Hoax Map Exposes the extent of Nazi Lies

Little Tommy, you are so confused.

You say that the Muslims are not raping people despite evidence like this.


I guess they dont pour acid on womens faces either.


Nor do they cut the heads off of people, and the authorities can always filter out the radicals anyway, right?

You are such a flaming fool. And that is the nice assumption instead of the obvious that you are an aid to the enemies of our civilization, a quisling who will likely not have a pleasant future.
Fake photos flood Internet after sexual assaults in Germany
Your first photo is featured in this article,which suggests that there is doubt over the authenticity of the others. No surprise coming from a rep of a party that spreads lies = AfD, modern fascists.
Youre continued defense of the indefensable is simply disgusting. Your article that supposedly 'debunks' the first pick states, "But this photo has been circulating on the Internet for a while. Back in February 2015, the same photo was used by a controversial nationalist site called "Fdesouche" for an article titled "Sweden: Rape capital of the West". WHICH PHOTO? IT is a collage of four different photos! lol, what imbeciles.

And just like you little Tommy, they stop with what they thinkis sufficient refutation, but it is not.

Sweden Tops In Rapes
This report explains the swedish rape stats. They record the crimes differently over there so will always appear higher.
Incidentally your report is from 2009.
Oooh, A doctor who reference.

"Hargey blames the agencies of the state, including the police, social services and the care system, who ″seemed eager to ignore the sickening exploitation that was happening before their eyes. Terrified of accusations of racism, desperate not to undermine the official creed of cultural diversity, they took no action against obvious abuse."

In the same newspaper, journalist Allison Pearson claimed that "fear of racism" had allowed sex crimes against white girls by Pakistani Muslims to become a serious problem not only in Oxford but throughout the country. She described the Pakistani Muslim community as "essentially a Victorian society that has landed like Doctor Who's Tardis on a liberal, permissive planet it despises".[15] She criticised the views of Sue Berelowitz, the Deputy Children's Commissioner, who has attempted to downplay the over-representation of certain groups in sex-crimes against children. While expressing relief that some action was now being taken against the problem, she concluded that trouble was still in store: "what remains is a political class still far too timid to challenge growing and alarming separatism in Muslim education and law." "

Nazi journalists, it is like the End of the World.

TOMMY?! WTF is going on over there with all these freaking Nazis?
Well hats off to our German friends who have found a solution to the mounting tide of fascist false claims about asylum seekers. The "Hoax Map" logs all debunked claims made about asylum seekers by neo nazi groups like AfD and their fellow travellers.

The only downside is that they cant keep up with the number of hoaxes that need to be listed.

My favourite hoaxes are the ones about migrants killing swans for their lunch and the mayor of Bremen
handing out brothel vouchers.
We know that the extremists have been over active in making up stories and they do it to create an atmosphere of fear and loathing. This map is a welcome counterbalance to that and a credit to the decent people of Germany.

Mapping The Completely Bogus Rumors Against Migrants In Europe

The influx of hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern and African migrants to Europe has been followed by a flood of rumors that range from the criminal to the absurd. After noticing that migrants were being maligned by accounts that later proved untrue, two German women decided to chart the debunked rumors.
The result is “Hoax Map,” an interactive feature which pinpoints the locations of fabricated claims against migrants and references sources that discredit the rumors.

“We were seeing more and more rumors about refugees committing crimes or receiving excessive health care, [and] we wanted to create something to counter this trend and maybe give people a tool to check up on stories they have been hearing,” said Karolin Schwarz, an open data consultant who co-founded the feature along with Liz Helm, a software developer.


'Hoaxmap' busts rumors about refugees in Germany | Germany | DW.COM | 11.02.2016

German 'hoax map' fights migrant myths - BBC News
Karolin concedes that some people will be hard to reach, convinced that media reports debunking the myths are themselves lies. "But not all who fall for rumours do so out of deeply held conviction, and we hope some will be persuaded by facts and change their opinion."

Hoax map exposes fake refugee stories to spread 'facts instead of prejudice'
There have been some negative reactions, though, from far-right organizations involved in spreading the stories, Schwarz said.

Gerüchte über Flüchtlinge? Hier werden sie widerlegt
Oh good, now we can concentrate on all of REAL problems they are causing.
You do not know what problems they are causing because the real problems are hidden in a tidal wave of nazi lies.
Seeing the video and hearing the audio is not hidden in a tidal wave of propaganda!
This nonsense is getting annoying. we get it, you're an Islamapologist

Tommy's itinerary for the day:

8 A.M. -- wake up.
8-9 A.M. -- read instructions from Muslim Brotherhood Headquarters
9 A.M. to 12 P.M. -- flood message boards with inane postings ranting about "fascists"
12-12:30 P.M. -- break for lunch
12:30-1 P.M. -- practice cheers for Muslim rape gangs "Hey, ho, come on let's go. Mohammad did it, don't you know!"
1 - 6 P.M. -- flood message boards with inane postings ranting about "fascists"
6 - 6:30 P.M. -- break for dinner.
6:30-- 8 P.M. -- watch some al Jezeera.
8-8:55 P.M. -- peruse the internet looking for Islamist rhetoric to parrot.
8:55-9 P.M. Masturbate while thinking about Muslim rape gangs.
9 P.M. Beddy bye time and sweet dreams of rampaging hoards of Muslim men raping Welsh girls.
As usual the tactic is to attack the messenger and not the message.
As usual. You are not the messenger.
I can't figure out why people would rather believe stuff that has been proven to be LIES than to look into the reality. No doubt there are problems, but wouldn't it be better to point to what's real than what's made up? I'm betting a lot of people won't bother to go to the sites in the OP. Maybe it would be too embarassing to find out they've been bamboozled.
Shouldn't be, though, it happens to all of us. Learn and move on.
I dont think it is possible to have a serious discussion in the current atmosphere. As you can see anythinig which challenges the perceived view is howled down. Not one of these idiots has the sense to understand that a lot of what they are being told is made up rubbish.
The Nazis used to make up stories about the Jews and now their grandchildren are doing the same about the Muslims.There has to be a scapegoat.
Of course a refusal to accept that a lot of it is lies makes them complicit to a large extent.
An atmosphere you created!

The perceived view has been documented!


Accepting your lies makes who complicit?
I can't figure out why people would rather believe stuff that has been proven to be LIES than to look into the reality. No doubt there are problems, but wouldn't it be better to point to what's real than what's made up? I'm betting a lot of people won't bother to go to the sites in the OP. Maybe it would be too embarassing to find out they've been bamboozled.
Shouldn't be, though, it happens to all of us. Learn and move on.
I dont think it is possible to have a serious discussion in the current atmosphere. As you can see anything which challenges the perceived view is howled down. Not one of these idiots has the sense to understand that a lot of what they are being told is made up rubbish.
The Nazis used to make up stories about the Jews and now their grandchildren are doing the same about the Muslims.There has to be a scapegoat.
Of course a refusal to accept that a lot of it is lies makes them complicit to a large extent.

From your government.

"A report by the deputy children's commissioner in 2012 said that 33% of child sex abuse by gangs in Britain was committed by British Asian, where Asians are 7% of the population, but concluded that it was "irresponsible" to dwell on the data.[29]"

This is not about scapegoating.

This is about a real problem.

You leftists care more about maintaining the Lies of POlitical COrrectness than you are about preventing the rape and torture of your nation's children.
I know that you are trying to make a political point but it is laughable to suggest that rape gangs are purely a british problem. They exist in the US as well as every other country.
It doesnt excuse the hundreds of made up stories spread by fascists either. Or maybe it does in your world.

Another deflection. ANd a strawman. I made no such claim.

That such a small population is such a large percentage of the problem is a real issue and one that anyone who really thought about the impact of importing a Third World Population into a First World country could have foreseen.

You are more interested in attacking me than attacking the people that are raping and torturing your nation's children.
They are in jail. What do you want me to do ?
Shut up?
This nonsense is getting annoying. we get it, you're an Islamapologist

It's just mindblowing isn't it? The way Tommy, even though hardly anyone agrees with him, except the established lunatics, he keeps consistently posting this horsecrap....maybe he's getting paid to do it?
It is truly astonishing.

At least he's consistent.

He's not getting paid.

I say he is layed up. Can't go anywhere.

Lonely. Bored. Furious his laptop battery is low and he can't reach the charging cord!
This nonsense is getting annoying. we get it, you're an Islamapologist

It's just mindblowing isn't it? The way Tommy, even though hardly anyone agrees with him, except the established lunatics, he keeps consistently posting this horsecrap....maybe he's getting paid to do it?

Nah, he's just dumber than a feckin stump

"Nah, he's just dumber than a feckin stump"

Feckin? What are you....Irish or something? :popcorn: :tongue:
This nonsense is getting annoying. we get it, you're an Islamapologist

It's just mindblowing isn't it? The way Tommy, even though hardly anyone agrees with him, except the established lunatics, he keeps consistently posting this horsecrap....maybe he's getting paid to do it?
It is truly astonishing.

At least he's consistent.

He's not getting paid.

I say he is layed up. Can't go anywhere.

Lonely. Bored. Furious his laptop battery is low and he can't reach the charging cord!

How do we know he's not paid? There are actual paid trolls to troll messageboards....these are just everyday people, who are involved with various Leftist Organisations....eg. Open Borders, those Traitors, also the Socialist Workers Party of Britain.

Read about what the Socialist Workers Parties big concerns are....yes, you guessed it, so-called anti-Racism, Open Borders, the poor "Refugees" and demanding more and more of the poor "Refugees" be allowed in to filth up every nation:

Socialist Workers Party - an anti-capitalist, revolutionary party

Here's a curious article on the rapes on New Years Eve....read it, is the LANGUAGE familiar, they even have a go at AfD, you know like Tommy is doing and use similiar language:

The below article written by Christine Buchholz, MP with Die Linke, they are the old East German Communists I might add. The Socialist Review is the other paper of the Socialist Workers Party:

Germany after Cologne | Socialist Review

Die Linke the history of the party, it's beginnings up until today:

Note this piece:

"Some of its internal factions are under observation by some states' or the federal Verfassungsschutz (constitutional protection) authorities on account of suspected extremist tendencies.[10] In Bavaria, the entire party is under surveillance.[11]"

The Left (Germany) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edited to add comment.
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This nonsense is getting annoying. we get it, you're an Islamapologist

It's just mindblowing isn't it? The way Tommy, even though hardly anyone agrees with him, except the established lunatics, he keeps consistently posting this horsecrap....maybe he's getting paid to do it?
I find it hilarious that you call the HOAX MAP "horsecrap". Which part of it do you think is horsecrap ?
The whole page?
This nonsense is getting annoying. we get it, you're an Islamapologist

It's just mindblowing isn't it? The way Tommy, even though hardly anyone agrees with him, except the established lunatics, he keeps consistently posting this horsecrap....maybe he's getting paid to do it?
It is truly astonishing.

At least he's consistent.

He's not getting paid.

I say he is layed up. Can't go anywhere.

Lonely. Bored. Furious his laptop battery is low and he can't reach the charging cord!

How do we know he's not paid? There are actual paid trolls to troll messageboards....these are just everyday people, who are involved with various Leftist Organisations....eg. Open Borders, those Traitors, also the Socialist Workers Party.

Read about what the Socialist Workers Parties big concerns are....yes, you guessed it, so-called anti-Racism, Open Borders, the poor "Refugees" and demanding more and more of the poor "Refugees" be allowed in to filth up every nation:

Socialist Workers Party - an anti-capitalist, revolutionary party

Here's a curious article on the rapes on New Years Eve....read it, is the LANGUAGE familiar, they even have a go at AfD, you know like Tommy is doing and use similiar language:

Germany after Cologne | Socialist Review



I'm working here!

You do not know what problems they are causing because the real problems are hidden in a tidal wave of nazi lies.
Look at this Dummy...
the arabs supported the nazis in WWII. That is fact. and as a result britain punished them by cutting up the land among friends among the arab population
And you have a look at this.
Muslims contribution 'must not be forgotten' on Armistice Day

They stop gangraping girls on 1 day?
Well hats off to our German friends who have found a solution to the mounting tide of fascist false claims about asylum seekers. The "Hoax Map" logs all debunked claims made about asylum seekers by neo nazi groups like AfD and their fellow travellers.

The only downside is that they cant keep up with the number of hoaxes that need to be listed.

My favourite hoaxes are the ones about migrants killing swans for their lunch and the mayor of Bremen
handing out brothel vouchers.
We know that the extremists have been over active in making up stories and they do it to create an atmosphere of fear and loathing. This map is a welcome counterbalance to that and a credit to the decent people of Germany.

Mapping The Completely Bogus Rumors Against Migrants In Europe

The influx of hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern and African migrants to Europe has been followed by a flood of rumors that range from the criminal to the absurd. After noticing that migrants were being maligned by accounts that later proved untrue, two German women decided to chart the debunked rumors.
The result is “Hoax Map,” an interactive feature which pinpoints the locations of fabricated claims against migrants and references sources that discredit the rumors.

“We were seeing more and more rumors about refugees committing crimes or receiving excessive health care, [and] we wanted to create something to counter this trend and maybe give people a tool to check up on stories they have been hearing,” said Karolin Schwarz, an open data consultant who co-founded the feature along with Liz Helm, a software developer.


'Hoaxmap' busts rumors about refugees in Germany | Germany | DW.COM | 11.02.2016

German 'hoax map' fights migrant myths - BBC News
Karolin concedes that some people will be hard to reach, convinced that media reports debunking the myths are themselves lies. "But not all who fall for rumours do so out of deeply held conviction, and we hope some will be persuaded by facts and change their opinion."

Hoax map exposes fake refugee stories to spread 'facts instead of prejudice'
There have been some negative reactions, though, from far-right organizations involved in spreading the stories, Schwarz said.

Gerüchte über Flüchtlinge? Hier werden sie widerlegt

Here's the story on who operates the Hoax Map....so Tommy, you've been slam dunked AGAIN, posting Leftist Propaganda garbage from two fucking Traitors from Mainz....PAID for by Traitor Bitch Merkel and her Traitor Government.

Unlike Tommy, WE have brains....naturally Traitors to our Kin are of great interest to we Patriots.

Karolin Schwarz, a woman who for THREE YEARS has been pro-Muslim and pro-"refugee" and David Häußer who's a Rapper and Refugee Activist:

"Hoaxmap.org purports to be an “anti-racist” and “anti-hate” site that is dedicated to “exposing lies” about Muslim invaders (“refugees”) that are in the German mainstream media and on Facebook. As per their website:

The Hoaxmap arose from the desire to bring order to the plurality of scattered rumors and facilitate the deconstruction of them. All “resolutions” are extracted and linked to mainstream media. If no date is listed for each incident, the date of the article was taken.In the few cases where no specific location was indicated, the capital of the council or state has been adopted.

The collection also of some rumors emerge that do not directly relate to asylum seekers.Firstly, some cases have been taken up with rumors of people with “southern appearance” or “not a German accent”. This kind of description is currently often associated with fugitives. Secondly, also alleged crimes or repressive measures are listed against participants racist demonstrations. These have been included because they also reinforce the narrative of opinion repression and the worldview of rumors storytellers.

How interesting.

So who are these people, really?

A quick WHOIS query yielded the following website registration information:"

Here's the rest of the stuff, with in-depth checking on who these two Traitors are and what their Leftist Propaganda Agenda is:

German Website That Claims To Report On "Refugee" Hoaxes Is Actually A Secret German Government Propaganda Campaign To Try And Humiliate People To Stop Reporting Muslim Crimes - Walid Shoebat
Seriously ? You quote an extremist site to "expose" a site that exposes extremist crap. Is that all you have ?

"You quote an extremist site to "expose" a site that exposes extremist crap."

Walid Shoebat isn't an extremist, he used to be in Muslim Brotherhood, but he saw the light and left and converted to Christianity and now spends most of his time exposing Islamic Extremists.

Extremists do NOT get invited to the below establishments to give speeches and be interviewed:


Walid has spoken all over America and the world including Chile, Mexico,
Canada, the UK and South Africa. He has also appeared on national television stations all over the world including CNN, CNN International, FOX News,
ITN, RTE, NBC, CBS, and ABC. He has also been featured on BBC
radio 4 and 5.

Speaking Highlights

  • Lecture at Harvard Law School
  • Special Forum on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
  • Lecture at Columbia Unversity
  • Lecture at Concordia University
  • Lectures at UCLA, USC, University of Georgia, Washington University, Penn State, San Diego State and many others.
  • Keynote Address to more than 700 Jewish leaders and rabbis from all over North America and the world at the Aish Partners Conference in Stamford, CT, the highlight of Aish’s calendar, and again in New York later in November.
  • Encounter Conference, the largest gathering of Orthodox Jews in the UK.
  • Jewish communities of St. Petersburg, Memphis, St. Louis, Scranton, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Albany, Dallas, Tampa, W. Palm Beach, Seattle, Cincinnati, Toronto, Montreal, Winnepeg, Calgary, Vancouver, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rockville, MD, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Phoenix, and soon Las Vegas and Cleveland.

Who is Walid Shoebat? An amazing person, that's who he is, the sort of person who deserves much respect:

Who is Walid? - Walid Shoebat
It's amusing that this map is used to dispel any concern. From one of the sites posted...

"Hoaxmap was launched on February 8 and the response has been "overwhelming and largely positive" Schwarz told DW. "Every day, we get dozens of tip-offs via Twitter and e-mail."

The project uses mainly local and other press reports to expose the hoaxes as well as the occasional police report, but Schwarz concedes that there is not enough time to verify every story individually. Both Schwarz and co-founder Lutz Helm have day jobs, too.

While there was ample praise for the project on Twitter, some argued that it is biased and does not show any examples of migrants committing offenses. Twitter user powerphil suggested that it would be better to show green arrows for stories that can be corroborated and red arrows for those that have proved to be false.

Such well reasoned and studied sources. I particularly like the use of twitter. "Elvis is alive and working at KFC in Mobile, Al. It's true I read it on twitter!".

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