Another moment of gun self shots fired, armed robber runs away. A woman uses gun to save herself.....

Shoot outs.....? Who said shoot outs you dumb fuck.....

Most of the time criminals are smart enough to run away from their victim when the victim points a gun or even shows they have a gun.....

This very post shows how that idiot...
And do you know anyone who has pointed a gun to stop a supposed assailant?
And do you know anyone who knows anyone who has pointed a gun to stop a supposed assailant?
Gee, such anecdotal "evidence" that you pull out of thin air. The difference between your fantasy about 3,000 shootouts a day going un-reported and gang shootings is that gang shootings are reported.

Anecdotal? 18 studies, one from the Centers for Disease Control, and one from the Department of Justice, all done by professional researchers.....using proven research techniques.
Yes, the fence outside of my condo stopped 3 billion incidents last year...or was it 4 billion? They saw the fence and decided they weren't going to risk it. LOL

PS: How come nobody ever reports these supposed incidents? Oh yeah...they don't want to--according to you. All 3200 a day decide Well...there is this rapist running around my neighborhood but I won't say anything.
The fence is doing its job, just like the weapons do their job. A potential assailant sees the fence and decides what he might want on the other side of it is not worth the effort to get over it. A potential assailant sees a gun and decides what he might want is not worth being perforated.

Tell us this this, how often are openly armed police officers (people who demonstrate they are carrying a deadly weapon) assaulted, robbed or raped compared to the rest of the populace? Why are police stations rarely chosen as targets by mass murderers?

And yes, there are an awful lot of people who have little trust in the police and who would rather not be involved with them in any way or don't want to take the chance that they will end up in jail for their DGU.
Gee, such anecdotal "evidence" that you pull out of thin air. The difference between your fantasy about 3,000 shootouts a day going un-reported and gang shootings is that gang shootings are reported.
Which of the options that I gave you are you going with, insanity, stupidity, blind stubbornness or some combination of those?
No one believes that, because, as has been pointed out to you repeatedly, these are NOT shootouts, they are incidents where a potential victim demonstrated that they were armed, and the potential assailant ran away. To continue talking about shootouts after you've been so thoroughly educated on the subject is either insanity, stupidity, blind stubbornness or some combination of those.
They have a need to justify their unreasonable fear of a lawfully armed populace by making up wild west stories about outlaws gunning one another down in the streets at high noon. This is what happens when they make TV their religion.
Suicide =guns. Once the trigger is pulled, there no going back.
Same thing after slitting your wrists, kicking the chair out from under your feet, or jumping off the building. There is always a point in a suicide attempt where there is no going back.
1.2M defensive gun uses a year.
Multiplied by 50 years.
So that is what, 60M gun uses? And you don't know anyone who has ever done this....or anyone who knows anyone who has ever done this?
I’ve used a weapon to deter a criminal, but it wasn’t a gun. I always carry a knife, when I was in the reserves I carried a Buck folding knife on my belt. One time a gang member/thug/robber pulled a switchblade on me and demanded my money. I pulled my knife, flipped it open and moved into an attack position. He immediately backed off and asked me to put away my knife. He left the area immediately at high speed. I never reported it to the police, there was no need. Other than a threatened attack which would have been a “ he said,he said” situation, there was no harm done and no evidence of any crime. Most people who display a gun to intimidate an attacker are in the same position. There is no evidence of a crime and investigation of a non-crime wastes police resources.
So now it's half. How hilarious. How come we don't hear about these 1,500+ defensive gun uses a day? There may be one instance a week that makes the news. Seems like these shoot-outs would be front page news.

I'm sure you'll make up some excuse. Hop to it.
how fucking thick are you.

I never said how many DGUs per year there are.

We have a range of estimates and I always use the low end of that range.

And even at the low end of the range there are far more DGUs than there are murders.

And how would you hear about them? Do you think the corporate news outlets are going to scour every police report in every town in the US to report that a person pulled his gun and the piece of shit criminal ran away?
And do you know anyone who has pointed a gun to stop a supposed assailant?
And do you know anyone who knows anyone who has pointed a gun to stop a supposed assailant?
I know 2 people that pulled a gun to stop robberies
I know 2 people that pulled a gun to stop robberies
Thats great. Except by noon today, there were supposed to be 1,500 such instances. That is all day--every day. According to the OP, there are 1.1 million (this time--the stat has fluctuated) defensive gun uses a year. That is 3,000+ a day...every day. Including Christmas and Easter. You know 2 from your what--40+ years on the planet?
Thats great. Except by noon today, there were supposed to be 1,500 such instances. That is all day--every day. According to the OP, there are 1.1 million (this time--the stat has fluctuated) defensive gun uses a year. That is 3,000+ a day...every day. Including Christmas and Easter. You know 2 from your what--40+ years on the planet?
Why is that so unbelievable?

According to the FBI in 2015

There are 86400 seconds in a day

So that works out to

3323 violent crimes per day
22153 property crimes per day

and this doesn't even take into account all the attempted crimes that occur every day and all of those crimes that may be stopped by a person fall into the attempted category.

And as I have said all we have is a range of estimates for DGUs and I use the low end.

That you are trying to call these hard stats is beyond disingenuous
Why is that so unbelievable?

According to the FBI in 2015

3323 violent crimes per day
Thanks for the stat....

And supposedly 3,200+ are prevented by a gun every day.

So you think the actual rate of crime is double and 1/2 are prevented?

Thanks for the stat....

And supposedly 3,200+ are prevented by a gun every day.

So you think the actual rate of crime is double and 1/2 are prevented?


It's amazing.

Studies from the CDC, FBI, and CIA, among others, have been posted proving you wrong, but you :lalala: all of them, because YOU think different.

It's amazing.

Studies from the CDC, FBI, and CIA, among others, have been posted proving you wrong, but you :lalala: all of them, because YOU think different.

You have to be a special type of stupid to believe that there are 3,000+ shoot outs a day that go unreported.
Thanks for the stat....

And supposedly 3,200+ are prevented by a gun every day.

So you think the actual rate of crime is double and 1/2 are prevented?


Where did I say any of that? Tell you what if you want to address what I actually write then use the fucking quote function and stop making shit up.

The fact that you insist on using the highest end what is nothing but a range of estimates as a hard stat is utterly disingenuous.
We are told people never use their legal guns for self defense.....that this is just a myth....and yet...actual research shows that it happens a lot....and by a lot the research by the CDC shows about 1.1 million times a year....

As in most cases...the criminal runs away, since they aren't robbing people to get we have a woman, likely smaller than her attacker, who simply draws her gun and points it at the armed robber, and he runs away....

I originally saw this at Bearing Arms.....

The victim told police a man, later identified as Garland Adams, walked up to her and asked for money. When she didn’t give him money, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at her face, according to the probable cause affidavit.

The woman then backed up and pulled out a pink handgun of her own, reports said.

The man then fled on his bike.

Two people at a gas station nearby witnessed the incident.

The woman, being a normal human being....did not shoot the soon as he broke off the attack, she did not fire.......

The woman does not appear to be an off duty police officer.....she is not a Navy SEAL.......she used her gun to stop the robbery without firing a shot, without hitting, wounding or killing the attacker....
And still, vile leftist garbage will deny it over and over, and even go as far a trying to prevent others from having the same ability to defend, while these same leftist monsters release more violent scum from prisons.
Where did I say any of that?

Well, if you're trumpeting 3,323 violent crimes a day...and the OP is saying 3,200+ violent crimes are prevented every day....

That would mean the there would be twice as many violent crimes a day than there is now.

Do the math.
OK I'm going to preface this by stating that it doesn't matter how many DGUs occur in a day a month a year or a decade. If only one person a year uses a gun for defense that's more than enough for me.

So now here is some information on DGUs and a summary of the difficulties in getting hard numbers

And the conclusion

Estimates for the prevalence of DGU span wide ranges and include high-end estimates—for instance, 2.5 million DGUs per year—that are not plausible given other information that is more trustworthy, such as the total number of U.S. residents who are injured or killed by guns each year. At the other extreme, the NCVS estimate of 116,000 DGU incidents per year almost certainly underestimates the true number. There have been few substantive advances in measuring prevalence counts or rates since the NRC (2004) report. The fundamental issues of how to define DGU and what method for obtaining and assessing those measurements is the most unbiased have not been resolved. As a result, there is still considerable uncertainty about the prevalence of DGU. Efforts to resolve the uncertainty provide insight into some, but not all, aspects of DGU measurement, which may drive the large differences in prevalence estimates. The difficulties of defining and measuring DGU have implications for understanding not only the prevalence of DGU but also the relationship between DGU and outcomes of interest, such as the probability of victimization and injury.

Well, if you're trumpeting 3,323 violent crimes a day...and the OP is saying 3,200+ violent crimes are prevented every day....

That would mean the there would be twice as many violent crimes a day than there is now.

Do the math.

See there you're not a total dolt.

At least you can see that I am not the OP.

So why do you insist replying to me with your comments about what the OP wrote and not what I wrote?
Suicide =guns. Once the trigger is pulled, there no going back.

That's a load of shit of course.

A lot of people killed themselves long before firearms were even invented.

Someone is just as dead if they drink hemlock, commit hari-kiri , jump from a high building or immolate themselves.

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