HNN Poll: 61% of Historians Rate the Bush Presidency Worst

Your pathetic attempts to use dishonesty to cover your humiliation will continue to fail, you idiot.

All of those terms are factually and historically accurate, no matter how stupid you are.

I never said FDR was a Nazi. You may be trying to suggest that I did - because you are a dishonest low-life - but in FACT I never did.

I never said that FDR was a dictator, though I did point out the FACT that he was the closest we've ever come to having one.

I said that FDR threw Americans into concentration camps because that is an indisputable FACT.

You then tried to employ your inherent dishonesty to cover your humiliation at being ignorant as to the actual definition of "concentration camp." Your wounded little ego will never recover this way, douchebag.

I have been very clear in how I use the term (i.e. correctly). Anything beyond what I have specified several times now is nothing but another example of your craven dishonesty.

Pay attention one more time, moron: FDR threw over 100,000 innocent, brave, loyal AMERICAN CITIZENS into concentration camps. That's what they were, that's what FDR himself called them. You don't like the term? Too fucking bad. The scumbag shouldn't have committed such an outrage, then generations later idiots like you wouldn't have to be so shocked by the reality of it. The Nazis also utilized concentration camps, though certainly in a significantly different manner and to a different end. However, the FACT remains that a concentration camp is a concentration camp. I am not equating the two other than to the extent that they WERE both concentration camps, so don't bother lying or building straw men again.

You need to find another way to try and soothe your wounded ego, fool.
You would flunk an assignment in college if you tried this, and then if you tried to defend it, you would be dropped from the class.

I've taught the college level, have you?

No, you haven't, if this is the level of critical reasoning that you employ. Whether I have taught is a deflection on your part. The point is this: you are a failure at this.

When you are willing to discuss the J-A camps disassociated from snide, inaccurate, tool comments that include references to Naziism, dictatorships, and so forth, I will be glad to discuss the topic.
No, you haven't, if this is the level of critical reasoning that you employ. Whether I have taught is a deflection on your part. The point is this: you are a failure at this.

Now we are back in context. :lol:
:popcorn: You are entertaining, are as all humans with immature and uncontrollable emotions.

Accept you were wrong, and let us start over.
:popcorn: You are entertaining, are as all humans with immature and uncontrollable emotions.

Accept you were wrong, and let us start over.

If you hadn't been so ignorant of history and the English language to start with, you wouldn't have put yourself in this position where you feel the need to lie over and over. Get some education and you can avoid this humiliation in the future.

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