Hitler actually deregulated guns

Great article. I especially liked this bit, that exposes the basic retardation of rightwingnutters:

The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general. Does the fact that Nazis forced Jews into horrendous ghettos indict urban planning? Should we eliminate all police officers because the Nazis used police officers to oppress and kill the Jews? What about public works — Hitler loved public works projects? Of course not. These are merely implements that can be used for good or ill, much as gun advocates like to argue about guns themselves. If guns don’t kill people, then neither does gun control cause genocide (genocidal regimes cause genocide).

Why yes your circular logic overides that Hitler disarmed the very ones he attempted to exterminate.

He "attempted to exterminate? I hope this was inadvertent and you don't deny the Holocaust too.

Would you like to tell the surviving Jews of Europe that you've counted them as dead?
Great article. I especially liked this bit, that exposes the basic retardation of rightwingnutters:

The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general. Does the fact that Nazis forced Jews into horrendous ghettos indict urban planning? Should we eliminate all police officers because the Nazis used police officers to oppress and kill the Jews? What about public works — Hitler loved public works projects? Of course not. These are merely implements that can be used for good or ill, much as gun advocates like to argue about guns themselves. If guns don’t kill people, then neither does gun control cause genocide (genocidal regimes cause genocide).

Why yes your circular logic overides that Hitler disarmed the very ones he attempted to exterminate.
Much like you nutters would pee your pants if immigrants were allowed to own guns.

Legal immigrants which are lawful citizens can own guns.
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemingly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and prosperity instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy their system under all conditions." -- Adolf Hitler, Progressive

Quoting your hero I see.
Liberals went from voraciously denying they were Communists to "Yeah, so what's wrong with that?" I think they're in the process of embracing their inner fascism the same way. In a few months they'll be saying that Hilter's heart was in the right place but he took things too far.
Hitler attempted to exterminate many people. He didn't succeed. That doesn't mean the attempt was never made.

Hitler didn't believe in universal removal of weapons. The Master Race would still have weapons. He was very much like obama because obama will still leave his master race of criminals and thugs well armed. Not only well armed, but if they don't have weaponry, he will give them weapons the way he did in Fast and Furious.
Raise you right hand if you believe American gun laws are too lax


Call yourself "CrusaderFrank" if you've got a debilitating brain injury.
These far right nutbags don't care about the facts, they just want an excuse to call the President of the United States a Nazi.

Hitler is rolling over in his grave over the comparison, I'm sure.
Great article. I especially liked this bit, that exposes the basic retardation of rightwingnutters:

The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general. Does the fact that Nazis forced Jews into horrendous ghettos indict urban planning? Should we eliminate all police officers because the Nazis used police officers to oppress and kill the Jews? What about public works — Hitler loved public works projects? Of course not. These are merely implements that can be used for good or ill, much as gun advocates like to argue about guns themselves. If guns don’t kill people, then neither does gun control cause genocide (genocidal regimes cause genocide).

Why yes your circular logic overides that Hitler disarmed the very ones he attempted to exterminate.

He "attempted to exterminate? I hope this was inadvertent and you don't deny the Holocaust too.

What makes you think this poster is denying the Holocaust?
Liberals went from voraciously denying they were Communists to "Yeah, so what's wrong with that?" I think they're in the process of embracing their inner fascism the same way. In a few months they'll be saying that Hilter's heart was in the right place but he took things too far.

You don't have to wait. Liberals are doing it now. Liberals still want the extermination of Jews, except instead of Hitler it's the palestinians who get their loyalty and understanding.
Liberals went from voraciously denying they were Communists to "Yeah, so what's wrong with that?" I think they're in the process of embracing their inner fascism the same way. In a few months they'll be saying that Hilter's heart was in the right place but he took things too far.

I think you're in the process of a total break with reality. Consult a therapist.
So one professor claims to side with the left, so naturally the left clings to the theory as gospel truth.

The gun laws were already in place, however 1938 made it tougher for select groups to have guns, while not deregulating but lowering some restrictions on his favored groups, which were militia and supportive of Hitler's regime, giving those who loved Hitler and his plans the ability to help Hitler accomplish his goals.

So he didn't deregulate, he just used his power to grant favoritism.
"The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general."

And Liberals defend it

They destroy their own arguments with their own words and don't even know it. That is why the term "libtards" is so appropriate.

The argument that Hitler made guns illegal ISN'T OUR ARGUMENT you fucking ignorant twit.
Its the NRA's argument and it is FACTUALLY WRONG.

You're dismissed you dipshit troll.
These far right nutbags don't care about the facts, they just want an excuse to call the President of the United States a Nazi.

Hitler is rolling over in his grave over the comparison, I'm sure.

You Obama Fluffers are the one comparing Obama to Hitler

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