs of racism there?

I love the double standard

Think of it this way, if Hillary was the Democratic nominee 90% of the black vote would going to her and the Republicans as far as I know have made effort to gain the votes of blacks so what do you expect?
As far a Katrina I believe that people have to accept responsibility for their actions or in the case of Katrina their inactions. All were given warning of the dangers and told to leave yet they decided to stay.

I stopped right here because it was ignorant and arrogant.

Complete evacuation was never possible or an option. People were told to go to the dome as an option. They were left for days. No water, violence, no food, abandoned. The gov should have done moch more.

Look at what was done for jeb's hurricane the year before. red carpet.

heck of a job brownie.

I bet you are one of those stay the course kind of guys.
Sealybobo, I didn't know that about Bush buying cheap land in new orleans. Did you know that since Tesla some governments including our own have been working on "Weather Warfare" Technology.

The significant expansion in America's weather warfare arsenal, which is a priority of the Department of Defense is not a matter for debate or discussion. While, environmentalists blame the Bush administration for not having signed the Kyoto protocol, the issue of "weather warfare", namely the manipulation of weather patterns for military use is never mentioned.

The US Air Force has the capability of manipulating climate either for testing purposes or for outright military-intelligence use. These capabilities extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes. In recent years, large amounts of money have been allocated by the US Department of Defense to further developing and perfecting these capabilities.

Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally... It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather, ... and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies which can provide substantial increase in US, or degraded capability in an adversary, to achieve global awareness, reach, and power.
I think people are sufficently worried about Obama or McCain getting in power.
What's your point ?

Say, this is a perfect example for Rev. Wright. If you were treated like second class citizens and left for days by your government without food and water, would you be saying god bless or damn america?
I've been noticing parallels too, I just posted that in the history education thread, in a nutshell the market crashed in 1929, during the 1930's because the world was suffering with unemployement, hunger and no shelter, fear allowed people to let dangerous folks rise in power, look at the time frames in the 1930's Hitler (nazism) Germany, Stalin (the Great Purge) Soviet, & Mussolini (Fascism) Italy, eventually leading up to World War II. Also Organized Crime rose in power do to Prohibition (1922-1933)

I think people are sufficently worried about Obama or McCain getting in power.
What's your point ?
Now it's hillary trump
When recently accused of voting against Obama because he was black I made the statement that "I have not noticed he was black". This angered the individual that I was speaking to. Would this not be what all Americans are seeking. Why should the color of his skin be so important? Should we not all be colored blind?
Only a bullshit artist would claim that they couldnt see Obama was Black or someone that was blind and even they can tell if your Black. You should only be colorblind when it comes to judging someone like MLK said. Not when you are identifying their race and figuring out what may or may not offend them. I would be angered if some asshole told me he didnt notice I was Black.

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