Hitlery outspends Trump 40:1 and has nothing to show for it...

Trump has the media in his back pocket. Every news show starts off with Trump calling Hillary crooked and then talking endlessly about whether Trump is maturing or not. Never have I seen a candidate get so much free press.
And the press has been running to where ever the GOP points them in the last 30 years. Can you imagine investigating a woman and her family dozens of times over a 30 years period, making terrible claims and all you got out of it was you hoped you ruined her political career.
But is it a surprise? No, not really. Remember, this is the same party that cut veterans benefits and school lunches for children. Today's GOP is like Mr. Hyde, Ebeneezer Scrooge and Hannibal Lector all rolled into one.

this is also a powerful paradigm for reining in the apocalyptic spending we have now. unlike the socialists Trump realizes the value of money, not just to funnel people's hard earned income to friends and stupid socialistic pie in the sky ideals like global warming.

thousands of murders in chicago during obama, after his "community organizing". and we should all be worried about controlling the weather. unbelievable.
$6 Billion 'LOST' from the State Department under Hillary and no sense of urgency to 'find' it.
- No worries, there's more where that came from. The govt can seize more from tax payers or simply print more.

$500 Million stolen by Obama under false pretenses and given to the U.N. instead of used here at home for Americans...and no desire to take the President to task for doing so shown.
- Again, No worries, there's more where that came from. The govt can seize more from tax payers or simply print more.

Obama's 1st economic bill was a failed nearly $1 TRILLION stimulus bill that contained - after he promised to eliminate pork - hundreds and hundreds of pieces of self-part liberal-benefitting pork.

These are the 'bigge' examples, but politicians on both sides are / have proven to be fiscally criminal in handling the peoples' money.

I would love to see a bill passed dictating legal punishment on anyone found to be fiscally criminal / irresponsible with the people's money...but seeing as how the ones being criminally irresponsible would have to pass a law that would dictate punishment to / on THEM, it will never happen.
Trump has the media in his back pocket. Every news show starts off with Trump calling Hillary crooked and then talking endlessly about whether Trump is maturing or not. Never have I seen a candidate get so much free press.
And the press has been running to where ever the GOP points them in the last 30 years. Can you imagine investigating a woman and her family dozens of times over a 30 years period, making terrible claims and all you got out of it was you hoped you ruined her political career.
But is it a surprise? No, not really. Remember, this is the same party that cut veterans benefits and school lunches for children. Today's GOP is like Mr. Hyde, Ebeneezer Scrooge and Hannibal Lector all rolled into one.
Back pocket? Nah, it's more like a media self-induced trance. They are mesmerized by him and know every time he opens his mouth he says things infinitely more exciting and that will generate higher ratings than anything Hillary will say. Ratings = $$$, so they give Trump free air time, and to a political candidate free air time = $$$.

It's not Trump's 'fault'. Not that hard to understand.
this is also a powerful paradigm for reining in the apocalyptic spending we have now. unlike the socialists Trump realizes the value of money, not just to funnel people's hard earned income to friends and stupid socialistic pie in the sky ideals like global warming.

thousands of murders in chicago during obama, after his "community organizing". and we should all be worried about controlling the weather. unbelievable.
$6 Billion 'LOST' from the State Department under Hillary and no sense of urgency to 'find' it.
- No worries, there's more where that came from. The govt can seize more from tax payers or simply print more.

$500 Million stolen by Obama under false pretenses and given to the U.N. instead of used here at home for Americans...and no desire to take the President to task for doing so shown.
- Again, No worries, there's more where that came from. The govt can seize more from tax payers or simply print more.

Obama's 1st economic bill was a failed nearly $1 TRILLION stimulus bill that contained - after he promised to eliminate pork - hundreds and hundreds of pieces of self-part liberal-benefitting pork.

These are the 'bigge' examples, but politicians on both sides are / have proven to be fiscally criminal in handling the peoples' money.

I would love to see a bill passed dictating legal punishment on anyone found to be fiscally criminal / irresponsible with the people's money...but seeing as how the ones being criminally irresponsible would have to pass a law that would dictate punishment to / on THEM, it will never happen.
CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

I think you mixed her up with the Bush Adminstraion.
People like her are the 47% and yes it is a problem which makes it all the more important to usher Trump in....

Actually Trump is much more likely than Hillary to be in the 47%, since WE KNOW she pays some taxes and same can't be said for Trump.
Twelve points up and no end in sight. The leading pronogsticator (sp?) from 2012 gives her an 80% chance of winning. Drumpf is reduced to picking the lesser of who cares for a running mate; many prominent repugs won't vote for him or campaign for him...

Most of all, he's being defined as a pathetic toothache of a "man". Its sticking.

Your use of the American flag is unconvincing.

Your claim to be human is equally so.

Hey, if you can’t trust a stand up comedian (who, by the way, made his millions off of people forced into a 2 drink minimum), who can you trust?

But don’t believe me. I want you to move to Somolia where there is no government, no military, no public health plans to speak of and see how well you like how much the warlords give a “fuck” about you. You’ll pay no taxes….so please…don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you.
Once hilly was identified as an untrustworthy liar, everything she says is a lie. She can say whatever she wants about Trump, no one is going to believe it.

Jeb could have told her about spending money against Trump. Jebbie lost a bundle.
I regularly watch CNN, MSLSD, and the lib broadcast network news programs (yeah it is tough, but someone has to do it). They clearly are in Hillary's camp...nothing new there. Right now CNN is claiming Trump is not capable of handling a nuclear attack, like Hillary can....too funny.

The thing is these networks are hitting Trump hard every day. The criticism at times is fair and warranted, but many times it is over the top propaganda. This will dupe millions of Americans as it always does, and if allowed to go uncontested, will give the lying criminal the White House.

If Trump follows the pattern of not hitting back, like the idiots McCain and Romney, he will lose.

I believe Trump plans a painful, protracted Hell's Angels-style political stomping of Hillary Clinton, beginning with the Democratic Convention.

Just speculation.
I hope you are right. She has a closet overflowing with skeletons, in which to attack.

He also needs to combat the lies and propaganda promoted by the MSM.

What lies are those? That he makes fun of people with physical disabilities. Fact. That he insinuates that women who question him are on their period? Fact. That he thinks Mexicans are rapists? Fact. That he “likes people (soldiers) who don’t get captured”? Fact. That he wants to nail his daughter? Fact.

Whatever the editors at the news networks could say about him…reality has them all beat.

Oh yeah, he compared Ben Carson’s behavior to that of a child molester at one point in the campaign. Then turned around and hired him. Fact.
I regularly watch CNN, MSLSD, and the lib broadcast network news programs (yeah it is tough, but someone has to do it). They clearly are in Hillary's camp...nothing new there. Right now CNN is claiming Trump is not capable of handling a nuclear attack, like Hillary can....too funny.

The thing is these networks are hitting Trump hard every day. The criticism at times is fair and warranted, but many times it is over the top propaganda. This will dupe millions of Americans as it always does, and if allowed to go uncontested, will give the lying criminal the White House.

If Trump follows the pattern of not hitting back, like the idiots McCain and Romney, he will lose.

His campaign is flat broke. You need money to “hit back”….nobody trusts him so nobody is donating much money.
Kind of Trump's version of Rope-a-Dope at this point. Let Hillary punch herself exhausted.
I regularly watch CNN, MSLSD, and the lib broadcast network news programs (yeah it is tough, but someone has to do it). They clearly are in Hillary's camp...nothing new there. Right now CNN is claiming Trump is not capable of handling a nuclear attack, like Hillary can....too funny.

The thing is these networks are hitting Trump hard every day. The criticism at times is fair and warranted, but many times it is over the top propaganda. This will dupe millions of Americans as it always does, and if allowed to go uncontested, will give the lying criminal the White House.

If Trump follows the pattern of not hitting back, like the idiots McCain and Romney, he will lose.

His campaign is flat broke. You need money to “hit back”….nobody trusts him so nobody is donating much money.

News flash: He doesn't need anyone's money.
I regularly watch CNN, MSLSD, and the lib broadcast network news programs (yeah it is tough, but someone has to do it). They clearly are in Hillary's camp...nothing new there. Right now CNN is claiming Trump is not capable of handling a nuclear attack, like Hillary can....too funny.

The thing is these networks are hitting Trump hard every day. The criticism at times is fair and warranted, but many times it is over the top propaganda. This will dupe millions of Americans as it always does, and if allowed to go uncontested, will give the lying criminal the White House.

If Trump follows the pattern of not hitting back, like the idiots McCain and Romney, he will lose.

I believe Trump plans a painful, protracted Hell's Angels-style political stomping of Hillary Clinton, beginning with the Democratic Convention.

Just speculation.
I hope you are right. She has a closet overflowing with skeletons, in which to attack.

He also needs to combat the lies and propaganda promoted by the MSM.

What lies are those? That he makes fun of people with physical disabilities. Fact. That he insinuates that women who question him are on their period? Fact. That he thinks Mexicans are rapists? Fact. That he “likes people (soldiers) who don’t get captured”? Fact. That he wants to nail his daughter? Fact.

Whatever the editors at the news networks could say about him…reality has them all beat.

Oh yeah, he compared Ben Carson’s behavior to that of a child molester at one point in the campaign. Then turned around and hired him. Fact.
Trump says stupid shit.

Hillary says and DOES stupid shit in government for decades.

Progressive Think...Trump is an MFer loser fuck face.

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