Zone1 Hitler and his Nazis have been vindicated. America adopts their policies

The problem, hobelim, is that you do not see life in me.
Again, if what is written in the Torah and the Gospels is true, then, because you do the exact opposite of what the word of God teaches is the only way to eternal life, you must be either dead or have made evil a deliberate choice, damned. I'm being generous to assume that you were beguiled by a talking serpent, indoctrinated into doing that which is an affront to God since you were a little girl when you were taught that God became a baby boy. How you respond will make it clear if I was right or wrong to think that you were sincere. Either way its no skin off my nose.

I see enough in you to spend some precious time showing you the obvious. You have been misled.

And even if you don't listen and prefer your delusions, many will listen and rise. I'm fine with that.

Ironically, you do see power in what you call a simple matzo--the power for it to come between those whom God loves and those who love God. That is a mighty power you have given to unrisen bread, while I believe in the power Christ being mightier--much mightier--than the power you give to what you call a matzo. You have the matzo overcoming God.

There is no power in anything made by human hands even if a priest goes hocus-pokus over it during mass. The power of death is the power of God to enforce his law on those who defy it.

Rome just used that power to deceive the nations, by getting people to willingly defy Divine Law.

This is earth. Remember?
Paying off two porno stars you banged with, hiding it on your taxes, and being so fraudulent you are banned from runing charities is your idea of American values and laws?
No one seems to be addressing that the OP is literally wrong.
The OP is pointing out a technique long used by those in authority to condone wrong actions. The Nazi's used the same technique authorities used to legalize slavery--i.e., dehumanize the victim.

Children in the womb have been de-humanized
Some use this technique to life in the womb...dehumanize it so that abortion is deemed acceptable. The OP points out -->

Nazis de-humanized the Jews (and others killed in the concentration camps)

murder by the state
The state condoned slavery. The state condoned killing Jews. The state condones killing unborn human life.
The OP is pointing out a technique long used by those in authority to condone wrong actions. The Nazi's used the same technique authorities used to legalize slavery--i.e., dehumanize the victim.

Some use this technique to life in the womb...dehumanize it so that abortion is deemed acceptable. The OP points out -->

The state condoned slavery. The state condoned killing Jews. The state condones killing unborn human life.

but the dimmers love gummit

they kinda dim
You have been misled.
You may as well tell me none of Jesus' words meant anything. In other words everything he said and did means nothing: Baptism is meaningless. The forgiveness of sins is meaningless. The Eucharist is meaningless. The Holy Spirit is meaningless. Marriage is meaningless. Praying for the sick and dying is meaningless.

I believe all of Jesus' life and all of Jesus' words hold great meaning, and that sacramental power of his words/actions continues to this day.
If I am not mistaken, Nazi Germany only outlawed abortion for WHITE people... the aryans

everyone else, at any age was threatened. And not only Jews were killed.
Sure, and if right wing christian republicans have their way women would have no rights, many children will grow up in poverty, be denied an education, be subjected to emotional, physical, and sexual abuse in 'reform school', only to do desperate things and end up in private prisons owned by nefarious political donors, where many will get the death penalty or, if they are lucky, will be given the chance to join the military only to die in a war over oil or poppies.

Law and order! Mandatory minimum sentences! No mercy for criminals! Jesus is coming! :ack-1:

The key word? GROW beats the hell out of being dead. You......yourself, just equated abortion on demand to the very fascism practiced by Hitler in the fact that you are suggesting that Eugenics (the control of the human population) should be considered by US POLICY in order to eliminate poverty, it better to kill a gestating child than allow it to grow/mature into a poverty stricken human being. Not only that you suggested that its better to be killed than grow up uneducated or suffer from a mental illness that might be a product of some type of incestuous rape.

Reality: Mental Illness is a treatble condition....thus you are suggesting that a child that might develop mental illness should be put out of its THE STATE does not have to concern itself of any problems that comes with the birth of an unwanted child.........never once did you consider LIFE........or the fact that these unwanted children (unwanted because of social shame, or inconvenience) could be adopted by those who would willfully love and care for them the way any moral Mother would.

Can you spell EVIL?
You may as well tell me none of Jesus' words meant anything. In other words everything he said and did means nothing: Baptism is meaningless. The forgiveness of sins is meaningless. The Eucharist is meaningless. The Holy Spirit is meaningless. Marriage is meaningless. Praying for the sick and dying is meaningless.

You don't understand. Go figure. I believe in everything that Jesus said which was confirmed by what he did. Just not in the superstitious way that you do. The meaning remains above your grasp.

Unless you bear fruit worthy of repentance there is no forgiveness possible. Only judgment.
That you would worship an imaginary trinity and celebrate the torture and death of Jesus professing to believe that his death was a 'perfect sacrifice' to God which absolves you from accountability for your own guilt, so you can continue to sin with impunity for life, :eusa_dance: tells me everything I need to know about you. Your beliefs, in a sane society, would ban you from working with children, operating heavy machinery, or ever holding any position of authority that requires the public trust because if you would do that to Jesus, who you claim is your God, who you are supposed to love so much, there is no bottom to the depths of your depravity, corruption, and contempt that you would demonstrate to other people who you denounce as sinners even though your entire religion is sinful; based on idolatry, brazenly defying Divine law, openly practicing human sacrifice, perjuring yourself in the name of God, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus.

How credible do you think you are as a confessed sinner, exposed liar, and despicable hypocrite?

Your army of strawmen, built on some distortion of what you imagine my faith to be is irrelevant.

What is relevant, and what tells me all that I need to know about you, is that you deny God. This is the nadir of human folly, and tells me that you are not to be considered credible on any topic.

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