Hoaxed:The ‘Illegal Alien Mom with Barefoot Kids’ Photo was a Setup


You'd think someone who just walked a thousand miles would lose a few pounds.....
This pic shows a kid being held up by their hair and pushed forward like a photo op/ shield.....by the invaders..... Is the mainstream media ...the CIA/Mockingbird mainstream media showing that too? Is it????????:mad-61:

Can you believe *MindWars* thinks that's... FUNNY?

What kind of SHIT STAIN is a person that would think that's "FUNNY?"

Answer: a DEMOCRAT.
I told you I'm going by what I know about mothers and their children. Was that too difficult?

The rest of the story is, as I made clear, the young, healthy men attacking the border crossing that were causing the non lethal response. The side of the story we're told over and over again is how awful it is that children were exposed to treat gas. What's missing is WHY the gas was deployed. Where are the photos of the men crashing the border crossing, throwing rocks and bottles, that forced the Americans to take action?

Palestinians are famous for placing rocket launcher and morters next to and in schools and hospitals. When the Israelis take them out, they inevitably harm civilians, which is the point. The media, by focusing solely on the inevitable result of violence, is ignoring the reason for the response in the first place.
So what do you know in terms of what they’ve been told? You claim they were told there would be no danger. Where did those mothers say that?

And you said the whole story isn’t being told. Now you claim you’re speaking of folks attacking the border crossing as the catalyst for the response they received — but that IS part of the story being told. There is no “rest of the story,” You made that up.

Obviously, you have a comprehension problem.

1. My opinion is that a good mother does not knowingly take her children into danger.
2. This woman took her children into a place where year gas was deployed.
3. Is she a terrible mother who deliberately took her children into harm's way, or is she not and assumed that violently attacking the border crossing would not be met with any response? I'm assuming the latter.
4. What part of the story has consumed headlines and gotten the TV bobbleheads all excited, the fact that the crossing was attacked and we were forced to respond or this one image?

If you can't answer those and figure out where you went off the tracks, I can't help you.

You can’t answer those, yet here you are, making shit up. And despite your hysterics, the story included some throwing rocks at the border and even hitting some patrolling it, spurring the gas deployment. So your idiotic claim that the whole story had not been told is decimated.

And which picture is being talked about more than any other?
Who cares? Here’s what you idiotically said...

”It is obvious they are not reporting the complete story of what is going on”

... even you [tacitly] agree that was an idiotic thing to say because you’ve completely abandoned that nonsense in favor of your new argument, that they’re talking more about the mom in that photo than they are of rocks being thrown at riot police.

Now was that so hard for you to finally admit?

Where is the reporting on the attacks?
So what do you know in terms of what they’ve been told? You claim they were told there would be no danger. Where did those mothers say that?

And you said the whole story isn’t being told. Now you claim you’re speaking of folks attacking the border crossing as the catalyst for the response they received — but that IS part of the story being told. There is no “rest of the story,” You made that up.

Obviously, you have a comprehension problem.

1. My opinion is that a good mother does not knowingly take her children into danger.
2. This woman took her children into a place where year gas was deployed.
3. Is she a terrible mother who deliberately took her children into harm's way, or is she not and assumed that violently attacking the border crossing would not be met with any response? I'm assuming the latter.
4. What part of the story has consumed headlines and gotten the TV bobbleheads all excited, the fact that the crossing was attacked and we were forced to respond or this one image?

If you can't answer those and figure out where you went off the tracks, I can't help you.

You can’t answer those, yet here you are, making shit up. And despite your hysterics, the story included some throwing rocks at the border and even hitting some patrolling it, spurring the gas deployment. So your idiotic claim that the whole story had not been told is decimated.

And which picture is being talked about more than any other?
Who cares? Here’s what you idiotically said...

”It is obvious they are not reporting the complete story of what is going on”

... even you [tacitly] agree that was an idiotic thing to say because you’ve completely abandoned that nonsense in favor of your new argument, that they’re talking more about the mom in that photo than they are of rocks being thrown at riot police.

Now was that so hard for you to finally admit?

Where is the reporting on the attacks?
The Border Patrol commissioner said in a statement on Monday that there were four agents who were hit by rocks thrown by migrants, but that they “were wearing protective gear and did not suffer serious injuries.”

Donald Trump was fact-checked by his own border chief on claim that agents used "minor form" of tear gas on migrants

You can’t answer those, yet here you are, making shit up. And despite your hysterics, the story included some throwing rocks at the border and even hitting some patrolling it, spurring the gas deployment. So your idiotic claim that the whole story had not been told is decimated.

And which picture is being talked about more than any other?
Who cares? Here’s what you idiotically said...

”It is obvious they are not reporting the complete story of what is going on”

... even you [tacitly] agree that was an idiotic thing to say because you’ve completely abandoned that nonsense in favor of your new argument, that they’re talking more about the mom in that photo than they are of rocks being thrown at riot police.

Now was that so hard for you to finally admit?
They aren't reporting everything that's going on. Here we have a picture of some woman dragging two little girls through a riot, her other three charges nowhere to be found.

That sound like everything to you?
That’s if you only look at that one photo and ignore all other reporting.
The other reporting is what I've been schooling you on this entire thread. No one, including you, has any idea where her other 3 children were during her supposed mad dash.

It's a con and you're the trick.
Three of her kids are in that photo of her.

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