Hobby Lobby Invests In Abortion Pill Manufacturers

Can we get one more whiney ass hobby lobby thread, paaslease?


not a single whine in this thread, gramps, at least not til yours.

as soon as the corporation known as hobby lobby stays out of my prescription meds, i'll stop talking about them.

if that troubles you, no doubt there are a myriad of Obama deranged threads that will make you feel more comfortable. :)
The OP makes it sound like HL singled out the drug company to invest in. Whatever it sounds good, eh?
What is it that Mr Sulu used to say?

Oh, MY!

I can't wait for HL to explain this one. Considering their so-called "sincerely held religious beliefs," no doubt whatever they say will sound more like a contrived excuse than a real explanation that seems honestly innocent in nature.

Remember what they say is the root of all evil? It's the love of money.

The owners of Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned craft supply chain, were so offended by the idea of having to include emergency contraceptives and intrauterine devices in their health insurance plans that they sued the Obama administration and took the case all the way up to the Supreme Court. But Mother Jones reported on Tuesday that the company's retirement plan has invested millions of dollars in the manufacturers of emergency contraception and drugs used to induce abortions.
Hobby Lobby's 401(k) employee retirement plan holds $73 million in mutual funds that invest in multiple pharmaceutical companies that produce emergency contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices, and abortion-inducing medications.

The companies Hobby Lobby invests in include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which makes the Plan B morning-after pill and ParaGard, a copper IUD, as well as Pfizer, the maker of the abortion-inducing drugs Cytotec and Prostin E2. Hobby Lobby's mutual funds also invest in two health insurance companies that cover surgical abortions, abortion drugs, and emergency contraception in their health care policies.

Hobby Lobby's attorneys argue that the provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires most employers to cover contraception in their health plans infringes on the company's right to exercise religious freedom because the company's owners believe that emergency contraception and IUDs are actually forms of abortion. Medical studies have debunked this claim.

Mother Jones reported that all nine of the mutual funds Hobby Lobby's retirement plan holds include investments that clash with the owners' religious beliefs about abortion.

Hobby Lobby Invests In Abortion Pill Manufacturers

smart business move by them. those are all very profitable companies.
Can we get one more whiney ass hobby lobby thread, paaslease?

Go back to bed Grandpa.

There are 'ethical' mutual funds available that do not invest in any companies in the abortion business, or in the supposedly abortion business,

so Hobby Lobby has no excuse.

Hobby Lobby doesn't need an excuse as far as I'm concerned. Fuck Obama and every shitstain that voted for or supported this law. Whatever it takes to dismantle it is fine by me.

Don't Worry Grandpa:
All Americans are equally to blame for funding things we claim we're against,
including outsourcing our production to slave labor and buying products that rely on it.

Not just Michael's, Hobby Lobby and Wal-Mart (which is one of the worst, if you've seen the video on workers forced to pay more for their dorms than they earn so they are enslaved with no way out of debt), but all our electronic equipment, and the people who buy them.

Is any one of us NOT complicit in benefiting from slavery or oppression of other people?
Throwing stones at each other over this is not going to solve the problem.

HL may be used as a Christian example for CORRECTING the problems.

Neil Warren of Eharmony spoke out about the issue of homosexuality forced on his company (that cost them a lot of Christian business when he tried to accommodate the demands), and committed to investing money to "figure out" the "homosexuality issue."

He is a GOOD MAN, and so are the people at Hobby Lobby, Chick-Fil-A, and other companies where people have a conscience and believe in resolving grievances.

Let's use this as an opportunity to support ethical business and government leaders in working out solutions. These are long overdue, so we might as well start now.

As HL is a faith-based company, the Christians believe that ALL things are used by God for his GOOD purposes, for those who love the Lord and follow his laws. (Romans 8:28)

So only GOOD is supposed to come of these things, no matter how negative they look.
That is the Christian faith, so let's support HL and others in fulfilling that vision.

Please be lifted up in prayer,
Take heart, take courage, and take care!
Yours truly, Emily
The OP makes it sound like HL singled out the drug company to invest in. Whatever it sounds good, eh?

I did no such thing. stop making things up in your head.

I can't help it if you're ok with hypocrites who want to pretend that a corporation has a religion and then don't live by their professed beliefs.

but it's not surprising.
LOL! What a bunch of world class hypocrites. Like someone posted above, their morals are bullshit when it comes to profit. Jesus must be so proud.

You may be thinking that it must have been beyond Hobby Lobby’s reasonable abilities to know what companies were being invested in by the mutual funds purchased for the Hobby Lobby 401(k) plans—but I am afraid you would be wrong.

No only does Hobby Lobby have an obligation to know what their sponsored 401(k) is investing in for the benefit of their employees, it turns out that there are ample opportunities for the retirement fund to invest in mutual funds that are specifically screened to avoid any religiously offensive products.

To avoid supporting companies that manufacture abortion drugs—or products such as alcohol or pornography—religious investors can turn to a cottage industry of mutual funds that screen out stocks that religious people might consider morally objectionable. The Timothy Plan and the Ave Maria Fund, for example, screen for companies that manufacture abortion drugs, support Planned Parenthood, or engage in embryonic stem cell research.

Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection - Forbes
So HL is so against abortion they do business with China who aborts everything and invests in drugs they say cause abortion.

They say put your money where your mouth is.
So HL is so against abortion they do business with China who aborts everything and invests in drugs they say cause abortion.

They say put your money where your mouth is.

Every time someone buys airplane glue from Hobby Lobby they are supporting Chinese government forced abortion.

It really doesn't get much funnier than this.
So HL is so against abortion they do business with China who aborts everything and invests in drugs they say cause abortion.

They say put your money where your mouth is.

Every time someone buys airplane glue from Hobby Lobby they are supporting Chinese government forced abortion.

It really doesn't get much funnier than this.
any time anyone buys pretty much anything today they are supporting the lost of an american job. have you stopped buying ?
Actually the chinese are now capitalizing on the shortage of ammunition in the USA. You are seeing a flood of chinese ammo to compliment the flood of russaian, yugoslavian, romanian and israeli ammo that have been taking advantage of the results of the flood of demand cause by anti gun activities here. Type 56 assualt weapons, the chinese Ak 47 is now also widely availble.
So HL is so against abortion they do business with China who aborts everything and invests in drugs they say cause abortion.

They say put your money where your mouth is.

Every time someone buys airplane glue from Hobby Lobby they are supporting Chinese government forced abortion.

It really doesn't get much funnier than this.
any time anyone buys pretty much anything today they are supporting the lost of an american job. have you stopped buying ?

No but I dont claim religious reasons either
Every time someone buys airplane glue from Hobby Lobby they are supporting Chinese government forced abortion.

It really doesn't get much funnier than this.
any time anyone buys pretty much anything today they are supporting the lost of an american job. have you stopped buying ?

No but I dont claim religious reasons either

but you do blame republicans for sending jobs offshore, then you support the jobs offshore. at least you admit you are a hypocrite.
any time anyone buys pretty much anything today they are supporting the lost of an american job. have you stopped buying ?

No but I dont claim religious reasons either

but you do blame republicans for sending jobs offshore, then you support the jobs offshore. at least you admit you are a hypocrite.

Oh is this the remix of "Being against Global Warming but have the nerve to have a car" bullshit?

Yes, yes it is. Fortunately me being a hypocrite isnt going against my god. Which is a bit more important.
No but I dont claim religious reasons either

but you do blame republicans for sending jobs offshore, then you support the jobs offshore. at least you admit you are a hypocrite.

Oh is this the remix of "Being against Global Warming but have the nerve to have a car" bullshit?

Yes, yes it is. Fortunately me being a hypocrite isnt going against my god. Which is a bit more important.

according to libs, there is no god. so don't bring him into the argument

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