Hobby Lobby Invests In Abortion Pill Manufacturers

Post where I said the ammo comes in a clip?

Reading for comprehension is your friend. :thup:

The problem with Chinese ammo is that after you've emptied your clip, your trigger finger is itchy again in a half hour.
Please show where any Chinese ammo is used in a clip.
Ding dong.

Original Chinese Military SKS Stripper Clips Qty 5 | eBay

OK, yes the SKS does use a stripper clip, you are correct.
Oh is this the remix of "Being against Global Warming but have the nerve to have a car" bullshit?

Yes, yes it is. Fortunately me being a hypocrite isnt going against my god. Which is a bit more important.

according to libs, there is no god. so don't bring him into the argument

I don't think Liberals generally claim there is no God (capital G). Unlike conservatives, liberals just don't believe God is generally predisposed to take sides in an Earthly political debate or to specifically support the political positions held by American conservative Republicans. If YOU think so, perhaps you should refamilairize yourself with Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

yes, i'm sure jesus said, kill your babies
according to libs, there is no god. so don't bring him into the argument

I don't think Liberals generally claim there is no God (capital G). Unlike conservatives, liberals just don't believe God is generally predisposed to take sides in an Earthly political debate or to specifically support the political positions held by American conservative Republicans. If YOU think so, perhaps you should refamilairize yourself with Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

yes, i'm sure jesus said, kill your babies

All you have to say is Uncle.

And I think Jesus actually said dont kill your babies but invest heavily in killing babies.
This pretense from the right that they all care so much about fetuses is really getting tiresome. Whether here on this board or in the board room of Hobby Lobby, they're lying. Every single one of them.

Dear Luddly:
Aren't you lying when you claim to be for "right to choose"
"equal rights" and "keeping govt out of private health decisions"

But when it comes to someone else wanting equal rights to choose,
you slam and blame them, saying their beliefs don't count or are "lies."

How intellectually dishonest is that?

That you cannot even admit your own biases? While you quickly slam others for theirs?

Where is the equality, Luddly?
How is this treating other people equally as yourself?

Or do you mean something else by equality?
I don't think Liberals generally claim there is no God (capital G). Unlike conservatives, liberals just don't believe God is generally predisposed to take sides in an Earthly political debate or to specifically support the political positions held by American conservative Republicans. If YOU think so, perhaps you should refamilairize yourself with Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

yes, i'm sure jesus said, kill your babies

All you have to say is Uncle.

And I think Jesus actually said dont kill your babies but invest heavily in killing babies.

Jesus said to love and forgive one another, to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Liberals blame Christians and Conservatives for violating the "Golden Rule,"
but don't have to follow it themselves since they don't believe it applies to them.

They believe in defending their own free speech and "right to choose"
while fighting against their neighbor's free speech and right to choose.

They think the Golden Rule only applies to Christian or religious law,
and don't get that the Constitutional laws also work by equal enforcement.

You cannot break the laws you are trying to enforce.
Liberals don't believe in invoking authority by Constitutional laws,
but use Political Party to impose their way by majority rule.

That is why they depend on controlling Govt because they
don't believe people can share equal authority by rule of law.
They don't share this faith, and those who do tend to be Christian or conservative.

This is really a conflict between religious ideologies expressed as political beliefs.
This has no place in govt policy, but that is where the battle is being fought out.
yes, i'm sure jesus said, kill your babies

All you have to say is Uncle.

And I think Jesus actually said dont kill your babies but invest heavily in killing babies.

Jesus said to love and forgive one another, to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Yeah, Republicans say the opposite. Very Christian of them yanno

The rest of your post is just bullshit strawmen.

Tell me how supporting abortion will send people to hell but investing in it gets you to the promise land.

You cant...So you make up shit
I'm certain that Hobby Lobby doesn't pick and choose who their bank or stock broker does or doesn't invest in. Hell ... I don't even know what my 401k money is invested in. It's so diversified and mixed up that it would take a year to sort it all out.

You have a very valid point here.

But if they are passionate enough to FIGHT against birth control for their employee's but aren't passionate enough to fight against where their stock money goes it exposes them as PROFIT DRIVEN IDIOTS.

The Bible taught against people like Hobby Lobby.

If (or when) Jesus comes back, do you suppose he would throw Hobby Lobby out of the mall like he previously threw the money changers out of the temple?

He would throw out all the lawyers and politicians out of government
who are following Mammon and not following the Constitution given by God.

What would be left is the very limited govt that all people actually agree on.
All the rest in dispute would be taken off the back of taxpayers and government.
Dear Mustang and Luddly:
I have no doubt HL would be even more aggressive and vocal in suing the govt
if federal mandates forced them to invest in Chinese labor and forced abortions!

That was the point of the lawsuit. Federal regulations requiring it or pay millions in fines.

It is one thing to choose to invest, or to change it if problems like this are pointed out.

Luddly since you are prochoice, I thought you would understand this argument
from a prochoice perspective.

You mentioned Roe V. Wade, which also struck down a law because it criminalized abortion instead of defending free choice without fear of penalty
[where ACA penalizes the free choice of health care], because "due process" could not be conducted without imposing on women and violate privacy.

Respect for the same principle of "due process" is used to argue AGAINST insurance mandates and FOR FREE CHOICE of health care (again without fear of penalty by law), where this federal law
DEPRIVES us of civil liberty or "freedom to choose how to pay for health care" without ANY DUE PROCESS to PROVE citizens committed a crime first and deserve to forfeit freedoms BEFORE penalizing us.

The law was passed, with the penalties already prescribed on ALL citizens, without proving ANY crime was committed first or there was any ill intent not to pay for health care.

Why are people and now whole companies being DEPRIVED OF RIGHTS like criminals?
But it's okay to trust women with the choice of abortion and not penalize that choice?

Prochoice activists don't even want govt to REGULATE the choice of abortion.
How can federal regulations AND FINES be imposed on the choice of health care without violating these same "prochoice principles"?

Isn't that political fraud?

So aren't the "prochoice" advocates in the same boat as Hobby Lobby?

Claiming to DEFEND "prochoice" and "freedom from govt regulation"
but using the federal govt and IRS to penalize the free choice of health care?

What is it that Mr Sulu used to say?

Oh, MY!

I can't wait for HL to explain this one. Considering their so-called "sincerely held religious beliefs," no doubt whatever they say will sound more like a contrived excuse than a real explanation that seems honestly innocent in nature.

Remember what they say is the root of all evil? It's the love of money.

The owners of Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned craft supply chain, were so offended by the idea of having to include emergency contraceptives and intrauterine devices in their health insurance plans that they sued the Obama administration and took the case all the way up to the Supreme Court. But Mother Jones reported on Tuesday that the company's retirement plan has invested millions of dollars in the manufacturers of emergency contraception and drugs used to induce abortions.
Hobby Lobby's 401(k) employee retirement plan holds $73 million in mutual funds that invest in multiple pharmaceutical companies that produce emergency contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices, and abortion-inducing medications.

The companies Hobby Lobby invests in include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which makes the Plan B morning-after pill and ParaGard, a copper IUD, as well as Pfizer, the maker of the abortion-inducing drugs Cytotec and Prostin E2. Hobby Lobby's mutual funds also invest in two health insurance companies that cover surgical abortions, abortion drugs, and emergency contraception in their health care policies.

Hobby Lobby's attorneys argue that the provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires most employers to cover contraception in their health plans infringes on the company's right to exercise religious freedom because the company's owners believe that emergency contraception and IUDs are actually forms of abortion. Medical studies have debunked this claim.

Mother Jones reported that all nine of the mutual funds Hobby Lobby's retirement plan holds include investments that clash with the owners' religious beliefs about abortion.

Hobby Lobby Invests In Abortion Pill Manufacturers
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Dear ClosedCaption:
What gets people into heaven is FORGIVENESS.
All these wrongs and conflicts, can all be forgiven.

Whoever does not forgive, that is what gets you trapped in hellish suffering.

As long as Hobby Lobby can forgive the problems, including their own internal conflicts,
they can get help to correct them.

If the liberals and Democrats can forgive their problems with themselves and others,
they might have a chance also. But all this denial and projection of blame is a sure
sign of UNFORGIVENESS. So people stay stuck in a vicious cycle until they agree to forgive.

This is true of war mongers on both sides of the political spectrum.
The people who can forgive faults on both sides can work together on corrections.
As we develop solutions, perhaps more people will let go of anger and focus there instead.

All you have to say is Uncle.

And I think Jesus actually said dont kill your babies but invest heavily in killing babies.

Jesus said to love and forgive one another, to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Yeah, Republicans say the opposite. Very Christian of them yanno

The rest of your post is just bullshit strawmen.

Tell me how supporting abortion will send people to hell but investing in it gets you to the promise land.

You cant...So you make up shit
Well, not just the faithful but a few million lost souls as well. The point is that religion doesn't care about ethics if the money is right.
Few things do. It's why Jesus said no man could serve two masters and where your head is, that is where your heart is. It's why I kind of like this new Pope, he's almost a Christian.

Awesome post. Flawless.
Are YOU TWO sock puppets? I'll ask the MODS. While you're at it? Rent a room and go for it.
Dear ClosedCaption:
What gets people into heaven is FORGIVENESS.
All these wrongs and conflicts, can all be forgiven.

Whoever does not forgive, that is what gets you trapped in hellish suffering

Yeah, change the subject because you cant explain how Hobby Lobby is morally and religiously against birth control while being invested in the same birth control
I don't think Liberals generally claim there is no God (capital G). Unlike conservatives, liberals just don't believe God is generally predisposed to take sides in an Earthly political debate or to specifically support the political positions held by American conservative Republicans. If YOU think so, perhaps you should refamilairize yourself with Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

yes, i'm sure jesus said, kill your babies

All you have to say is Uncle.

And I think Jesus actually said dont kill your babies but invest heavily in killing babies.

be fruitful and multiply did not mean suck the baby out of a womb
Few things do. It's why Jesus said no man could serve two masters and where your head is, that is where your heart is. It's why I kind of like this new Pope, he's almost a Christian.

Awesome post. Flawless.
Are YOU TWO sock puppets? I'll ask the MODS. While you're at it? Rent a room and go for it.

Brainy stuff right there.

Funny when people aren't smart enough to debate they resort to insults. :dig:

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