Zone1 Hitler and his Nazis have been vindicated. America adopts their policies

How did woman get in said dire straights?
Does it matter? If you saw a starving man wandering around bloodied and naked in the streets would you ask him how he got in said dire straights or would you get him some help with medical attention, clothes, food, and shelter? Or would you just ignore him and go on your merry way?

Nevermind. I already know.
Does it matter? If you saw a starving man wandering around bloodied and naked in the streets would you ask him how he got in said dire straights or would you get him some help with medical attention, clothes, food, and shelter? Or would you just ignore him and go on your merry way?

Nevermind. I already know.

comparing apples and

Does it matter? If you saw a starving man wandering around bloodied and naked in the streets would you ask him how he got in said dire straights or would you get him some help with medical attention, clothes, food, and shelter? Or would you just ignore him and go on your merry way?

Nevermind. I already know.
The two are separate issues, he NEEDS medical attention she is seeking to murder a child.
The two are separate issues, he NEEDS medical attention she is seeking to murder a child.

Thats just your opinion. You have no business imposing your perverse views on anyone else.

If the consequence for setting aside Divine law is death then teaching others to do that is murder.

So tell me, have you murdered your children? Did you abort the development of their soul, their mind? Did you teach them to worship a Jewish man because someone murdered you when you admitted you were a sinner and worthless piece of shit and started blubbering to Jesus? :hands:

How do you expect to escape the condemnation of the hell that you are already in?

Demonizing women and the doctors who help them as murderers? Good luck with that. Murderer.
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[In Nazi Germany] Abortions were criminalized under Paragraph 218 of the German Criminal Code. The severest abortion prohibitions were incorporated into law on 9 March 1943. Subparagraph 5 to paragraph 218 stated that "a woman who kills her fetus or permits such a killing by another will be punished by a prison sentence and, in especially serious cases, by penitentiary. An attempt is punishable. Whoever else kills the fetus of a pregnant woman will be punished by a penitentiary sentence, in milder cases by prison. If the perpetrator through such deeds continuously impairs the vitality of the German Volk, the death penalty can be imposed. Whoever procures for the pregnant woman a means or objects for killing the fetus will be punished by prison sentence, and in especially serious cases, by penitentiary"

Take away the "national" and "darwinist" crap from nazi ideology and you are left with the bare logic of market competition - get rich or die trying. This is the secret of its popularity, nazism is a startup for young people who do not fit into the market, a business project for the disposal of surplus people.
Take away the "national" and "darwinist" crap from nazi ideology and you are left with the bare logic of market competition - get rich or die trying. This is the secret of its popularity, nazism is a startup for young people who do not fit into the market, a business project for the disposal of surplus people.

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