Hobby Lobby Invests In Abortion Pill Manufacturers

Id bet Hobby Lobby's board never even considered what the 401k invested in until this article came out. Huffington obviously have no clue how a 401k works. Heck I barely do either. I don't have any clue the exact companies my 401k is investing in I just know Im getting great returns.

I see a big difference in investing into a company that manufactures something that kills babys vs. giving someone healthcare that provides a pill that will kill the baby.

Obamacare is lame. One size never fits all. In this case Hobby Lobby wants to provide HC to their employees without the baby killing drugs. Its amazing how much of a fuss this one little thing causes. I mean seriously if Hobby Lobby had an insurance plan they offered to employees before Obamadontgiveashiitemuslim that didn't have those things would you really even care? Would you be protesting in the streets that HL is the one company in the US that doesnt provide birth control to its employees? I highly doubt it.
Id bet Hobby Lobby's board never even considered what the 401k invested in until this article came out. Huffington obviously have no clue how a 401k works. Heck I barely do either. I don't have any clue the exact companies my 401k is investing in I just know Im getting great returns.

I see a big difference in investing into a company that manufactures something that kills babys vs. giving someone healthcare that provides a pill that will kill the baby.

Obamacare is lame. One size never fits all. In this case Hobby Lobby wants to provide HC to their employees without the baby killing drugs. Its amazing how much of a fuss this one little thing causes. I mean seriously if Hobby Lobby had an insurance plan they offered to employees before Obamadontgiveashiitemuslim that didn't have those things would you really even care? Would you be protesting in the streets that HL is the one company in the US that doesnt provide birth control to its employees? I highly doubt it.

It gets so tiring repeating this.

1. Emergency Contraception isn't an abortifacient. These hormones do not "kill babies."

2. The company provided a limited list of only 24 specific funds for their employees to choose from, with 73 million in investments from companies that make the "sinful products" of which they provide a large matching contribution.

Hobby Lobby - who felt so strongly about the use of "abortion causing drugs" (even though they do not cause abortions), because of the deep deep deep "religion of the corporation" (ha!) are fully capable of directing their investment managers to buy only stocks or funds that match the "religion of the corporation."

Yet they didn't.

Nor did they care enough to know whether they covered these items prior to 2013.

Which they did.

Nor do they care the majority of products they buy come from a country where forced abortions happen.

Their "deep" religion on this matter is about as superficial as a mucous membrane.
If (or when) Jesus comes back, do you suppose he would throw Hobby Lobby out of the mall like he previously threw the money changers out of the temple?

He would throw out all the lawyers and politicians out of government
who are following Mammon and not following the Constitution given by God.

He would do neither. Jesus had no interaction with government figures, until his crucifixion. Then he was on the receiving end. And the moneychangers were not in a mall. They were in a temple, which was a critical component to his rage.

His only stated opinion about secular powers was, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's".

Jesus certainly had a lot to say about hypocrites, and Hobby Lobby appears to be in that category.

Oh. And the Constitution was not given by God.
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Id bet Hobby Lobby's board never even considered what the 401k invested in until this article came out. Huffington obviously have no clue how a 401k works. Heck I barely do either. I don't have any clue the exact companies my 401k is investing in I just know Im getting great returns.

I see a big difference in investing into a company that manufactures something that kills babys vs. giving someone healthcare that provides a pill that will kill the baby.

Obamacare is lame. One size never fits all. In this case Hobby Lobby wants to provide HC to their employees without the baby killing drugs. Its amazing how much of a fuss this one little thing causes. I mean seriously if Hobby Lobby had an insurance plan they offered to employees before Obamadontgiveashiitemuslim that didn't have those things would you really even care? Would you be protesting in the streets that HL is the one company in the US that doesnt provide birth control to its employees? I highly doubt it.

It gets so tiring repeating this.

1. Emergency Contraception isn't an abortifacient. These hormones do not "kill babies."

2. The company provided a limited list of only 24 specific funds for their employees to choose from, with 73 million in investments from companies that make the "sinful products" of which they provide a large matching contribution.

Hobby Lobby - who felt so strongly about the use of "abortion causing drugs" (even though they do not cause abortions), because of the deep deep deep "religion of the corporation" (ha!) are fully capable of directing their investment managers to buy only stocks or funds that match the "religion of the corporation."

Yet they didn't.

Nor did they care enough to know whether they covered these items prior to 2013.

Which they did.

Nor do they care the majority of products they buy come from a country where forced abortions happen.

Their "deep" religion on this matter is about as superficial as a mucous membrane.
Wow. I even tell you where to look to find correct information and you willfully ignore it. This is what makes you a lo-lo.
Get used to this fact unemployed, obese non-rabbi: Most people with brains ignore you.

Well clearly you are not in that category. Either you admit you don't have brains, or your post is a lie. Probably both.
Go read the Writ of Certiori for the case and stop making a clown out of yourself.
Get used to this fact unemployed, obese non-rabbi: Most people with brains ignore you.

Well clearly you are not in that category. Either you admit you don't have brains, or your post is a lie. Probably both.
Go read the Writ of Certiori for the case and stop making a clown out of yourself.

Im amazed you showed your face in this thread again.

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