Zone1 Hitler and his Nazis have been vindicated. America adopts their policies

You may be many things but a biology expert is not one of them. The baby has his/her own chromosomal makeup, totally unique... the child depends on but is not part of the woman's body (hey, just like when the child is born!).

If a woman doesn't want a child, there are ways to avoid having one... b4 she has one. If she tries to "not have one" after she already has one, that is called MURDER

You have every right to see things the way that you choose however your views are irrelevant when talking about a subject that is no one elses business except a woman and her doctor.
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You make it seem as though the woman didn't have the right to not engage in sex,

Maybe women should just tell that to their rapists and everything will be hunky dory. sheesh.

What is your position on vasectomies? They are killing millions of live sperm! The nerve!

What about masturbation? Spermicides? The horror!
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Maybe women should just tell that to their rapists and everything will be hunky dory. sheesh.

What is your position on vasectomies? They are killing millions of live sperm! The nerve!

What about masturbation? Spermicides? The horror!
Rape, incest, and medical emergencies account for three percent of all abortions, 97% are for oops.
Sperm is nothing without the egg
I have nothing against birth control abortion is not birth control or women's health care
Sperm is nothing without the egg

And faith without works is as lifeless as a corpse. Irregardless. How many millions and millions of potential lives have gone down the drain every time you choked the chicken or jerked the gherkin?

You are just demonizing women in dire straits and the doctors who help in the vain attempt to deflect the guilt of you being a spermicidal maniac. Does it make you feel better? Murderer!
You have every right to see things the way that you choose however your views are irrelevant when talking about a subject that is no one elses business except a woman and her doctor.

you left out one party, the one who has the most to lose

Maybe women should just tell that to their rapists and everything will be hunky dory. sheesh.

What is your position on vasectomies? They are killing millions of live sperm! The nerve!

What about masturbation? Spermicides? The horror!
pregnancy RARELY results w/ a rape

Plus there is the fact that innocent people should not have to die for the sins or crimes of another (in this case, the parent)
What about all the children that die by gun violence and the Republican Party is unwilling to do anything about it?
What about posters who change the topic because they know abortion is a hideous thing and don't want to defend it?
How do you resolve this with the belief that Jesus, an innocent man, died for the sins of others?
why don't u ask God?

am I supposed to have all the answers?

but as Jesus told Pilate: "You would have no power over Me [if not for God]"

What about posters who change the topic because they know abortion is a hideous thing and don't want to defend it?

Every time any person instructs another to defy the law of God they effectively abort that life.

You should just mind your own business lest you be judged in the same way you are judging.
Every time any person instructs another to defy the law of God they effectively abort that life.

You should just mind your own business lest you be judged in the same way you are judging.

that's bs. The Word of God is to be spread... and the CHURCH Christ founded.. those within it are the ones called to spread the Gospel. Don't like it? Too bad. I don't tell you what to talk about..

that's bs. The Word of God is to be spread... and the CHURCH Christ founded.. those within it are the ones called to spread the Gospel. Don't like it? Too bad. I don't tell you what to talk about..

Anyone who is telling people that Jesus was God in the flesh and that he ended Mosaic law or was tortured and crucified as a "perfect sacrifice" to God is just screwing up lives by spreading lies.

That's not spreading the Word of God. That's spreading a plague, a virulent terminal thought virus.

If the consequence of sin, defying the law of God, is death then teaching others to set aside the law of God and worship a first century Jewish rabble rouser every Sunday amounts to intentional deliberate murder. Have any of you sanctimonious hypocrites murdered your own children lately?

Fuhgeddabout terminating pregnancies. Worry about yourself and the guilt of your own murders.
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And faith without works is as lifeless as a corpse. Irregardless. How many millions and millions of potential lives have gone down the drain every time you choked the chicken or jerked the gherkin?

You are just demonizing women in dire straits and the doctors who help in the vain attempt to deflect the guilt of you being a spermicidal maniac. Does it make you feel better? Murderer!
How did woman get in said dire straights?
Every time any person instructs another to defy the law of God they effectively abort that life.

You should just mind your own business lest you be judged in the same way you are judging.
oh brother.. the old YouCan'tSayAnythingAboutThisBecauseThatWouldBe"Judging" BS

get outa here

I guesswhen Jesus said to us tospread the Gospel (His Truth, not human truth so called)

that was judging also...

Jesus, you are so judgmental!

I guesswhen Jesus said to us tospread the Gospel (His Truth, not human truth so called) that was judging also...

Jesus, you are so judgmental!

Right. The Gospels conceal the sword, a curse, that Jesus sent to smite the nations. :splat:

I have not come to bring peace but a sword (Jesus H. Christ!)

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations.

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them'

Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant.

Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink'

"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"
Good News! Right? Bottoms up! :wine:
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Right. The Gospels conceal the sword, a curse, that Jesus sent to smite the nations. It is a test.

I have not come to bring peace but a sword

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations.

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them'

Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant.

Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink'

"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword" .......
Bottoms up! :wine:

I fail to see the relevancy to OP

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