Hmm. Interesting.


No exact stats have ever been kept and no one really cared until Obama was elected and then all of a sudden a number of butthurt, fucked up racist righties who call Michelle Obama "Mooch" (or worse) decided it was an issue.
She is guilty of conspicuous consumption , a limousine liberal. When noticed you whine racism.

Oh, you poor thing, you. All that butthurt.

Grow up. Facts are facts and you can't run away from them fast enough. But the prepubescent name calling you think passes as wit is just adorable.
Well. they are easier on the eyes, and the brain...

If you say so....:eek:


The likeness is amazing, but let's see how long before you're called a RACIST and SEXIST, by the little asswipes that only have a few cards left in their deck....


Political satire is beyond 2 digit IQ'd subversives, even though it's been a part of America since POLITICS arrived.
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I was looking for some kind of statistics of First Ladies spendings..not just Bush and Obama first ladies. Reagan, kennedy, eisnhower, nixon, carter...etc etc etc. But could not find anything. Maybe I didn't do the google search correctly with the right words.

No exact stats have ever been kept and no one really cared until Obama was elected and then all of a sudden a number of butthurt, fucked up racist righties who call Michelle Obama "Mooch" (or worse) decided it was an issue.

Every First Lady incurs expenses. It's part and parcel of the Presidency. President Bush sent Laura AND both of his daughters on goodwill vacations to Africa, and you can bet that that was expensive, from the extra security precautions taken whereever the First Family flys (from re-routing traffic to sealing off manholes to vacating buildings, as needed) to housing and proviant for the secret security detail to the usual gifts for dignitaries of other lands (something that has been an American tradition since George Washington himself).

Were Michelle Obama to go nowhere and just tend to her well planted garden on the White House lawn, then Righties would be screaming that she doesn't represent us well on the outside, that she's too "lazy" to get out "da House".

So, it does't really fucking matter what she does, they, those rabid Righty racists, are gonna scream.

And from Michele Bachmann down to the horny toad somewhere in "I fucked my sister but don't tell no one, West Virginia", they lie out there asses about everything.

Remember the Obama trip to India that Michele Bachmann said was costing 200 MILLION PER DAY? Of course, it was a lie. That's all those righties do is to lie.

It is a case of eternal butthurt and it is only going to get worst when Hillary wins both of her terms.

^ that

The Rights deflection hate to FLOTUS is not only cringe-inducing but highlights their lack of an any coherent policies that would want people to vote for them thus, they are reduced to pointing fingers/obfuscating.
I was looking for some kind of statistics of First Ladies spendings..not just Bush and Obama first ladies. Reagan, kennedy, eisnhower, nixon, carter...etc etc etc. But could not find anything. Maybe I didn't do the google search correctly with the right words.

No exact stats have ever been kept and no one really cared until Obama was elected and then all of a sudden a number of butthurt, fucked up racist righties who call Michelle Obama "Mooch" (or worse) decided it was an issue.

Every First Lady incurs expenses. It's part and parcel of the Presidency. President Bush sent Laura AND both of his daughters on goodwill vacations to Africa, and you can bet that that was expensive, from the extra security precautions taken whereever the First Family flys (from re-routing traffic to sealing off manholes to vacating buildings, as needed) to housing and proviant for the secret security detail to the usual gifts for dignitaries of other lands (something that has been an American tradition since George Washington himself).

Were Michelle Obama to go nowhere and just tend to her well planted garden on the White House lawn, then Righties would be screaming that she doesn't represent us well on the outside, that she's too "lazy" to get out "da House".

So, it does't really fucking matter what she does, they, those rabid Righty racists, are gonna scream.

And from Michele Bachmann down to the horny toad somewhere in "I fucked my sister but don't tell no one, West Virginia", they lie out there asses about everything.

Remember the Obama trip to India that Michele Bachmann said was costing 200 MILLION PER DAY? Of course, it was a lie. That's all those righties do is to lie.

It is a case of eternal butthurt and it is only going to get worst when Hillary wins both of her terms.

^ that

The Rights deflection hate to FLOTUS is not only cringe-inducing but highlights their lack of an any coherent policies that would want people to vote for them thus, they are reduced to pointing fingers/obfuscating.

Dotcommie has made my day, so we do make points with the silly shit....:badgrin::badgrin:
Well, I thanked both of you cuz you both went to all that trouble to find what I was looking for.

Still not quite what I had in mind, but...*shrug*....thanks.
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and a pathetically low IQ

Kentucky and Oklahoma, bitch! You'll be reminded, again, and again, and again......:badgrin:

You just called a female member of USMB whom you don't even know a "bitch"? Really?
So, not only are you a racist fuck (no surprise there, little warrior), but yer also a misogynistic fuck, too.


:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:..... I misspoke, I should have called her a dumb bitch for thinking Kentucky was Oklahoma, and trying to put me down! I LOVE poking you in the back of your mind, wait till I move in permanently! :eusa_clap:
The First Lady is a very expensive un-needed barnacle on the boat. As far as I'm concerned, the First Lady should not have a budget...should not have a staff....should not have a voice. She should be relegated to being the President's wife, someone who should get a job if she wants to do something productive with her life instead of wasting taxpayer monies on a whole lot of nothingness.

Sorry, but strictly from a security standpoint this is not possible. Considering the president's salary is miniscule for the position, giving the first lady a budget and staff is not a big deal, imo.
and a pathetically low IQ

Kentucky and Oklahoma, bitch! You'll be reminded, again, and again, and again......:badgrin:

You just called a female member of USMB whom you don't even know a "bitch"? Really?
So, not only are you a racist fuck (no surprise there, little warrior), but yer also a misogynistic fuck, too.


And if there were ever an event calling for him to be a real vigilante, he'd be the first hiding behind someone's skirts. People like this are the biggest cowards out there.
I wonder what Bill's allowance would be.:eusa_whistle:

Well, you could always ask him once he gets his allowance.

Yes, indeed, 2016 could set some historical records in many ways...

...first lady President...

....first former President come back as First Man...

...first Latino Vice-President...

...first +45 state sweep since 1984....


yes, 2016 could become very interesting.

not sure about the +45 state sweep, but the rest is pretty much in the cards. I think we will see a big push for Julian Castro as her VP. I've been saying this for a while now.
I wonder what Bill's allowance would be.:eusa_whistle:

Well, you could always ask him once he gets his allowance.

Yes, indeed, 2016 could set some historical records in many ways...

...first lady President...

....first former President come back as First Man...

...first Latino Vice-President...

...first +45 state sweep since 1984....


yes, 2016 could become very interesting.

not sure about the +45 state sweep, but the rest is pretty much in the cards. I think we will see a big push for Julian Castro as her VP. I've been saying this for a while now.

I have too, and it's easy enough for him to say he's not interested when he hasn't actually been tapped. I can't imagine him turning it down if the offer is made.

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