Hochul Orders National Guard In to NYC Subways

Are the National Guardsmen properly trained for police work? ... I was in the Air Force and we had our own police ... special training and special authority ... guarding F-16's and C-17's ... most commonly known as MP's ... like in the movies with the little arm band ... or do you want to give solder-jockeys an M-60 and say "have fun" ... we were trained to kill without remorse, sure would clean up the crime ...

Of course ... spending more money on police units will reduce crime ... but only if you increase jails, courts, judges, lawyers, prosecutors ... and more jails ... taxes go up or have folks defend themselves ... let the women shoot their assailants and I think we'll be on the right road, them them to aim for the balls ...

... and if HARD LABOR is cruel and unusual ... then there's no more construction ... dig a hole and live there ...
In what is a “go figure”, moment for thinking humans, the Dem / Marxist defund the police movement, while trendy among the leftists, was sure to be a disaster.

While it could not have been a surprise to anyone that the Dem / Marxist policies of coddling criminals, no bail and refusals to prosecute crimes would only encourage crime, “thinking humans” is not an attribute tied to Dems / Marxists.

Otherwise, I have a suspicion that there may be credible terror attack threats as a result of Biden’s open borders. Crowded subways would be a high value target for the terrorist “got aways” who are a part of Biden’s “newcomers”.

Thats pretty messed up.
Are they armed?... because if not this is a very bad idea... do they have police powers?... if not its a dangerous waste of effort... all for show and tell...



When NYC was in chaos years ago, America's mayor, Rudi Giuliani, fixed it by going back to basics and letting law enforcement do their jobs. NYC is in chaos today because the democrat party's agenda is in chaos from the top down. Federal troops ain't going to fix it.
So crime is up, not down?

Does the NG stay for a week? What’s the point? Criminals will commit street crimes where there are fewer police. With no bail laws and corrupt DA’s who won’t prosecute, criminals will only face a temporary inconvenience.

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