Hitler-promoting anti-Semites will speak at Trump's Miami Hotel alongside Trump family

Absolutely and some of them, maybe even most of them could have been prevented with proper sex education classes.
Any kid old enough to procreate already knows what causes pregnancy. They need to be taught how a pregnancy can ruin their young lives instead of teaching them how to fuck with no consequences because there are always consequences.
Yes, Stann, one of your techniques is gaslighting. I have seen the pattern before.

I do not believe it is appropriate for schools to introduce materials to prepubescent children showing them how to hook up for anonymous gay sex with adults. You do.

I will just let those reading this thread decide who it is who needs help and who doesn't.
This isn't a contest. This is about common sense solutions to very important issues..You and I are NOT qualified to.make those decisions, let the experts handle it and we'll all be better off. We have people telling doctors what they can and cannot do. We have parents telling educators what they can or cannot teach. This makes no sense. It just exasperates the problems.
A child interested in gay sex should be seen by mental professionals to find out why they are mentally ill, not given access to books and literature that support that illness.
This is the type of beliefs that got us into trouble in the first place. You're starting from the wrong premise. That's why your solution is so wrong.
Yes, Stann, one of your techniques is gaslighting. I have seen the pattern before.

I do not believe it is appropriate for schools to introduce materials to prepubescent children showing them how to hook up for anonymous gay sex with adults. You do.

I will just let those reading this thread decide who it is who needs help and who doesn't.
And those same schools would be aghast at books telling how to hook up with the opposite sex.
This isn't a contest. This is about common sense solutions to very important issues..You and I are NOT qualified to.make those decisions, let the experts handle it and we'll all be better off. We have people telling doctors what they can and cannot do. We have parents telling educators what they can or cannot teach. This makes no sense. It just exasperates the problems.
Teaching prepubescent boys how to hook up for anonymous sex with grown men is not "common sense", even if you happen to think it is.
Hitler tried to be all things to all people... I read the rise and fall of the third Reich
What BS, I read Mein Kampf in my youth. When did a Hitler even acknowledge the Jews as human beings ? Or gays for that matter, etc. Etc.
Was not aware gay was mental illness. Trans yes but sometimes treatment is still let them switch
Teaching prepubescent boys how to hook up for anonymous sex with grown men is not "common sense", even if you happen to think it is.
I can't help it if you're fixated on this singular issue.
. I'm not. Time to stop talking to you altogether, you're hopeless and not seeking any help. I not helping your obssession
Good luck and please get the help you so desperately need.
That wasn't in history classes when I was in school.
No world history on the 11 th. Grade. That's sad. We had it all in pa. Pa. History, US History and World History. And Mrs. Hanes was the best teacher I ever had. Made everything interesting, traveled everywhere and seemed to know everything about everyplace in the world.
Was not aware gay was mental illness. Trans yes but sometimes treatment is still let them switch
Uh.....It was until psychologists got woke. There is no switching from your natal sex. You can pretend only. Let them pretend but let's call it what it is, living in a delusion, which, of course, is a mental illness....Oh well.
Not when campaigning
Of course he tried to appeal to all classes and groups. But like trump, he got them by using suspicion of the Jews. You see " the church " didn't allow Christians to collect interest. So over time the Jews became very powerful in.the banking industry and Hitler used the resentment of the people against the Jews to get the job done. Plus blaming the Jews for the riots and fires he started helped. I think trump followed his tactics quite well. Look how close we came to fascism.

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