Hmm. Interesting.

I wonder what Bill's allowance would be.:eusa_whistle:

Well, you could always ask him once he gets his allowance.

Yes, indeed, 2016 could set some historical records in many ways...

...first lady President...

....first former President come back as First Man...

...first Latino Vice-President...

...first +45 state sweep since 1984....


yes, 2016 could become very interesting.

not sure about the +45 state sweep, but the rest is pretty much in the cards. I think we will see a big push for Julian Castro as her VP. I've been saying this for a while now.

Me too.
Kentucky and Oklahoma, bitch! You'll be reminded, again, and again, and again......:badgrin:

You just called a female member of USMB whom you don't even know a "bitch"? Really?
So, not only are you a racist fuck (no surprise there, little warrior), but yer also a misogynistic fuck, too.


And if there were ever an event calling for him to be a real vigilante, he'd be the first hiding behind someone's skirts. People like this are the biggest cowards out there.

May I ask when and where did you serve this country? Perhaps your MOS? While I'm at it how about you BD, and Statis whatever, did you 2 serve your country? Just an old man wondering?
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You just called a female member of USMB whom you don't even know a "bitch"? Really?
So, not only are you a racist fuck (no surprise there, little warrior), but yer also a misogynistic fuck, too.


And if there were ever an event calling for him to be a real vigilante, he'd be the first hiding behind someone's skirts. People like this are the biggest cowards out there.

May I ask when and where did you serve this country? Perhaps your MOS? While I'm at it how about you BD, and Statis whatever, did you 2 serve your country? Just an old man wondering?

I imagine THAT was a thread closer, and speaks volumes about the PATRIOTIC LEFT!:badgrin:
You just called a female member of USMB whom you don't even know a "bitch"? Really?
So, not only are you a racist fuck (no surprise there, little warrior), but yer also a misogynistic fuck, too.


And if there were ever an event calling for him to be a real vigilante, he'd be the first hiding behind someone's skirts. People like this are the biggest cowards out there.

May I ask when and where did you serve this country? Perhaps your MOS? While I'm at it how about you BD, and Statis whatever, did you 2 serve your country? Just an old man wondering?

And what the fuck difference does that make? Does military service allow you to be a total puss all the time? Nope.
You do not know much about politics or women do you?

I know plenty about both. Just because the First Lady has long had the stump and taxpayer money for which to fulfill her desires, that doesn't mean she deserves it or even needs it. Feel free to engage me further if you'd like to know more about where I stand. I promise you you'll find that I'm no amateur in the realm of politics.

Typical whining rant from someone who wants his "wants" to override the facts.

And the fact is Mrs. Obama did not want her husband to run for president, did not want to be First Lady, so she hardly went after or maneuvered herself into the position so she could spend a lot of money on vacations, clothing, etc. She never sought this situation in the first place.
And if there were ever an event calling for him to be a real vigilante, he'd be the first hiding behind someone's skirts. People like this are the biggest cowards out there.

May I ask when and where did you serve this country? Perhaps your MOS? While I'm at it how about you BD, and Statis whatever, did you 2 serve your country? Just an old man wondering?

And what the fuck difference does that make? Does military service allow you to be a total puss all the time? Nope.

Ever hear the expression "skin in the game"? You haven't done shit for your country, besides being a subversive who tears it down!
May I ask when and where did you serve this country? Perhaps your MOS? While I'm at it how about you BD, and Statis whatever, did you 2 serve your country? Just an old man wondering?

And what the fuck difference does that make? Does military service allow you to be a total puss all the time? Nope.

Ever hear the expression "skin in the game"? You haven't done shit for your country, besides being a subversive who tears it down!

Thank you for admitting that you are a subversive. That is the first step toward healing. Maybe there is hope for you after all, little warrior. But I doubt it.
Let's 2011 the U.K Daily mail had this headline about the Mooch for her costs in just 2010!...
Expensive massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels: First Lady accused of spending $10MILLION in public money on her vacations

Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on vacations | Mail Online

To get a jist of the article, because many subversives don't want to read this sort of thing about the "MONEY PIT" that lives in the White House....

"The Obamas' summer break on Martha's Vineyard has already been branded a PR disaster after the couple arrived four hours apart on separate government jets.

But according to new reports, this is the least of their extravagances.

White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent $10million of U.S. taxpayers' money on vacations alone in the past year."

Mail online is sourcing National Enquirer, really?
Minnesota Army National Guard, six years active, one year inactive, 76x10.

And after all that, you still are brain dead....amazing! Now you can Neg Rep me again!:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Silly! You have to wait another eight hours. Learn to tell time, dude.

You remind me of someone else who always tried to use his service against people. He was no-class scum of the lowest order as well.

Minnesota Army National Guard, six years active, one year inactive, 76x10.

And after all that, you still are brain dead....amazing! Now you can Neg Rep me again!:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Silly! You have to wait another eight hours. Learn to tell time, dude.

You remind me of someone else who always tried to use his service against people. He was no-class scum of the lowest order as well.


BedPostPoop, I expect a Neg. from you ,and Staiswhatthefuckhisnameis every other day, because you can! Notice my Rep keeps going up slowly even with you 2 asswipes continually negging me! Must piss off you piss ants! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You just called a female member of USMB whom you don't even know a "bitch"? Really?
So, not only are you a racist fuck (no surprise there, little warrior), but yer also a misogynistic fuck, too.


And if there were ever an event calling for him to be a real vigilante, he'd be the first hiding behind someone's skirts. People like this are the biggest cowards out there.

May I ask when and where did you serve this country? Perhaps your MOS? While I'm at it how about you BD, and Statis whatever, did you 2 serve your country? Just an old man wondering?

"an old man"? :eusa_eh: Judging by your rookie mis- steps here I was under the impression you were in your teens :thup:
And if there were ever an event calling for him to be a real vigilante, he'd be the first hiding behind someone's skirts. People like this are the biggest cowards out there.

May I ask when and where did you serve this country? Perhaps your MOS? While I'm at it how about you BD, and Statis whatever, did you 2 serve your country? Just an old man wondering?

"an old man"? :eusa_eh: Judging by your rookie mis- steps here I was under the impression you were in your teens :thup:

Mis-steps.....:badgrin::badgrin:.... DotCommie, you are my entertainment! :eusa_clap:
And after all that, you still are brain dead....amazing! Now you can Neg Rep me again!:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Silly! You have to wait another eight hours. Learn to tell time, dude.

You remind me of someone else who always tried to use his service against people. He was no-class scum of the lowest order as well.


BedPostPoop, I expect a Neg. from you ,and Staiswhatthefuckhisnameis every other day, because you can! Notice my Rep keeps going up slowly even with you 2 asswipes continually negging me! Must piss off you piss ants! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You aren't important enough to piss me off. You are a flea on the ass of an egret somewhere in a lonely desert. Nuff said.
I was looking for some kind of statistics of First Ladies spendings..not just Bush and Obama first ladies. Reagan, kennedy, eisnhower, nixon, carter...etc etc etc. But could not find anything. Maybe I didn't do the google search correctly with the right words.

I did a search a while back ... In today's dollars, and counting only recent administrations) Nancy Reagan still holds the record for amount spent on baubles, bangles and beads. Like her ridiculous beauty salon.

Laura runs second and Michelle is lagging far behind them both.
I have no problem with First Ladies having a budget allotted to them. More often than not they do more good for the country than their husband.


We get an international diplomat for nothing.

All these idiot stories about Mrs Obama get tiresome. It was okay when Queen Nancy was spending far more and Laura Bush spent a hell of a lot more. But, there are some who just love to spread manure about the Obama's.
I was looking for some kind of statistics of First Ladies spendings..not just Bush and Obama first ladies. Reagan, kennedy, eisnhower, nixon, carter...etc etc etc. But could not find anything. Maybe I didn't do the google search correctly with the right words.

No exact stats have ever been kept and no one really cared until Obama was elected and then all of a sudden a number of butthurt, fucked up racist righties who call Michelle Obama "Mooch" (or worse) decided it was an issue.

Every First Lady incurs expenses. It's part and parcel of the Presidency. President Bush sent Laura AND both of his daughters on goodwill vacations to Africa, and you can bet that that was expensive, from the extra security precautions taken whereever the First Family flys (from re-routing traffic to sealing off manholes to vacating buildings, as needed) to housing and proviant for the secret security detail to the usual gifts for dignitaries of other lands (something that has been an American tradition since George Washington himself).

Were Michelle Obama to go nowhere and just tend to her well planted garden on the White House lawn, then Righties would be screaming that she doesn't represent us well on the outside, that she's too "lazy" to get out "da House".

So, it does't really fucking matter what she does, they, those rabid Righty racists are gonna scream, which is funny as fuck when you consider that Laura Bush travelled far more than Michelle Obama and I see no way that Michelle can now catch up to Laura's very extensive vacation record.

But from Michele Bachmann down to the horny toad somewhere in "I fucked my sister but don't tell no one, West Virginia", they lie out there asses about everything.

Remember the Obama trip to India that Michele Bachmann said was costing 200 MILLION PER DAY? Of course, it was a lie. That's all those righties do is to lie.

It is a case of eternal butthurt and it is only going to get worst when Hillary wins both of her terms.

Speaking of keeping records ...

Most people don't know that the president is billed every month.

He writes a check for things like his food ...
I was looking for some kind of statistics of First Ladies spendings..not just Bush and Obama first ladies. Reagan, kennedy, eisnhower, nixon, carter...etc etc etc. But could not find anything. Maybe I didn't do the google search correctly with the right words.

No exact stats have ever been kept and no one really cared until Obama was elected and then all of a sudden a number of butthurt, fucked up racist righties who call Michelle Obama "Mooch" (or worse) decided it was an issue.

Every First Lady incurs expenses. It's part and parcel of the Presidency. President Bush sent Laura AND both of his daughters on goodwill vacations to Africa, and you can bet that that was expensive, from the extra security precautions taken whereever the First Family flys (from re-routing traffic to sealing off manholes to vacating buildings, as needed) to housing and proviant for the secret security detail to the usual gifts for dignitaries of other lands (something that has been an American tradition since George Washington himself).

Were Michelle Obama to go nowhere and just tend to her well planted garden on the White House lawn, then Righties would be screaming that she doesn't represent us well on the outside, that she's too "lazy" to get out "da House".

So, it does't really fucking matter what she does, they, those rabid Righty racists are gonna scream, which is funny as fuck when you consider that Laura Bush travelled far more than Michelle Obama and I see no way that Michelle can now catch up to Laura's very extensive vacation record.

But from Michele Bachmann down to the horny toad somewhere in "I fucked my sister but don't tell no one, West Virginia", they lie out there asses about everything.

Remember the Obama trip to India that Michele Bachmann said was costing 200 MILLION PER DAY? Of course, it was a lie. That's all those righties do is to lie.

It is a case of eternal butthurt and it is only going to get worst when Hillary wins both of her terms.

Speaking of keeping records ...

Most people don't know that the president is billed every month.

He writes a check for things like his food ...


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