Hmmm...Elderly woman uses gun to stop her rape by two knife wielding thugs, no one shot, or killed..

I'm sure Libs here will come to the defense of the young thugs saying it's not a fact that these young men were up to anything bad and the lady is an out of control gun nutter.

Reminds me of this.......From the Dirty Harry movie.

The Mayor: Callahan... I don't want any more trouble like you had last year in the Fillmore district. You understand? That's my policy.

Harry Callahan: Yeah, well, when an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard - that's my policy.

The Mayor: Intent? How'd you establish that?

Harry Callahan: When a naked man is chasing a woman through a dark alley with a butcher knife and a hard on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross.


The Mayor: I think he's got a point.
Anti-gun loons were told to start with "I hate guns!" and work backwards from there.

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