Hobby Lobby Raises Minimum Wage to $14 for Full-Time Employees

Interesting, when not forced by a government agency to raise their wages, to $14 an hour the left gets upset and attacks the company.

If forced by the government to raise wages to $10 an hour, the left is all for it.

So I'm not sure what the left wants

Sounds like you are on the left.
You sir, are a complete idiot.

Because last week they didnt make enough or they would've raised wages then. Either that or they were pocketing the money and their ability was already there but the ability didnt match the greed.

Anyone with half a brain knows what this was all about.

Hobby Lobby was well aware of how the left reacts when a decision is made against them.

Also Known as "The Market". Continue..

Hate, vitriol, boycotts, petitions, protests, etc...

I mean...Jeez...have you seen facebook this week? It is pathetic.

Anyway....they needed to do something to offset the unwarranted attack on their business, family and ideology.

Oh dear, you're right. When someone makes a decision everyone either supports it or they are haters right?

What happens on FB doesnt matter remember? Remember when Michelle did the hashtag and you said it does nothing? Now you are blaming social media for Hobby Lobby paying more money?

which is it? Social Media works but it doesnt? Wheres any boycott? Petition? :badgrin: Shut up stupid
Businesses aren't people. People create businesses, but businesses aren't people.

And money isn't speech.

If Hobby Lobby can raise its employees' wages then why can't Wal-Mart?
Ask them. I don't have access to their books. Neither do you.
No, the 'belief' that is destroyed is the one that conservatives have been spewing that these sorts of retailers couldn't possibly raise the minimum wage without having to either do massive layoffs or even go out of business.

Hobby Lobby proves that WE are right, not you.

Horse shit. The success of some operating models does not fit all. The point remains that private firms set their wage scale ... not you, not me and definitely not the federal gov't.

Companies that can't make money paying a reasonable minimum wage don't deserve to do business in America.
The market will decide that...not butthurt whiny leftists.

Average abortion costs $350 at a clinic, $900 at Dr. office -- so a week to a week and half's salary to cover the cost of an unwanted pregnancy.

Walgreens sells Plan-B for $49.99 - or 4 hours working at Hobby Lobby.

Thank you for illustrating that Plan B is so affordable, anyone can buy it. No need to have it provided by insurance. :eusa_clap:
Your idiocy is boring. Do you wish to deny that there has been a constant conservative drumbeat that such increases in wages would INEVITABLY lead to layoffs and inflation?
Read carefully, for in this post I will illustrate your utter dumbassery.

Hobby Lobby raised their wages because their business model allowed them to. They could afford to absorb and pass on the costs, which their customers were willing to cover.

Forcing EVERY company to raise wages would indeed be disaster, because not every company could absorb and pass on the cost. Some would cut employees to reduce the increased overhead; some would have no choice but to close their doors.

Do you get it now, or are you going to continue being stupid and acting superior?

Do you have any objection to companies paying a dollar an hour, if they can find people willing to work for that?
Of course I do. Don't be ridiculous.

You expected me to say I have no objection, didn't you?

That's what happens when you decide to continue being stupid and acting superior.
From last year:

Hobby Lobby Raises Minimum Wage to $14 for Full-Time Employees
April 18, 2013|5:29 pm

Arts and crafts giant Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. announced on Monday that effective immediately, the minimum wage for its full-time hourly employees at its stores and affiliate Hemisphere was increased to $14. The hourly wage for part-time employees was also increased to $9.50.

In a report on Thursday, founder and CEO of the company David Green said the decision was simply an acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication of his employees.

"We are very fortunate to be able to increase hourly wages for our employees, because we know our company would not be successful without the great work they do each day in our stores across the nation," said Green.

"We know that if we reward our employees for their hard work, we will be rewarded in turn with their loyalty and dedication to their job and to our customers," he added.

Hobby lobby, one of America's largest privately owned companies headquartered in Oklahoma City, Okla., employs 22,000 workers in 525 stores nationwide. This is the fifth successive year the company has increased wages for hourly paid full-time workers and the fourth for those working part-time. In 2012, full-time workers were paid $13 per hour while part-time workers earned $9. Full-time employees at Hobby Lobby and its affiliate now earn nearly two times more than the national minimum wage set at $7.25 per hour.

"As a family-owned business, we want our employees to feel like they are part of a family," said Green. "This is one way we can show our appreciation for their work and make them feel like part of a team."​

I'm impressed

Do employees get to decide if they will be full time or not?
No. The employees that prove themselves valuable to the company are promoted to full-time.

Exactly as it should be.
Kind of goes against the conservative consensus that it isn't worth more than 7 bucks an hour to pay some loser to push buttons on a cash register.
That's up to the company to decide...not me, and not you.

Good Gaea, you're just aching to call for nationalizing all businesses, aren't you?
Kind of goes against the conservative consensus that it isn't worth more than 7 bucks an hour to pay some loser to push buttons on a cash register.

When a company does well, it can afford to do this. When fortunes decline, however, it also needs the ability to pay less, or cut workers. If it can't, it goes out of business.

If a company can't make money paying 10 bucks an hour, then it should go out of business and leave it to the companies who can.
"No. The employees that prove themselves valuable to the company are promoted to full-time."

Nope. They are outta there finding even more pay at every chance they get. They don't even owe hobby lobby a notice that they are leaving. Its called retail America. Two weeks notice? Hilarious. Good bye now.
Why isnt the title of this Hobby Lobby pays people more than they are worth?

Or "Hobby Lobby creates living wage for peple who clearly dont deserve it"

or "Hobby Lobby overpays lazy people rewarding them for not making themselves marketable"
Because this is reality, not fucked-in-the-head prog bullshit land.

Average abortion costs $350 at a clinic, $900 at Dr. office -- so a week to a week and half's salary to cover the cost of an unwanted pregnancy.

Walgreens sells Plan-B for $49.99 - or 4 hours working at Hobby Lobby.

Thank you for illustrating that Plan B is so affordable, anyone can buy it. No need to have it provided by insurance. :eusa_clap:

Yes because having to work a week to a week and a half just to get it, not factoring in all other bills one might have, means it's affordable.

I guess that Porsche is affordable to me...if I work 6 months and not pay any of my bills.
That does it..No more Hobby Lobby for me! I refuse to shop at a place that incorporates high wages but refuses to provide a morning after pill.

Let's see how much of their staff has been or will be reduced to part time, as Sallow mentions. That's the key that you silly pinheads overlook in the very first paragraph.

Most large corporations both public and privately held have reduced many of their employees to part time in order to duck the ACA laws.
So, instead of blaming the incompetent Democrats who WROTE the law...you blame the companies taking advantage of the law.

So what? what does this have to do with the current ruling?

nobody? Okie dokie....

anyways the simple fact is the amount of Full time people are going to be limited to a small group while the bulk will be part-time employees. Thus they can skip paying most of them insurance etc.

this has been going on for years at retail stores.

I don't think anyone implied that their pay has anything to do with the ruling.

then why bring it up? if not to not make hobby lobby look evil.

Please....try again
So, in summary, HL does something the left insists it should...and you morons STILL shit all over them.

If you don't like it, don't shop there. Go buy your glue to sniff somewhere else.

But for the love of Gaea, stop believing you should have a say in how they operate.
Why isnt the title of this Hobby Lobby pays people more than they are worth?

Or "Hobby Lobby creates living wage for peple who clearly dont deserve it"

or "Hobby Lobby overpays lazy people rewarding them for not making themselves marketable"

Hobby Lobby can do what it sees fit. its when government forces businesses to pay more than an employee is worth that there is a problem.

And at $9.50 an hour part time, and $14 an hour full time to start, Hobby Lobby probably gets a better quality of employee.
Ya, for $14/hour you can get someone who went clean through the 8th grade!
Let me guess -- you have $60,000 in student loan debt for a Master's in something squishy and useless that has prepared you for an exciting career in the fast food industry.
Why isnt the title of this Hobby Lobby pays people more than they are worth?

Or "Hobby Lobby creates living wage for peple who clearly dont deserve it"

or "Hobby Lobby overpays lazy people rewarding them for not making themselves marketable"

Someone here said you could use trained monkeys to work a McDonald's. How much harder is working at Hobby Lobby?

A lot harder...about double harder. But now I fear that prices at Hobby Lobby will go thru the roof since "the employers pass the cost onto the consumer". Oh dear lord how will anyone afford another nickle in costs?
RTFA. It's from last year. Prices have already gone up.

Good Gaea, has any single one of you actually DONE anything to merit the ridiculous amount of arrogance you display?

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