ho-hum--another black child murdered

Idiots blindly kneeling for the anthem have no clue that the least of blacks worries is getting killed by a cop or white person. Blacks are much more likely to get killed by other blacks. That’s a fact. Yet, the uninformed keep kneeling anyway.
Idiots blindly kneeling for the anthem have no clue that the least of blacks worries is getting killed by a cop or white person. Blacks are much more likely to get killed by other blacks. That’s a fact. Yet, the uninformed keep kneeling anyway.
.....yes very nonsensical when I see these black entertainers/etc say they are afraid for their kids if they get stopped by cops!!!

'''''His grandfather prepared his father, who prepared him, Johnson told CNN's Anderson Cooper Monday, and he's had "the talk" with his two sons about interacting with police. It's the discussion all black and brown parents have with their children so they don't say or do the wrong thing around a police officer, ending up on the ever-growing list of men and boys who have died at the hands of police''''

.....this is IDIOCY--Magic Jackass and the blacks look very stupid/are stupid to say this shit
99% of them are CRIMINALS who RESIST
..blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--8 per DAY

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