Zone1 Hitler and his Nazis have been vindicated. America adopts their policies

I don't know if you believe in an afterlife, I don't, but it always seemed ironic that those that do would be anti-abortion. I've been assured that a fetus is fully human and has a soul at conception and that miscarriages go to heaven. What parent would want to make their child endure a few decades of life instead of the guarantee of eternity in heaven? Seems that abortion is the ultimate parental sacrifice.

I don't know... Maybe abortion is... ok, scratch the Maybe but abortion is

something more for adults than for children?

therefore, being pro life is more about the souls of the adults in question than the children

In other words: maybe laws should protect people's souls (as much as possible) along w/ protecting their bodies from harm (from invasions of illegals... etc)? It used 2b that way when there were Catholic monarchies.

The Virgin Mary at Fatima said that Portugal would always keep the Faith...

Under the Ds, neither body or soul is doing well.. both are sick these days... because of Godless dimrats

True story
I briefly knew a mother who killed her five young children, depriving them of this life so they might be in heaven and saved from hell. You seem to be saying that parents who deprive children of life are also making the ultimate sacrifice and should be honored and emulated instead of being considered to have mental problems. Parents killing children, no matter what stage of life they are living--and worse--others who encourage, support--and even celebrate this. No question about it--the very definition of a cruel, mindless people.
I don't disagree with you, but then again, I don't believe in an eternal afterlife. You can't know if you're destined for heaven or for hell so if I offered you a guaranteed place in heaven for all eternity, what would you give up for it?
I don't know... Maybe abortion is... ok, scratch the Maybe but abortion is

something more for adults than for children?

therefore, being pro life is more about the souls of the adults in question than the children

In other words: maybe laws should protect people's souls (as much as possible) along w/ protecting their bodies from harm (from invasions of illegals... etc)? It used 2b that way when there were Catholic monarchies.

The Virgin Mary at Fatima said that Portugal would always keep the Faith...

Under the Ds, neither body or soul is doing well.. both are sick these days... because of Godless dimrats

True story
So much for free will.
I don't know if you believe in an afterlife, I don't, but it always seemed ironic that those that do would be anti-abortion. I've been assured that a fetus is fully human and has a soul at conception and that miscarriages go to heaven. What parent would want to make their child endure a few decades of life instead of the guarantee of eternity in heaven? Seems that abortion is the ultimate parental sacrifice.

Am I wrong?

One would think that so many people who profess to believe in an afterlife paradise would agree.
I don't know... Maybe abortion is... ok, scratch the Maybe but abortion is

something more for adults than for children?
Every time a child or an adult is indoctrinated into any irrational belief system, religion, ideology, etc., destroying the individuality required for rational reasoning, their life is effectively aborted.

Denying children the balanced education needed to develop a rational intelligent productive mind that bears fruit every season, fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, is an abortion of life.

Religion and politics have become the indistinguishable habitation of every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird. Abort the intellectual, individual, rational reasoning, thinker, aborters!

You "just believe"ers have been praying for millennia for salvation. Now you know the way to it. Flee the confinement of your comfy tomb like a bat out of hell. Never look back and you will live.
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I don't disagree with you, but then again, I don't believe in an eternal afterlife. You can't know if you're destined for heaven or for hell so if I offered you a guaranteed place in heaven for all eternity, what would you give up for it?
That would like you walking up to me and saying, "If I guaranteed you two arms, what would you give up for it?"

Just like we already have two arms and we already have heaven. To change the status of either, we would have to chop off our arms or toss away our gift of heaven.
That would like you walking up to me and saying, "If I guaranteed you two arms, what would you give up for it?"

Just like we already have two arms and we already have heaven. To change the status of either, we would have to chop off our arms or toss away our gift of heaven.
We we we. Again and again and again and again.....Damn.

A perfect example of a mind gone awry with religion, incapable of rational reasoning. Well done!
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One would think that so many people who profess to believe in an afterlife paradise would agree.
WE have the gift of life. WE have the gift of an afterlife. (See what I did there since I am in the happy mood to annoy you?)

When given two gifts is it best to throw one out and make do with the other? What if this life is the gift of knowing both good and evil and that opportunity is taken away. Is that a choice someone should rob another of?
That would like you walking up to me and saying, "If I guaranteed you two arms, what would you give up for it?"
If you had no arms you'd feel differently.

Just like we already have two arms and we already have heaven. To change the status of either, we would have to chop off our arms or toss away our gift of heaven.
Does everyone go to heaven? If not, why do you assume you will go there?
WE have the gift of life. WE have the gift of an afterlife. (See what I did there since I am in the happy mood to annoy you?)
You don't annoy me sweetheart. I feel sorry for you.

When given two gifts is it best to throw one out and make do with the other? What if this life is the gift of knowing both good and evil and that opportunity is taken away. Is that a choice someone should rob another of?
Like you were robbed of life by being taught that the way to eternal life is doing the exact opposite of what God commands? You imagine that people can rob another of life in some other way?

News to me. When did God abdicate?
If you had no arms you'd feel differently.
You speak of something I do have. If I had no arms, I would have used the analogy of legs. ;)
Does everyone go to heaven? If not, why do you assume you will go there?
People choose where they wish to spend eternity.

Tradition has it that early on mankind the relationship between God and man was broken and has since been repaired. We are all a redeemed people who can enter into a relationship with God. If there is no belief in God, think of entering into a relationship with goodness. God judges what is in the heart.

I testify that God is love. Experience God's love and with that experience comes the certainty God loves everyone, as love can do no other. God's love is beyond magnificent, it is all embracing, all inclusive.

We all have this choice to accept love and all it entails, or to dismiss it. It is just a guess, but I believe most value love and will be warmly welcomed by God. I have no worries on that score.

If I need something to worry over, I will worry over whether anything I am will taint heaven. I have no wish to taint anything that belongs to God, let alone heaven. That takes us back to God's love, and love purifies.
It might help a bit, of some of you would stop engaging in, supporting, or defending practices which are so comparable to those in which Hitler and his followers notoriously engaged.

A flaw in your argument: Germany under the Nazis was ardently antiabortion.​

Nazi era[edit]​

Nazi Germany's eugenics laws severely punished abortion for Aryan women, but permitted abortion on wider and more explicit grounds than before if the fetus was believed to be deformed or disabled or if termination otherwise was deemed desirable on eugenic grounds, such as the child or either parent suspected of being carrier of a genetic disease. Sterilization of the parents also took place in some such cases. In cases where the parents were Jewish, abortion was also not punished.[7][8]

Abortions were criminalized under Paragraph 218 of the German Criminal Code. The severest abortion prohibitions were incorporated into law on 9 March 1943. Subparagraph 5 to paragraph 218 stated that "a woman who kills her fetus or permits such a killing by another will be punished by a prison sentence and, in especially serious cases, by penitentiary. An attempt is punishable. Whoever else kills the fetus of a pregnant woman will be punished by a penitentiary sentence, in milder cases by prison. If the perpetrator through such deeds continuously impairs the vitality of the German Volk, the death penalty can be imposed. Whoever procures for the pregnant woman a means or objects for killing the fetus will be punished by prison sentence, and in especially serious cases, by penitentiary". During World War II, abortion policy in Nazi Germany varied depending on the people group and territory the policy was directed at. The commonality between policies was its purpose in promoting the birth rate and population of the "Aryan race" and minimizing the population of others (such as Slavs), and those deemed a burden on German society such as the children of disabled and mentally ill persons. Forced abortions of Ostarbeiter for instance was referenced in documents from the Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals. It has been categorized as a part of Nazi Germany's "systematic program of genocide, aimed at the destruction of foreign nations and ethnic groups".[9]
Sure, and if right wing christian republicans have their way women would have no rights, many children will grow up in poverty, be denied an education, be subjected to emotional, physical, and sexual abuse in 'reform school', only to do desperate things and end up in private prisons owned by nefarious political donors, where many will get the death penalty or, if they are lucky, will be given the chance to join the military only to die in a war over oil or poppies.

Law and order! Mandatory minimum sentences! No mercy for criminals! Jesus is coming! :ack-1:

Hmm. Actually, we Republicans value women more than you do Dimmer. We have states that can determine whether or not abortions are allowed, we don't force women to wear facediapers or get a useless jab, we are against men in dresses competing against women in sports. As for children who make it past your death gauntlet, if the typical Dim woman wants nothing to do with it we at least try to find a home for the child where there will be an education provided by parents who aren't murderers and want children.
As for you, you and your other kooks will face your Maker one day and maybe you can try out this ridiculous babbling then.
How dumb are you two? Do you really think that Trump gives a shit and will save the world? :auiqs.jpg:

Obviously neither of you ever lived in a big city. I bet you gave money for trump to build a wall.

Its truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that being brainwashed by Fox News, with their thinly veiled antisemitic, homophobic, misogynistic, nazi propaganda lies have done for you!

Trump supports America, its values and its laws. Thats what we care about kookbot.
That you would worship an imaginary trinity and celebrate the torture and death of Jesus professing to believe that his death was a 'perfect sacrifice' to God which absolves you from accountability for your own guilt, so you can continue to sin with impunity for life, :eusa_dance: tells me everything I need to know about you. Your beliefs, in a sane society, would ban you from working with children, operating heavy machinery, or ever holding any position of authority that requires the public trust because if you would do that to Jesus, who you claim is your God, who you are supposed to love so much, there is no bottom to the depths of your depravity, corruption, and contempt that you would demonstrate to other people who you denounce as sinners even though your entire religion is sinful; based on idolatry, brazenly defying Divine law, openly practicing human sacrifice, perjuring yourself in the name of God, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus.

How credible do you think you are as a confessed sinner, exposed liar, and despicable hypocrite?
...and your incoherent DImbulb babbling tells us all we need to know about you.

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