Hmmmm.....Coincidence? Trump and Deutsche Bank's Money Laundering Raid Today

LefTard Logic:
“We are already doing lots of drugs...with legalization and a greater variety we can get more to do more drugs.”
“Booze is legal and fucking people up, fuck it, let’s make more shit legal and fuck more people up.”

Big government statist logic...we must control the people as much as possible

My daughters aren’t at all attracted to Blacks or wetbacks...frankly, they’re disgusted by both. Weird huh?

Growing up with you as a father, not in the least. The acorn does not normally fall far from the tree. Grow up with a racist father...the outcome is predictable.

Today's the day! Today Micheal Cohen plead guilty to lying to Congress about a series of meetings he had with Russian government officials all through 2016, as part of his negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow and that he travelled to Moscow for those meetings. Meetings he denied ever happened when he testified to Congress.

The Steel Dossier said that Michael Cohen was the liason between the Trump Campaign and the Russian Government. Cohen just confirmed the last piece of the puzzle. No wonder Trump completely disavowed and disparaged him today.

Actually there's been a LOT of evidence of collusion. But you have to open your eyes and ears to know it. That's not your job though is it Ruskie?

Cohen CAVED. The OUT OF CONTROL Mueller gave him two choices, either tell us what we want to hear, or go to jail... Cohen CAVED and LIED... and if YOU can't see that, then you're dumber than a sack of horse piss.
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LefTard Logic:
“We are already doing lots of drugs...with legalization and a greater variety we can get more to do more drugs.”
“Booze is legal and fucking people up, fuck it, let’s make more shit legal and fuck more people up.”

Big government statist logic...we must control the people as much as possible

My daughters aren’t at all attracted to Blacks or wetbacks...frankly, they’re disgusted by both. Weird huh?

Growing up with you as a father, not in the least. The acorn does not normally fall far from the tree. Grow up with a racist father...the outcome is predictable.

“Big government statist logic...we must control the people as much as possible”
LefTard Logic:
“I hate all laws as they impede my ability to be a the total piece of shit I want to be....FREEDOM!”

“Growing up with you as a father, not in the least. The acorn does not normally fall far from the tree. Grow up with a racist father...the outcome is predictable.“
Again, it’s that standards thing we teach that you hate.
The funny thing is; you noble wackos will beg your daughters to bring home a DaShawn or Gustavo just to curb your own white guilt while you pray at night that certain animals don’t cross breed and fuck up their bloodlines....You paranoid Loons are some weird muthafuckers.
I've commented before on Trump, money laundering and his relationship with Deutsche Bank:
Is Donald Trump’s dark Russian secret hiding in Deutsche Bank’s vaults?

Now this, coinciding with Mueller closing in:
Deutsche Bank Offices Are Raided In Money Laundering Probe | WAMU

"".....In recent years, Deutsche Bank has been in the news not only for its prominence in the Panama Papers, but also for its ties to President Trump, in a tumultuous relationship that goes back some 20 years.

Trump and the bank once sued one another, after he failed to repay a $300 million loan. And the author and reporter Luke Harding has described a “shuffle of money” between the bank’s dealings with figures in Russia and its business with Trump."""""

Damn, no wonder he hates Maxine Waters so much:
Maxine Waters vows scrutiny of Trump-Deutsche Bank ties if chair
Of course, Trump has been laundering Russian kleptocrat money for years, and Deutsche Bank helped him do it. Trump will be indicted in a federal court the day after he leaves office.

I've commented before on Trump, money laundering and his relationship with Deutsche Bank:
Is Donald Trump’s dark Russian secret hiding in Deutsche Bank’s vaults?

Now this, coinciding with Mueller closing in:
Deutsche Bank Offices Are Raided In Money Laundering Probe | WAMU

"".....In recent years, Deutsche Bank has been in the news not only for its prominence in the Panama Papers, but also for its ties to President Trump, in a tumultuous relationship that goes back some 20 years.

Trump and the bank once sued one another, after he failed to repay a $300 million loan. And the author and reporter Luke Harding has described a “shuffle of money” between the bank’s dealings with figures in Russia and its business with Trump."""""

Damn, no wonder he hates Maxine Waters so much:
Maxine Waters vows scrutiny of Trump-Deutsche Bank ties if chair
Of course, Trump has been laundering Russian kleptocrat money for years, and Deutsche Bank helped him do it. Trump will be indicted in a federal court the day after he leaves office.

Just my 2 cents. But there are plenty good journalistic pieces on this topic that you can find and read.
I've commented before on Trump, money laundering and his relationship with Deutsche Bank:
Is Donald Trump’s dark Russian secret hiding in Deutsche Bank’s vaults?

Now this, coinciding with Mueller closing in:
Deutsche Bank Offices Are Raided In Money Laundering Probe | WAMU

"".....In recent years, Deutsche Bank has been in the news not only for its prominence in the Panama Papers, but also for its ties to President Trump, in a tumultuous relationship that goes back some 20 years.

Trump and the bank once sued one another, after he failed to repay a $300 million loan. And the author and reporter Luke Harding has described a “shuffle of money” between the bank’s dealings with figures in Russia and its business with Trump."""""

Damn, no wonder he hates Maxine Waters so much:
Maxine Waters vows scrutiny of Trump-Deutsche Bank ties if chair


This was never the case.
Mueller hasn't released his report yet.
If he had, then you would have a point besides the one on the top of your fat head.
There's just a steady stream of indictments and plea deals, in case you haven't noticed.
More witches than we can count.
Top witch is next.
LefTard Logic:
“I hate all laws as they impede my ability to be a the total piece of shit I want to be....FREEDOM!”

No, that is not left logic, that is Libertarian logic. We do not think the Govt is here to save us from ourselves. we leave that to you big government statist.

This is why you are to the left of me and always will be, no matter how many times you call me funny names.

You are the big government statist, this is undeniable.

Again, it’s that standards thing we teach that you hate.

Yes, you are correct. I hate the standard of racism being acceptable, and I always will no matter what you might say.
We’ve talked about that...liking guns, small .gov and fiscal responsibility doesn’t create enough separation from the LefTarded when looking at your body of ideals....Make no mistake about it, you’re atleast 80% LefTarded.

What I am 80% of is libertarian, and you mistake that for LefTard. You want the Govt to have more control over our lives than I do, that is without question. The hallmark of a Lefty is large government and more intrusions in our lives. On those two issues you are 100 miles to the left of me.

You never taught your kids common sense, probability principles and forecasting? Consider this...
My beautiful young daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite we all know Compton is predominantly inhabited by Blacks.....So I ask you, in giving my daughter the aforementioned advice am I being WISE or am I being a RACIST?
You’d be paranoid to give your daughter the same advice...wouldn’t you?

That would depend, are you telling her not to go through there because black people live there or because of the high crime rate? If it is for the former, then you are being racist, if it is for the latter, then you are being wise.

I’m fascinated by the way you Lefties translate “keep drugs illegal” into “grow government”...more disingenuous LefTard bullshit.

“That would depend, are you telling her not to go through there because black people live there or because of the high crime rate? If it is for the former, then you are being racist, if it is for the latter, then you are being wise.”
Haha...this is funny shit. So you’ll even play LefTarded semantics with your own children...that’s so fucking lame..,must suck to be so paranoid that one has to sidestep realities as they relate to ethnicity. Pussy shit, sounds like some heavy white guilt loony bullshit.

In Toronto, I used to walk part of the home from my weekly poker games through Chinatown, but once I got to the corner of Yonge & Queen, I would take a street car or cab. Queen Street East between Yonge Street and the Don River is home to the three largest homeless shelters in the city, plus a 200+ unit city owned apartment building, the Salvation Army Harbour Light Centre, an apartment building for recovering addicts, and the city's largest trauma hospital. I didn't even like getting off the streetcar in the daytime in that neighbourhood.

The Spadina Ave. Chinatown is in a very prosperous area where homes start at $1 million. I wouldn't walk through the Broadview/Gerrard Chinatown after dark. It's located in a very poor neighbourhood, a block away from the largest city-owned housing project in Toronto. Poverty drives crime, regardless of race.
We’ve talked about that...liking guns, small .gov and fiscal responsibility doesn’t create enough separation from the LefTarded when looking at your body of ideals....Make no mistake about it, you’re atleast 80% LefTarded.

What I am 80% of is libertarian, and you mistake that for LefTard. You want the Govt to have more control over our lives than I do, that is without question. The hallmark of a Lefty is large government and more intrusions in our lives. On those two issues you are 100 miles to the left of me.

You never taught your kids common sense, probability principles and forecasting? Consider this...
My beautiful young daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite we all know Compton is predominantly inhabited by Blacks.....So I ask you, in giving my daughter the aforementioned advice am I being WISE or am I being a RACIST?
You’d be paranoid to give your daughter the same advice...wouldn’t you?

That would depend, are you telling her not to go through there because black people live there or because of the high crime rate? If it is for the former, then you are being racist, if it is for the latter, then you are being wise.

I’m fascinated by the way you Lefties translate “keep drugs illegal” into “grow government”...more disingenuous LefTard bullshit.

“That would depend, are you telling her not to go through there because black people live there or because of the high crime rate? If it is for the former, then you are being racist, if it is for the latter, then you are being wise.”
Haha...this is funny shit. So you’ll even play LefTarded semantics with your own children...that’s so fucking lame..,must suck to be so paranoid that one has to sidestep realities as they relate to ethnicity. Pussy shit, sounds like some heavy white guilt loony bullshit.

In Toronto, I used to walk part of the home from my weekly poker games through Chinatown, but once I got to the corner of Yonge & Queen, I would take a street car or cab. Queen Street East between Yonge Street and the Don River is home to the three largest homeless shelters in the city, plus a 200+ unit city owned apartment building, the Salvation Army Harbour Light Centre, an apartment building for recovering addicts, and the city's largest trauma hospital. I didn't even like getting off the streetcar in the daytime in that neighbourhood.

The Spadina Ave. Chinatown is in a very prosperous area where homes start at $1 million. I wouldn't walk through the Broadview/Gerrard Chinatown after dark. It's located in a very poor neighbourhood, a block away from the largest city-owned housing project in Toronto. Poverty drives crime, regardless of race.

Thirdworlders = Low iQ
Low iQ = Poverty
Poverty = Crime
I can’t believe I have to do this for you… See how this works?
Deutsche Bank is the only bank that would lend to Trump.

Deutsche Bank is heavily tied to Russian Money laundering

Deutsche Bank got raided today

Trump is shitting his pants

Today's the day! Today Micheal Cohen plead guilty to lying to Congress about a series of meetings he had with Russian government officials all through 2016, as part of his negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow and that he travelled to Moscow for those meetings. Meetings he denied ever happened when he testified to Congress.

The Steel Dossier said that Michael Cohen was the liason between the Trump Campaign and the Russian Government. Cohen just confirmed the last piece of the puzzle. No wonder Trump completely disavowed and disparaged him today.

Actually there's been a LOT of evidence of collusion. But you have to open your eyes and ears to know it. That's not your job though is it Ruskie?

Cohen CAVED. The OUT OF CONTROL Mueller gave him two choices, either tell us what we want to hear, or go to jail... Cohen CAVED and LIED... and if YOU can't see that, then you're dumber than a sack of horse piss.
Mueller is no idiot.

He's been prosecuting Mafia figures for decades. He said he said testimony doesn't cut it. Mueller has corroborating evidence to back up the testimony

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