Zone1 Hitler and his Nazis have been vindicated. America adopts their policies


And now a clip where my people partied.
The key word? GROW beats the hell out of being dead.
You are dead. You are dedicated to defying the Laws of God. Hows that working out for you?

And where are all those cougars, :yapyapyapf:, waiting to pounce that you threatened me with?

I'm waiting...
You may as well tell me none of Jesus' words meant anything. In other words everything he said and did means nothing: Baptism is meaningless. The forgiveness of sins is meaningless. The Eucharist is meaningless. The Holy Spirit is meaningless. Marriage is meaningless. Praying for the sick and dying is meaningless.

I believe all of Jesus' life and all of Jesus' words hold great meaning, and that sacramental power of his words/actions continues to this day.
He will discover all this one day.

A flaw in your argument: Germany under the Nazis was ardently antiabortion.​

Nazi era[edit]​

Nazi Germany's eugenics laws severely punished abortion for Aryan women, but permitted abortion on wider and more explicit grounds than before if the fetus was believed to be deformed or disabled or if termination otherwise was deemed desirable on eugenic grounds, such as the child or either parent suspected of being carrier of a genetic disease. Sterilization of the parents also took place in some such cases. In cases where the parents were Jewish, abortion was also not punished.[7][8]

Abortions were criminalized under Paragraph 218 of the German Criminal Code. The severest abortion prohibitions were incorporated into law on 9 March 1943. Subparagraph 5 to paragraph 218 stated that "a woman who kills her fetus or permits such a killing by another will be punished by a prison sentence and, in especially serious cases, by penitentiary. An attempt is punishable. Whoever else kills the fetus of a pregnant woman will be punished by a penitentiary sentence, in milder cases by prison. If the perpetrator through such deeds continuously impairs the vitality of the German Volk, the death penalty can be imposed. Whoever procures for the pregnant woman a means or objects for killing the fetus will be punished by prison sentence, and in especially serious cases, by penitentiary". During World War II, abortion policy in Nazi Germany varied depending on the people group and territory the policy was directed at. The commonality between policies was its purpose in promoting the birth rate and population of the "Aryan race" and minimizing the population of others (such as Slavs), and those deemed a burden on German society such as the children of disabled and mentally ill persons. Forced abortions of Ostarbeiter for instance was referenced in documents from the Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals. It has been categorized as a part of Nazi Germany's "systematic program of genocide, aimed at the destruction of foreign nations and ethnic groups".[9]

The difference between you and a Nazi, as is relevant here, is that you choose to select different lives as worth protecting, and worthy only of destruction.

As the text that you cited points out, it was “Aryan” lives that were protected, from conception, while those deemed to be “believed to be deformed or disabled or if termination otherwise was deemed desirable on eugenic grounds”. It is explicitly mentioned, that “In cases where the parents were Jewish, abortion was also not punished.”

You cannot honestly deny that exactly like the Nazis, you regard some innocent lives as unworthy of any protection, and perhaps specifically worthy of destruction.

The Nazis were perfectly OK with Jews being killed by abortion. They were OK with Jews being killed by many other means, as well.
He will discover all this one day.

One day? Pft. I discovered it when I was 8 years old. I heard about Adam and Eve and the talking serpent and then I saw a talking serpent teaching about the 10 commandments and then having the audacity to instruct children to defy the first by worshipping a matzo made by human hands.

My parents taught me to pay attention and so I did. Its not rocket science... dweeb.
Yes you equated abortion with Nazism. Its literally wrong.
No, Fascism was equated with the progressive parties ideology of killing Children by abortion on demand. It began as a planned method of reducing the Black Population of the United States as defined by the originator of Planned Parenthood, MARGAERT SANGER......planned parenthood simply uses abortion on demand as a method of the same eugenics that the Nazis practiced on the Jews by dehumanizing them and telling the world they are less than human.......... The left dehumanizes the unborn child.......illogically and unreasonably declaring that THING in the womb is not representative of human life, but its a THING, A FETUS.....not a gestating human child. Even today......there are far more innocent black children being murdered by Sangers idea of eugenics (abortion of demand) than any other race of peoples in the United States.......up to 3.5 x more than the next race of peoples.

The strange thing? The same rouge SCOTUS members that declared Roe v. Wade to be law, even though it was never represented by any US political body that is demanded in this republic before any dictate of the court can become a only the representative legislative body can write and ratify common law. Up until Roe v. Wade.....the legal precedent for 200 years, when it came to marriage and abortion......was firmly established legal precedent that concluded that such decisions was a STATE CONCERN.......the case of Roe V. Wade should have been kicked back to the state in compliance of the 10th amendment......but that same Rouge SCOTUS declared that human life does not exist until birth.........against all science and other US LAWS.

Consider the "Endangered Specious Act of 1973".............Congress got it right where SCOTUS FAILED the test of science, logic and common sense.......this legal act that was ratified in 73 (the same year as Roe v. Wade decision) declared that unborn LIFE in the ANIMAL KINGDOM (prebirth) representative of what ever species created this unborn life. In lay terms Congress made it illegal to kill or destroy unborn life in the animal kingdom because of its unique and endangered species. It became a crime to destroy the gestating (still growing life, yet to born in the state of gestating egg).......with the punishment being a fine and or prison.

Strange that liberals place more importance on animal life than they do HUMAN There is nothing more endangered than a gestating human child in the womb because Science has proven that life to be of a kind with the only DNA signature in the world belonging to that gestating human child.......different from both the mother and father who created that life in the womb.

And its accepted legal precedent to establish FATHERHOOD via the use of DNA.......yet that science does not apply when it comes to the life that is still in the womb, its the PROPERTY of the mother alone......with the father having no say in relation to the status of HIS CHILD.....until after birth, if by magic, that life is the property of both parents with the father being made to accept the responsibility of that life until it matures into adulthood............but the mother can KILL that life on an emotional whim until the magic female vagina is beached by the child. Strange indeed........there is no logic or reason when it comes to human life and progressive selfishness.
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What is relevant, and what tells me all that I need to know about you, is that you deny God
No, I deny the absurd and irrational misrepresentations of what you profess to believe about God, a three in one almighty yet edible sacrificial mangod, a capricious and puerile petty tyrant with a thing for diddling virgins to father himself, obsessed with diet fashion and the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds which does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.
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No, Fascism was equated with the progressive parties ideology of killing Children by abortion on demand. It began as a planned method of reducing the Black Population of the United States as defined by the originator of Planned Parenthood,o
Even if Nazi Germany had not involved abortion (but it did)

abortion today can be compared to Nazi Germany... EASILY

it is death by the state

useless eaters

they used to call them... Some would say anyone who is retired is a useless eater..

something to think about
Even if Nazi Germany had not involved abortion (but it did)

abortion today can be compared to Nazi Germany... EASILY

it is death by the state

useless eaters

they used to call them... Some would say anyone who is retired is a useless eater..

something to think about

By the end of 2020, the U.S. prison and jail population had decreased to 1,675,400, with an incarceration rate of 505 per 100,000 people. This left America with the second-largest prison population, behind China.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

And to add insult to injury secular laws are based on the most literal superficial ignorant and perverse interpretation of Divine Law possible, completely ignoring the revelation of Jesus that the words used in the law are figurative and the subjects hidden, as if you have never seen or heard it.

You are perpetuating the same perverse interpretation of Divine Law that Jesus died opposing.

Frikin idiot
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People choose where they wish to spend eternity.
I thought God made that choice. Does anyone choose hell? I suspect everyone can justify their actions. Hitler probably saw his actions as saving his race.

Tradition has it that early on mankind the relationship between God and man was broken and has since been repaired. We are all a redeemed people who can enter into a relationship with God. If there is no belief in God, think of entering into a relationship with goodness. God judges what is in the heart.

I testify that God is love. Experience God's love and with that experience comes the certainty God loves everyone, as love can do no other. God's love is beyond magnificent, it is all embracing, all inclusive.

We all have this choice to accept love and all it entails, or to dismiss it. It is just a guess, but I believe most value love and will be warmly welcomed by God. I have no worries on that score.

If I need something to worry over, I will worry over whether anything I am will taint heaven. I have no wish to taint anything that belongs to God, let alone heaven. That takes us back to God's love, and love purifies.
I like your theology but I wonder how widely it is accepted?
Even if Nazi Germany had not involved abortion (but it did)

abortion today can be compared to Nazi Germany... EASILY

it is death by the state

useless eaters

they used to call them... Some would say anyone who is retired is a useless eater..

something to think about
You can't limit abortion on demand to Hitler only...............

all Fascists states are guilty of dehumanizing unborn children.......Look at the social communists in China. What the left will not admit is the fact that Hitler was a fascist socialist who hated Capitalism by the very definition of the term the NAZI party....

the left will attempt to define Hitler as a FAR RIGHT FASCIST...when in reality He was a revolutionary progressive LEFTIST that readily compares to the modern progressive party in relation to Health Care controlled by the state, Gun Controll (the first thing Hitler did was remove all weapons from the private sector...who or what party in the US is demanding the same thing today?) Hitler took control of the banking industry because He hated Capitialism.........who created Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac in the US?)..... Hitler wanted to control all labor parties (again who claims to support the working men and women in the US....but always make policies that punishes the workers of the US most?) Most importantly.....Hitler demanded control of the education system be taken from the local population and controlled by the STATE....sound familiar? Today the left uses the public education system to indoctrinate politics in our children........if you question it, you are labeled as a racist by the politically correct elite.

The word NAZI in German means, "National.....SOCIALIST.....Workers.........Party of Germany". Yet they attempt to invert SOCIALISM and claim it to be a FAR RIGHT political ideology.

Funny as hell.........the progressives are the first to compare the Republican Conservative Party to Hitler, but cry like bitches when they are compared to Hitler. As if they have did not originate the illogical nickname for modern conservatism as being NEO NAZIS. Illogical? Indeed...........Neo means NEW.....while conservative by nature means OLD standing by the status can something be both OLD and NEW? Leave it up to the democrats to explain that.
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No, I deny the absurd and irrational misrepresentations of what you profess to believe about God, a three in one almighty yet edible sacrificial mangod, a capricious and puerile petty tyrant with a thing for diddling virgins and obsessed with diet fashion and the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds which does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

And yet you choose to argue against absurd and irrational misrepresentations of my beliefs regarding God, very far removed from anything that I have ever actually believed or professed to believe.

One has to know that when you have to create such an extravagant distortion of my beliefs, in order to argue against that, that whatever point you thought you were trying to promote has to have been bullshit in the first place.
And yet you choose to argue against absurd and irrational misrepresentations of my beliefs regarding God, very far removed from anything that I have ever actually believed or professed to believe.

One has to know that when you have to create such an extravagant distortion of my beliefs, in order to argue against that, that whatever point you thought you were trying to promote has to have been bullshit in the first place.
Then do you agree that anyone who professes to believe those things about God is at best delusional and there has never been any such God that became a man ever in existence?
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I thought God made that choice. Does anyone choose hell? I suspect everyone can justify their actions. Hitler probably saw his actions as saving his race.

I like your theology but I wonder how widely it is accepted?
It is Catholic theology, so I am guessing it is accepted by half of all Christians.

That being said, I sometimes wonder how many Catholics would, if asked, be able to explain the difference between redemption and salvation.
You don't understand. Go figure. I believe in everything that Jesus said which was confirmed by what he did. Just not in the superstitious way that you do. The meaning remains above your grasp.

Unless you bear fruit worthy of repentance there is no forgiveness possible. Only judgment.
No, the meaning is simple, not above anyone's grasp. As people said at the time, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?" And many left. Yet Jesus did not change or reword what he said from the beginning.

You cannot believe it hobelim, and therefore you change it to something you are sure and sincere that Jesus "really meant." I get that. How you explain it, is something you teach, and undoubtedly Jews approve, but it is not anything those who stay close to the side of Christ are ashamed of believing, any more than we are ashamed of believing one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection, or life everlasting.

Words have power. Jesus words came from his body and his blood, and these words are words of ever lasting life. These words are in the very fiber of his being for Jesus is the Word. He nourishes us with his very being. Just as baptism is the outward sign of the spiritual reality of forgiveness of sins, so too is the Eucharist the outward sign of the spiritual reality of being nourished by the Word with his own body, his own blood.

A mother nourishes her infant with her body, and anyone who can understand a mother feeding her child without making the child into some kind of cannibal, should be able to understand Jesus nourishing those who believe, without accusing them of being cannibals, of being dead, of being filled with madness.
Then do you agree that anyone who professes to believe those things about God is at best delusional and there has never been any such God that became a man ever in existence?

What business do I have to speak of what those of other faiths believe about God, where it differs from what I believe? I would claim no more standing to do that, than I would grant you to do, as you have done, to make up absurd lies about my beliefs in order to argue against them.

Again, you have to know that if whatever point you are trying to argue calls for you to make up such lies in order to argue that point, then your point must be complete bullshit to begin with.

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